Ⱡ☻$ɆⱤⱫ 💿♫ⱠɎ!  plotting . . .

status: plotting, open for collabs!

name: yang taeoh.
education: third year, majoring in film production (in the cinematography sector).
nickname(s): malewife, bouncer, bodyguard, our taurus man.
birthdate: april 22, 2001.
birthplace: not in seoul, korea.
hometown: not in seoul, korea.
ethnicity + nationality: korean.
languages: native korean, basic english.
faceclaim: just b's lim jimin.

personality: rough rundown: a hufflepuff with a slytherin exterior. looks like he's the dad friend against his will but is actually a tired, frazzled dad friend on his own accord. is running off an average of four hours of sleep and is merely functioning out of his sheer will. no, he does not depend on coffee and drinks it for the taste. a strong advocate for everybody's safety and health. will happily take care of things if people are being creepy, rude, or too rowdy. he only fears his sisters. does not care what you do as long as you do it safely/responsibly. has a clean slate among his peers and profs for his work ethic. he has a hard time trusting people with group projects, specifically because he's a bit picky in terms of his creative vision + their work ethic. becomes the embodiment of "fine, i'll do it myself" if he feels like people aren't pulling their weight. because of this, he does have the tendency of biting off more than he can chew. he's somehow survived by sacrificing his sleep. restless because he has the constant need to stay on top of things if he wants to do well in the industry he wants to go into. very cooperative and stays motivated if he's in a group setting he enjoys. the type to refuse to do things initially, only to find himself in that situation upon being met with persistence. outside of anything that's got to deal with creative projects, however, he's pretty easygoing for the most part!

background: nothing wild. both parents worked hard to provide for him and his older sisters (yang solbi, 1992 + yang shiha, 1997). the two sisters looked after him for most of his childhood, hence why he listens to them more. parents probably enrolled the three to taekwondo to give them some form of exercise (and to teach their daughters how to fight). taeoh got his handed to him many times during siblings squabbles because of this. probably got into videography because shiha needed somebody to record her dance covers after solbi went off to college. got impressed by the music videos she made him watch as reference and since then wanted to do things that had to deal with music videos.

dorm stuff: one of the people who can actually cook in the dorm, but he mostly cooks dinner. cleans as he goes. is put together enough to keep track of toiletries and the pantry. does the groceries. most likely has his friends + his dormmates dietary restrictions, allergies, and preferences memorized or at least listed down. does not mind cooking for people as long as they chip in for groceries or help out in the kitchen. the type to stay up and wait for you until he knows you've made it safely home. will probably be the supervision if they throw parties at the dorms. will happily walk people to point a to point b when it's dark out to ensure their safety. probably one of the uber drivers of the dorm, pay him back somehow pls. probably has a separate group chat between the dormmates dedicated to planning dinner bc the meal plans can get lost in the sea of other shenanigans if they discussed it in the regular dorm gc. the dormmates definitely take advantage of this dedicated group chat to drop links of recipes they want taeoh to try.

group + band stuff: their videographer + editor, but he's familiar across most adobe programs so if they really, really need a graphic designer too... also signed himself up to be the unofficial bodyguard. is ready to rumble if you heckle at any of the performers in his vicinity.

extras: proficient in braids and up-dos because shiha had nobody else to pester to do her hair. is used to carrying bc he's tagged along with his sisters shopping. is exactly the "my partner can wear whatever they want, i can fight" kind of person. actually, he does not need to be in a relationship to do that. becomes a very familiar figure in the party scene, but only because he's the assigned sober friend who brings everyone back home once the party's over (or they tap out). may or may not find himself helping people who are outside the friend group because he's built that safe reputation up. 

love story: taeoh swings both ways. collab underway for the love interest! a person who unwinds his restlessness. love interest may be a mutual friend or a dormmate who frequents the party scene and he finds himself looking after them a lot. he probably gets drawn in by their confidence and/or free spirit.


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a male wife, bouncer, and bodyguard hello??? taeoh looks so good already, he has my heart <3 can’t wait for a yanni-anne collab part 2 !!