what to do what to do wwyd

hi i'm on my phone and it's 5.30AM. i haven't gotten any sleep and this is probably the 20th consecutive day of my not sleeping properly. i hate myself for living this type of thug lyfe BUT JXJXSH i have officially screwed up my bedtime :-) i haven't even done any homework and i'm suddenly posting a blog after sooooo many months bECAUSE


i have so many unfinished stories which i dont even know how to finish and i keep coming to a dead end where idk what to do with my story idk whERE TO GO IM JUST LOST AND I NEED ADVICE

DO ANY Of u have any idea how to continue a story when u have re-written a chapter 5 times and u hate every single attempt?? I really want to finish the story but it's just this one part that's being a hugeass barriER RN helepeppelpehelp


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yulnvn #1
I leave it there and do other things until I feel like I want to.
hey bby ! have a break have a kitkat
ermmm...i'm not an expert...but i do undergoing the same process now...
all i can do now is try not to push myself too hard...
well, it helps...in a way, i do know how to continue the story without jamming my mind...
so, for now don't push yourself too hard...try to relax and cool your mind...then you'll be able to write...