Bullying isn't and was never cool.

You already know that the topic for this blog is bullying. It is and was never cool. People get bullied from the internet, physically, verbally, etc everyday. And I really hate bullies.


I hate despise them more then carrots.


Now here's a question for all of you readers. Who here has been bullied?


I know I have. I've been called fake, a hermaphrodite, Barbie (The bad kind. It kind of goes along with the name 'fake'), a b*tch, a stupid h*e, ugly, fat, mean, and some other things that I forget. Of course I've never liked to be called that. Nobody does. But I've always brushed it off my shoulders, not caring about what people say or how they judge me.


But that changed after a little while. Some of those words got super glued into my mind. Then I went on a diet (or at least tried to XP) and wanted to wear sweatpants and hide my face a lot because I didn't want to be called fake.


Then something slapped in my face one day saying, "Bridget, since when do you care what people call you?! I know that that's not the real you. Just stop this crap right now and don't care what people say. They're just losers."


Now I'm back to the old me:), but those words still bounce around in my head. It doesn't really get to me anymore though because I know that they're the losers who have nothing better to do but to make fun of me and other.



The point of my story is that don't let people bully you. If you do, it'll just get worse. Please, don't care what people call you because if you do the slightest, it will get in your head somehow. Tell somebody or tell the bullies straight up in their faces. I do that now and they turn around to walk away, knowing that they lost this fight.


And if you see somebody else getting bullied, stand up for them man/girl! I do that all the time and seeing their smiles just plastered on their faces makes me feel amazing. If you already do that, GOOD FOR YOU! WOO HOO~!


So just please remember this blog post because I really mean everything that has been typed here. And everything is true on here too. If you ever need somebody to talk to, just PM me and I promise I'll make you smile. :{D


Oh, and please remember one more thing....


You are always loved. <3


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Amen! Saving good kids from idiotic bullies should be my job ^^ But getting paid isn't necessary. Their smiling faces and thanks is like money for me <3
@NumberOneShawol ~ I get called those certain names too but those fake girls don't know anything about you. Their pathetic cowards who think they're all that and a bag of chips. I could just punch them right now D:<
@AlmightyDivaKey ~ NEVER say you aren't loved! You're loved by me at least. I don't care if we've never met face to face before, I love you girlie. <3 (And I'm happy you save kids from bullying. It makes such a difference in their life:])
Please. I'm never loved. My parents are distant from me. They don't know me at all, and I always save kids from bullying.

But like I said, no one will ever love me. No one does.
I know how you feel, well sort of. I always get bullied for being overweight and i'd get called ugly now and again, but things have changed ever since i started cyber school because i dont have to deal with the real fake es at my school that think they're better than everyone else