dbskgirl4ever's haters.

WARNING: this is gonna be so fuqin' long. unless you don't have the time to hate on dbskgirl4ever, pls do read and disagree with my points supporting her when you feel like it.

I'm not being a busybody or whatsoever. usually, I just ignore and keep my own opinions to myself when I see her blog posts.

I'm, obviously, on dbskgirl4ever's side. lol.

tbh, I'm not her biggest fan or whatever, nor am I her hater. I just read some of her stories and like it.

I don't love the author because of her stories but rather, I love the stories because it's nice.

I can't love her just because of her stories when I don't know her, right? I can't hate her either.

I hope that you people won't twist my words into saying that this blog post is fuqin' biased, 'cos that's what people like to do.

this is a say for justice and practicality! (lol, I sound like some politician).

and I've read those "hate blogs" like a few weeks ago and some just today but I never said anything 'cos I don't wanna get involved. but, I seriously gotta say out my opinion this time.

there was a blog post asking how dbskgirl4ever updates so fast (it's not a hate blog) but somehow, the comments turned into saying that she has such simple and cliche plots so it's easy to write or she doesn't put much effort into her work or etc.

that's probably true, who knows? but we can't judge since we don't know her.

then, there's that thing about deleting comments.

there was this blog post I read saying how she deletes comments. fine, she admits she does. and I totally get it.

I mean, who would wanna keep comments that hate on her story, right? lol.

but, then, this person concludes from the fact that she deletes comments that she only keeps comments saying things that they love her story and stuff like that because the comment that had been deleted was a comment questioning her stories cos she's confused.

but, like I said, we don't know much about her since she doesn't reveal so much about herself. so, how exactly can you conclude something like that?

in dbskgirl4ever's previous blog post, she said that she has a mouse that doesn't work very well so she might have accidentally delete it.

fine, you can say that she's lying or whatever because it's too much of a coincidence but HOW DO YOU KNOW?

truthfully, I don't mind people's opinions UNLESS it's unpractical. like, how can you judge? if there's no evidence, don't make a conclusion. -.-

people also say how FAME has got to her that she doesn't reply to wall posts or comments much.

I admit, I used to think that too. (don't shoot me or whatever lol).

but, then, I thought about how SHE might think about it.

let's just say that if - IF! - you were her and you are really just too busy with school and to be replying to wall posts that are saying things like "I love your fanfic!! I love you so much!!" or "update soonnnn~!". even if you were to reply, it'd just be saying the same things like "thank you :)" or "okay!" which will then make people think that you're uninterested and replying for the sake of replying when that's really all you can say to posts like that lol. like, what do you expect her to say - "I LOVE YOU TOO! :D" ?

but, anyway, I was saying that IF you were her, you're seriously already too tired with school and making updates to satisfy your readers, and you had a choice whether or not to reply to comments or wall posts, what would you do?

cos, I sort of feel her pain lol. my school ends at like 7pm each day and I arrive home at like 9 (my house is far from school), cos I have extra classes or I'm studying at school. I know how tiring that is and I don't even take the time to update my stories unless I really have time. so, can you imagine the burden on her?

fine, you'll prolly say like, "but, if I was her, I'd still reply." but, the fact is you're NOT her and you don't know how her life is. she could be busy as hell while you come home at like 4-5pm and just do your homework. I might be contradicting by making you imagine yourself as her and saying you're not her so you can't judge. but, what I meant is, if you really can't imagine yourself in her shoes, then I'm saying that you don't understand her so you can't judge!

she has her reasons for not replying. then, again, she MIGHT think she's already "too famous" to do it, as you all like to say, but, like I said, you don't know her, so why do you conclude it that way? why not think positive and think things like, oh, she's busy so she'll reply to comments that are really that important.

if you REALLY want a reply from her, why not post something that would get her to reply?

okay, this blog post is getting a bit long, but this, I promise, is gonna be my last opinion.

you say that she's overrated and there are others who deserve her subscribers.

again with this question - how would you know? different people have different preferences. you might prefer that fanfic that's too "underrated" and not dbskgirl4ever's. but, maybe, she has so many readers and subscribers and comments saying they love her and her story because most of the population of readers in AFF is made of people who actually LIKE her story plots. even if "she re-uses it all the time" or "has such cliche plots".

you can't blame her for having that much readers for stories like that. it's what people prefer. just cos she "doesn't put enough effort" or whatever doesn't make her one to be blamed.

that's what she was tryna say in her blog post. she wasn't trying to be an attention seeker who wants to act modest. but, rather, she doesn't want to be thought as someone whose "fame has gotten to her". I got her point (I think?) but she prolly didn't phrase her sentence properly.

anyway, I was saying that if it really is what the readers like, then don't blame the author! she just likes writing and she's happy that people like her writing. stop saying she's got fame gotten all over her when you'd feel the same as her if YOU had 1000 subscribers.

it's what every writer wants - her stories to be loved.

so, in conclusion, I'd like to say:

don't you judge her when you don't know how she is in rl. I don't know her either but I don't judge her. and don't you twist my words into saying that I'm biased and contradicting! because, if you had read my blog post properly, I'm saying that it's up to you to think what you want but if you don't have evidence or don't personally know her, DON'T JUDGE. if you think she changed, I think she matured. you can't be the same for the rest of your lives. one way or another, you're gonna get some workload as you grow. (like, I had homework EVERY DAY when I turned 13, js).

