

Username: shawol4lifeminnie

Profile Link:

About your Character :


Name: Park Kyu Yeon/Karen Park

Nickname: Kari, Choding, Ms. Know-It-All

Birth date: Feb. 14, 1992

Age: 21 (in korean)

Weight: 46 kg

Height: 164 cm

Ethnicity: British-Korean

Language: English, Korean, French

Blood Type: O

What You look Like:


Ulzzang Name/ Picture Links: Seo Ji Hye

Back-Up Ulzzang Name – Park Ji Hyun


Stage Appearance :


Stage Name: Kari

Persona: The Innocent Choding


1. triple threat

2. main dancer

Personal Fan Club Name: 3cence (combinations of triple threat (3) and innocence) or Kariholics

Trainee background :


Trainee time: 6 years

How were you chosen?: She was scouted when seen performing at a freestyle competion in a park

What song did you sing at the audition?: Celine Dion – To Love You More

What did you dance to?: Destiny’s Child Lose My Breath

What did you rap to?: Tasha (Yoon Mi Rae) - Memories



Skills (these will be used in selecting the positions):

Vocal skills:

Rapping skills:

Dancing skills:

Your Personal and Social Life:


Siblings/Job/Age: Park Kyu Ri/Diane Park|Student|17


Kyu Yeon is very intelligent and bright. She is a peacemaker and people normally go to her for advice. She is very observant and is able to detect small and simple mistakes or mishaps. Her innocence is a weakness to many. She unintentionally manipulates others with her natural aegyo and beauty. She loves learning knew things and can be found in a library or outside studying nature. She loves music and is always listening to songs or playing her instruments. Kyu Yeon is very modest and doesn’t flaunt her abilities. When she performs she is very into it and turns into a different person. Kyu Yeon likes to treat others as her equal. She likes to plan ahead of time. Kyu Yeon has a 4D personlity that no one understands.

Although she is always smiling and bright, she holds in a lot of her feelings and secrets. Even though she trusts her friends, she is unable to express her true feelings towards them. Her innocence can be troublesome. She does not understand relationships or love between people. When she is angry, which is rare, she loses her temper and will go somewhere to let it all out. When she is put in charge of something, she gets uptight and bossy. When she is asked to work under pressure, she panics and throws tantrums.


Bites her nails, lips, or hair when nervous

 purses lips and puffs out cheeks when in deep thought

talks to herself

rants about her problems to no one in particular


Volunteering at a local orphanage

reading books


practicing in the dance studio

Rival(s): [Optional]

Love Interest(s): Infinite: Kim Myungsoo, Backup – SHINee: Choi Minho

Relationship with Love Interest:

Myungsoo: Met at a bakery when they were 16 and she accidentely spilled tea on him. He fell in love with her at first sight. They did not meet again until her debut day. She gets tingly sensations whenever she is around him, but does not know why due to her obliviousness.

Minho: best friends since she was 11. Minho is secretly in love with her, but she is oblivious to his feelings.


Absolutely LOVES bubble tea.

Has an obsession of button pins.

Can play the piano, guitar, and flute.

Although she is British, she does not have a very distinct accent. She was originally born in Manhattan, New York but moved to the UK when she was 7.  She then moved to Korea when she was 11.

Learned how to dance by watching dance shows and taking dance classes.

Tries to contact or visit family and friends whenever she has the time.

Loves to take pictures.

Ideas :


Your desired fanclub name for the group : Ultimate

Your desired debut song : Way to Go - SNSD

Your desired album and the list of songs: Our Time

Way to Go – SNSD

Step By Me – f(x)

Lovey Dovey – T-ara

Thrill Love – f(x)

Boys and Girls – SNSD 


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