~ Top Secret Application ~




AFF Username- shawol4lifeminnie

AFF Profile Link- http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/47080



Name– Choi Yoo Jung/Valerie Choi

Nickname(s)– Layla, Viper, Dark Knight, Sergeant Choi, Shikshin (person who can eat a lot), Junggie

Persona- The Ice Princess

Age– 20 (Korean age, birthday has not passed yet, or whatever time you decide to start the story)

Birthday- December 14, 1992


Personality– Layla. Smart. Beautiful. Caring. Stubborn. Mysterious. Distant. Layla was raised by two very prestegious parents. Her father, an agent in the BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit) and the mother, a college professor. Growing up, she was known as the perfect daughter. She was polite, humble, modest, pretty, and intelligent.

However, things changed due to certain situations in her life (will be stated in Background). Due to these problems, Layla began to drift away from reality. She became distant and quiet. She kept all her feelings to herself. Under her tough, bitter exterior, she is still a caring and polite person. Although parts of her old self show up, they are quiet rare to see.

After these certain incidents, Layla decided to run away to Seoul at the age of 12 and lived in an abandoned boxing gym. She spent her time practicing her fighting skills, reading, as well as secretly fighting justice for people on the streets. She was and still is determined to put right into the society so that others will not have to suffer like she did.

When she was discovered by TOPS, she was very stubborn and reluctant to join. But after months of persuasion, she finally accepted. She is still distant from the other spies, but she is slowly learning to accept them. She is very into her job at lets nothing get in the way of her and her missions. She is able to change her personality completely when working on a case. Her beauty is a curse amongst many men which she uses to her advantage. She is sort of able to seduce men. Although she hates acting totally different from what she is normally like, Layla must bear with it for the sake of her job. When put in charge of anything, she becomes very naggy. Her heart is still closed to others, so she never loves anyone or actually learned what love (except family love) is truly about.


Background– Yoo Jung was born in Daegu, South Korea. At the age of 4, she already knew how to read and do pre-algebra. She moved to Quantico, ia at the age of 6 where she changed her name to Valerie (meaning “strong”) and expanded her knowledge. She learned many advanced subjects at a tender age as well as many languages (English, Japanese, Chinese, French, and Italian) and instruments (violin, flute, guitar, piano, voice). She impressed many of her father’s co-workers with her advanced skills and they taught her the ways of profiling, self-defense, and weapon handling.

On the day of her 12thbirthday, her father suddenly disappeared while working on an ongoing case in Michigan. She was very devastated. The following day after she attended school (college), she found her mother dead on the kitchen surrounded in a pool of blood. A symbol was carved on her mother’s back. To this day, no one knows of the cause of death.

After a few months, Valerie could no longer handle living alone in the very country her parents left her, so she took some belongings left by her parents and moved to Seoul. There, she found an abandoned boxing gym and lived the rest of her days there. On the first week of her stay in Seoul, she witnesses a homeless woman being attacked by a drunk man. With the fighting skills that she learned, she was able to save the woman from further danger. From then on, Valerie knew what she wanted to do: stop injustice in any way possible. Every night, she would disguise herself and roam the streets looking for people in danger. People in the streets called her the “Dark Knight”.

TOPS dicovered her when she was 14. They watched her single-handedly fight 5 gangsters who were attacking a young woman. They monitored her, found out her background, and soon decided to put her into the agency. When they went to talk to her about it, she was surprised they knew so much about her and that they knew that she wanted to stop injustice. Valerie thought they were fakes and stubbornly turned them down. Seeing that she would not cooperate, TOPS spent months trying to get her to reconsider. Finally, she did. Her name changed to Layla (dark and beautiful) and became well known to all agents and worker in the agency.



