Help with Formal?

I'm so sorry that I keep blogging today. (I stayed home because I'm sick -__-) I'm sorry if my blogs annoy you guys! D:


But anyways, formal is coming up in my school...


And I don't know what to wear!! :( :P So I'm going to put up some pictures here and you comment on what I should wear, arasso? :)




Or some dresses, idk. I like short dresses the best. Comment picture link so I can see if you have any ideas! :)


But for formal, you can wear ANYTHING. And my dance crew is going so we're wondering if we should wear hip-hop clothes. My school's formal don't really care what you wear. (As long as it's not a bikini or some sort of crap.) The theme is "suppose" to be a masqurae fling but nobody likes it so hardly anybody will dress the theme. :P


I'm not a girly girl though and I do NOT wear skirts and/or dresses at all. Well, rarely dresses but only when it's a big celebration. And I couldn't find any short black and yellow dresses that I really liked..:( (I like the colors a lot because it's different from everybody else's ;D)


Comment to help me pweese?


(Lol, me when I'm sick. Meow:3 ^^)


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Yendi_Heart #1
I liked the second one, but if you like black. Here are some options:
Hope it helps ;)
First: You're so cute!
Second: I like the second dress the best.
Third: I really dig the idea of you and your crew going in hip hop-ish clothes ^_^
KISSmeBecca #3
Personally, my fave is the third one. ^^