Key's lips....are like Mika's??

So, I'm also a big fan of English singer Mika! He is awesome and the way he dresses is like WOWZA! (as you can see from my story, I am a er for fashion) (a)

And then I came across this on my tumblr, which caused major swoons and s:

Warning: the content that is about to be shown might cause dangerous high amounts of fangurling and s.


OMG! the last one on the right hand side just finished me off!

But then they reminded me of Mika's lips:


They both have perfect shaped lips no comment about that! 

So any other comparsions? From the K-pop industry or even outside the industry??

Comment below! :) 


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@JulietteWay Yeah, they are beautiful! <3~<br />
@pencilcase1991 they are the prettiest, iest and gorgeous :)