if you don't like her story plots; if you think it's cliche; if you think she doesn't put in effort and doesn't deserve the support she gets, then, DON'T. READ. go stick to the fanfics you think is "underrated". stop acting like some considerate who wants people to get what they deserve. if that author doesn't think that she deserves it, what makes you, a reader, to judge that she does deserve it. LEAVE HER ALONE. it's not like she joined AFF and write stories with ambitions to be famous. you don't know.

and just to clear up, I'm NOT trying to prove to you that she's right and . she might be a bad person, idk. I'm saying that you shouldn't go post blogs or comments print-screening what she does and judging her from it. I'm just pointing out the reasons of what may or may not be her actual reason for doing things, get it? it's up to you to think what you want, but don't accuse her of .

[EDIT] I agree with what she said in her blog post: "I'm not famous or popular." she wasn't "acting" modest or humble. because I don't think she's famous; famous isn't the right word. I think "known" is more appropriate.



to you people against dbskgirl4ever and don't agree with my blog post, go on and comment or post on my wall about how I was being too "contradicting" and "biased".

just remember to be practical, 'k?


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lullabaek #1
Sorry but does she was too busy for accept my friend request? I request like a 2 week ago. t^t i really want to read her fanfic.
I like what you wrote.
It is practical and mature.
I thank you for it.
I really like it when people are level headed. ^_^
I agree to this :) thank you for reminding me of not to judge a person if u don't know her/him in real life. I almost went on a rampage when reading one blog that said she deletes hateful comments, but true, who would want that lying around. Rational and constructive criticism is nice, but bashing and hateful comments? *shakes head no* if u ask me about readers being confused, hey she has her reasons, wether u believe it or not.
'she said that she has a mouse that doesn't work very well so she might have accidentally delete it.'
I'm sorry but that is some completely bullsh*t, your mouse cannot just 'magically' delete comments. It will be your computer's/laptop's problem not the mouse.
I remember the time when I use to read her fics, idk what I was thinking. They are not good(?) (sorry there's no nicer way to say it), mainly directed to twelve to fourteen years old, but her older stories are pretty nice.
Again this is purely my opinion lol
dbskgirl4ever is a great author, i've read her stories when i was in another site. I love her stories, she's a very nice person with great ideas...hope many people would support her...
if you hate a hater, does that make you a hater too? lol

Don't get me wrong, it's nothing related to dbskgirl4ever. I'm just curious...
Where the hating blog?
Btw, hating is bad for your health.. I hate haters too, well depends ^^
I totally agree with everything you said on top, not because I'm biased or what, but what you just said totally made sense, and that's what I thought too! No matter how 'cliche' or 'common' her stories can get, I still love them. There's always a reason why she still has so much subscribers and it's pretty much because the stories are nice! Even I love her stories so much that I got so upset when she privated most of them. T_T But anyway, haters gonna hate; can't be bothered to deal with them.

Still, I just want you to know that I totally agree with whatever you just said!! :)
i hate how they can bring someone down for the sake of what? inflating their own self-esteems?
i hate how they never think of the consequences of what they write~ i mean like, if i was dbskgirl4ever, i would feel so sympathetic for her, to have so many haters and bashers and still be able to go on~ "YOU GO GIRL~!"
Oh and P.s. for all you haters back there, it's not called constructive criticism if you guys are like "Her stories are SO CLICHE~!"
go whine to your parents, people like that make ME SICK, to think that they could be so much like a cyberbully~
god, i agree, if you don't want to read them, THEN FREAKING DON'T!!!
*idiots much?*
Hope you don't mind me commenting ^^

I don't really like DBSKGirl4ever's stories, I say 'hello' to her every now and then; congragulate her on getting featured, and that's about all the communication I have with her ^^;

She seems like a nice girl who just writes for fun, not to get featured as everyone claims :/ And the system is the one that chooses who gets featured; not the site owner or any of the mods, THE SYSTEM.

She didn't ask to be featured. Have the hater's that REALLY hate her, actually read all of her stories? Highly doubt it.

By hater's I don't mean the ones that give her constructive criticism, that's good to have if you want to write so you can improve on your writing it's not a bad thing to get that :) However I don't think rudeness is nescessary in criticism either so I feel for her on that part, if she's gotten rude criticism.

Anywho back on topic here.

People can choose to read her stories or not. I choose not too, because...they don't fascinate me sorry to say :(

Those that do read them and whine and moan about them, ranting about them in blogs please...she didn't ask you to read her stories did she? You brought that on yourself by reading something you dislike or even hate.

The 'war' is over people.

DBSKgirl said her apologize's and realized what she done. The hate blog she wrote? It was only directed to the HATERS. Not the ones that review her stories if I read it correctly.

Again I hope you don't mind me commenting, sorry if what I say offends you :) I don't like nor hate DBSKgirl. I just think she's an 'ok' writer, not the best writer on here but decent enough.
My twinnie is so wise. :roll:
But yes I do agree with your post. These haters are IODHSOIDHASID.
I agree 100% with dreamkeeper_88. :) dbskgirl4ever 4EVER. :)
eveiefa #13
hemm, they just envy to her. ckckck what a pitiful haters.

Very well said. Fck the haters lol (: