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ki, sixty
FULL NAME jeannette yoon
jean is the name she most commonly goes by. she thinks jeannette is such a mouthful to say. she also finds it very odd whenever people call her jeannette.
eunbi 은비 is her korean name give by her parents. aside from her parents and korean relatives, it's also used in her korean language classes by her classmates and teachers. she doesn't introduce herself as jean in these classes but chooses to use her korean name instead. 
jeanyyy is her instagram handle. it has 3 'y's because jeany and jeanyy were taken when she tried to use those as her username.
BIRTHDAY 06/18, 21
BIRTHPLACE santa monica, ca
HOMETOWN santa monica, ca
UALITY biual
korean. she can speak in fluent korean because that's how her parents spoke to her growing up. most of her korean is self-taught from her parents or she just googles certain grammar or vocabulary. she also watches a lot of korean vloggers and drama so she picked up the language there as well. jean definitely does not think her korean is in the vernacular but she can get by with conversing, writing and understanding.
japanese. advanced. she's currently learning japanese right now. if it weren't for her japanese roommate, jean would definitely not be able to pick up japanese as fast as she did.
she can also speak basic french and spanish as she picked up both languages in high school. however, she doesn't have a very wide range of vocabulary so she's only able to say a few basic sentences.
FACECLAIM kim dahyun (twice)
choi yoojung (weki meki)
APPEARANCE 157 cm, 47 kg.
she has perfect skin and rarely gets any acne. people always ask her what her skincare routine is but it only consists of her cosrx cleanser + water.
dahyun i can't stop me era.
STYLE jean's signature college look is the denim jacket that she puts on right before she leaves the house. she also doesn't care that she wears her denim jackets with denim jeans and is unfazed when people comment on it. 
during colder seasons, jean wears her denim jacket over her hoodies.
she prefers wearing oversized clothing to tight-fitting clothing or crop tops but isn't completely against wearing the latter. she definitely values comfort over style but she does own a couple just in case she has to look more well-put together. she also has began to develop the habit of wearing her roommate's nicer clothing when she goes out because her fashion sense is so much better.
she can look well put together if she tried but usually gets too lazy, especially when she knows she's just going to classes. if she's going to a party or if she's going out with friends, jean tends to put in more effort.
big hearty laughs / submitting a love confession to the school's confession page / never having matching socks / 9657 meme folders / watching sad romance movies at 2am, she hides her tears by making fun of the characters / wants to be a sk8ter girl but doesn't know how to skate / missing appointments you didn't know you had / tripping over nothing / oversharing stories no one asked you to
esfp. hufflepuff. chaotic good.
relaxed, friendly, comical, spontaneous, sentimental unambitious, irresponsible, disorganised
if first impressions matter, jean seems like the kind of person who doesn't know what she's doing. you can find her always fooling around, making a mess, spacing out, disturbing her friends, being a public nuisance and not doing much to positively contribute to society. for the most part, it's because she just wants to take life a day at a time and not worry too much about what's going to come next. she lives in the moment and doesn't have much ambition for her future. being too committed to something at any one point in time scares her so she likes to live her life free of expectations and responsibilies in order to free herself from the shackles that is the market economy...
one thing she is good at, though, is making people laugh with her strange but funny sense of humour. she's always there to loosen up the atmosphere when things get a little too tense for her liking. she often acts blur and clumsy on purpose just to make her friends laugh, which fits in with her self-deprecatory humour wherein she jokes about the inevitability of her failures and incompetencies. aside from making her friends laugh, she also sees it as a coping mechanism. if she can make her problems and shortcomings into jokes... then they shouldn't be that bad, right?
aside from her sleepy face during her classes, jean's signature look is the bright, dopey smile that she wears on her face once she's out of the classroom doors. she makes friends easily and seems to know everyone on campus (the amount of people jean waves to on campus is way too many to count) and it's just easy to chill and vibe with her. she treasures the friends she has and the people she meets a lot, even if it's just for a brief moment. she's extremely sentimental and makes it a point to always tell her friends how much they mean to her! her love language is definitely words of affirmation so she tends to do the same to the people she loves.
jean is the type of clown that is able to make others laugh and is also the type of clown that, somehow, always seems to mess things up. she's not the best at fact-checking, in fact, she's not the best at checking at all. she just does what she thinks is right which often ends up being the direct opposite of what she's supposed to be doing. jean constantly feels like shes a mess — she often gets losts, forgets deadlines, important dates and other responsibilities that she has to finish. jean believes that she messes things up more than she does things right. she's very prone to clowning herself and accidentally causing more problems to herself and the people around her. she's far from the organised and well-put together type of person that she wants to be.  
while it definitely appears like jean does not have her life in check, she actually does well in both her academic and work life. jean is a hard worker when she puts her mind to it (this doesn't come very often though...). since she's a grade A procrastinator, she has learnt to cope with doing last minute assignments very well and often submits them one or two minutes right before the deadline. she might play very hard but she works fast too (doing work fast doesn't always mean her work is good but she thinks she tries her best). jean is also rather fickle minded and indesicive, not knowing exactly what her plan is because she comes up with too many of them. she's more of a follower than a leader — often just joining in on whatever her friends are doing just for the sake of having a good time but she hates to be the one to initiate anything. jean is a major people-pleaser and would hate to turn anyone down and make them upset (even if they don't really care). still, jean would not hesistate to call people out on their behaviour if she sees that it's against her morals. while she might seem like a pushover at times as she lets most things slide and does let herself get used as a punching bag at times, jean will fight for what she stands for and doesn't mind arguing or fighting with others to get her point across.
