Character's real name: Lee SunMi

Stage name: SunMi

Position: Main Singer

Ethnicity: [Must be asian, or half asian] Full Korean

Age: [16-21] 18

Birthday: [MM,DD,YYYY] 10,10, 1994

About yourself: SunMi is a very bubbly, sweet, polite, gentle girl.

Shes very smart and likes to go to school.

She never cries, or atleast tries not to show it.

She really good at singing, she can sing very high and very low and she loves to dance too.

She hates it whan people are mean, rude, and snobby.

She LOVES dogs.

She always helps and sticks up for the other members, who are like her sisters.

She loves to laugh and always wants be happy in life and live positivley. Her favorite color is pink.


Family Background: She is an only child. And her mom, Lee JiWon is a single parent.

Her dad left when she was young. Her mom never made enough money at her work.

Which meant that they moved a lot, so SunMi was never used to having friends for a long time.

She hopes with the money she makes she will be able to help her mom.

Life story:  When SunMi was younger she used to be bullied and the only way she was able to

let go of that pain was by art and music and sing her heart out. She never told her mom about

being bullied because she didn't want her mom to stress and be worried about her. She wishes to

always try her best in life and doesn't want anyone to worry about her because she doesn't want to

feel like a burden to others. Shes tries to always be positive and happy but sometimes her saddness

and anger just unleashes.







                   (Ulzzang Pony)

EXTRA! Celebrity love interest? Crush?: Kim MyungSoo/L of Infinite

P.S I hope you like it!!!! :)


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