Lee Jae Hwa (mother) – deceased

Choi Il Saeng (father) – MIA


Likes – Food, sleeping, singing when no one is around, talking leisurely walks, visiting orphanages, music

Dislikes– Criminals, overly happy people, people disturbing her sleep, people outside the agency who try to get to know her better, skinship

Habits– destroying anything in her way or throwing a fit when she is angry, sleeping in random places at random times, gets cranky and moody when woken up, picks in the newbies in the agency, calls people by nicknames that she chooses for them based on first impression

Hobbies– playing her instuments, practicing her fighting skills, reading


Height: 162 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Layla only shows her old self towards children

Keeps an old photo album of her parents with her

Loves ballad songs

Needs reading glasses

She is entitled to all the money her parents made, but does not use any of it


Spy skills/specialties



Hand-to-hand combat



Advanced senses




When people bring up her past

Cannot swim




APPEARANCE (make sure she matches your personality)

Ulzzang Name– Pony (Park Hye Min)






(her rare smile)


Backup Ulzzang– Do Hwe Ji




(her rare smile)


Fashion: Layla has this preppy and casual look. On occasions, she will wear girly clothing depending on what she feels and if it is necessary to.













Casual Dresses





Disguises– Depends on what scenario

Dark Knight



Spy Work-





Casual Work



Dresses for missions








Love Interest– 1) Baekhyun, 2) Chen, 3) Chanyeol

His personality

Baekhyun:He is a very warm and funny guy. There is rarely any chance of him not smiling. He loves making others happy. He tries to open up people and give advice on their problems.

Chen:Chen is a warm and caring guy. Although he is shy when he meets girls, he gradually warms up to them and shows them his true fun, caring, and sweet side. Even though he has all these qualities of a good person, he is actually one of the bad guys. His father is head of a mafia so Chen literally has no choice but to be one of the bad guys.

Chanyeol:His baby face contradicts his deep, soothing voice and cocky, flirtatious personality. He is the type to mess with any girl. Deep down inside, he is warm and sweet and truly cares for his friends.

Bad guy or good guy

Baekhyun:Good guy

Chen:Bad guy

Chanyeol:you can choose ^_^

How you two act around each other-

Baekhyun and Layla:When Baekhyun first meets her at TOPS (he’s one of the computer nerds), he is intrigued by her mysterious aura and really wanted to get to know her better. However she pushes him away. Baekhyun in pretty stubborn about it and wants to become close to her and to open up her cold heart. Along the way, he begins to develop feelings for her as she starts to slowly open up to him. Layla starts to feel differently around Baekhyun as well now that they are sort of close. But since she is too innocent about love, she doesnot know what her feelings are.

Chen and Layla:Chen first saw Layla fighting off his gang’s rivals, when she was 17. He was quite terrified of her skills at a young age. He soon found out information about her and secretly watched her everyday. He fell for her at a distance. They have never officially met, but he knows a lot about her, even the fact that she is a TOPS agent. Layla suspects the father as the murderer of her mother, so she somes to hate Chen as well. However, his personality proves Layla that he is not like his father and she gradually accepts him.

Chanyeol and Layla:Chanyeol was one of the homeless boys that Layla saved. He is also one of the only people that found out the Dark Knight’s true identity. Instead of expressing his gratitude of her saving him, he hit on her and tried flirting with her. She was and still is disgusted by his cockiness and tries to avoid him and ignore him at all costs, but he always comes back. The more he spends time with Layla, the more she sees Chanyeol’s true nature and starts to feel something but does not know what.

Enemies/Rivals– You can choose

Why are you two rivals-



scene requests - When Layla finally discovers that she truly loves her love interest and becomes her old bright self, I’d like something terrible to the love interest that puts Layla to an even deeper state of depression and she attempts to kill herself and encounters a near-death experience.

I’d also like a sweet but akward date scene that does not come out the way they expected it to be.

And maybe a reunion with her missing father. If that’s not too much to ask. ^_^

questions/comments/suggestion – This story seems very interesting an I hope that is will come out successful. I wish you luck and I hope to see great potential in this. HWATING!!! ^_^

Do you want to be the leader – not really…

Why? What do have that gives you the rightful position? – Layla gets too bossy and naggy when put in charge. Besides she’s normally quiet, so she would fit to be a leader. 


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