similar to hoshi from seventeen, chaeryeong from itzy, taemin from shinee
BACKGROUND jean grew up in a low to middle income family. her parents are first generation immigrants who worked on the beachfront — her mother worked as a ticketing staff at the amusement park while her dad worked as a chef in one of the hotels located near the beach. the family of 3 had just enough to ensure that they could get food on the table everyday and that jean could live a comfortable life. jean was honestly thinking of not applying to college just because of how expensive it would be. her parents were able to convince her to just apply for colleges in california and assured her that they had saved up enough for her college fund. with nothing else that she really cared about studying, jean chose linguistics because she liked learning new languages (she soon learnt that that was not what linguistics was about...).
maybe jean is just bad at planning her timetable for classes but she currently has to go to school from monday to thursday and can usually be spotted in the library (sleeping studying) or at the humanities and social sciences building.
🍇 introduction to japanese linguistics
🍇 japanese level 5
🍇 language and gender
🍇 practical phonetics
🍇 korean phonology and morphology
0930 - 1130: introduction to japanese linguistics
1400 - 1530: japanese, level 5
1000 - 1200: language and gender
1500 - 1630: practical phonetics
1900 - 2130:
yoga session
1030 - 1330: korean phonology and morphology
1400 - 1530: japanese language, level 5
1500 - 1630: practical phonetics
1900 - 2130:
yoga session
in class, most of her professors like her because she asks a lot of questions and speaks out in class whenever the teacher asks something. she's unlikely to be the one who'd help the professor when they ask for volunteers but at least she tries her best to pay attention. even though she always looks like she's playing around, lazing in her apartment and going out all the time, jean still manages to (try) her best to complete all her assignments on time and to the best of her abilities. she's definitely more on the play first, work later side of things which calls for a lot of late night studying and pulling a bunch of all-nighters, but she thinks it's worth it. she would definitely rather play and have fun than sit down and complete an assignment. her grades usually fall between the B+ to A- range but she has seen a couple Bs and As as well.
jean is currently working part time at at aliferous media (think of youtube channels like jubilee or cut) to help them subtitle their videos in korean and english. sometimes, she's also tasked to help with shoots and has to go down to the shooting venue to ensure that all the logistics is running smoothly and that the casts are well taken care of. she started working for them the year she entered college so it has been 3 years since she started with them. she only goes to the office on weekends but does complete any tasks she has on weekdays in the comforts of her apartment. she lives a 10mins car ride away from her campus in a two-room apartment with someone she had never met before. the rent was cheaper than if she had stayed on campus so jean took up the offer.
in terms of school clubs, jean is a member of the ucsf yoga club but isn't a regular attendee. she joined the club in freshmen year in hopes to make new friends and to have fun! she never really cared about the wellness and quiet aspect of yoga and tends to be the loudest and most chaotic one there. she does put in her all for stretches and pretends to fall down a lot to get some laughs out of the other people around her. the student instructor isn't a huge fan of jean but he can't deny that jean's form and ability is pretty good for someone who doesn't do yoga professionally. the sessions are on tuesday and thursdays nights but jean tends to only make her appearance on thursdays.
jean being a gemini for 10 minutes and 49 seconds straight
leaving the campus library @ 4am because we don't love ourselves enough
tutorial: how to transform into and embrace your inner e-girl w/ jean yoon
doing some yoga and breaking my back at the same time
🍇 talks to inanimate objects like theyre alive and always gives them names. 
🍇 has super weird eating habits. she likes to eat pizza with watermelon, peanut butter on her burgers, orange juice with oreos and eats lemons as snacks.
🍇also eats cereal by pouring the cereal flakes into an empty bowl, milk in a glass and using her spoon to scoop her cereal into the glass of milk.
🍇 is an emotional drunk and would either cry, overshare every minor inconvenience that's ever happened to her or ask questions that would appear on r/im14andthisisdeep.
🍇 never checks her emails but she replies to text messages instantly. doesn't with waiting to reply to someone because she likes to clear her notifications fast.
🍇 used to do english subs for korean variety shows like running man, 2 days 1 night and happy family but wasn't very consistent with it so she gave up. she still has a lot of unfinished files still in her laptop.
🍇 her friends are always surprised by the way she learns languages so quickly. one of jean's goals is to become conversational for at least 10 languages by the time she turns 30.
🍇 as much as she loves denim jackets and wearing button-ups over her shirts, she hates flannels with a burning passion. she doesn't know when it started but she just really hates the look of plaid... she feels like it looks so much like a picnic basket.
🍇 sometimes she accidentally posts photos meant for her private account on her main account and vice versa but she rarely takes them down unless her picture or caption cannot be seen by the 700+ people following her.
🍇 very very flexible. she's been flexible since she was young and never 'trained' for it. 
🍇 not the sportiest or the most athletic in the group but she can run a few miles before she falls because she ran out of breath.
🍇 has a new eye candy every few weeks. she says it keeps her life in college more entertaining. it's always good to look forward to seeing a handsome face when she's in school. she doesn't really flirt or act on it but she does always tell her friends which is always a big mistake...
🍇 has never had a serious relationship before because she has never treated any of her exes any different than she does with her normal friends. this has caused a lot of problems for her in terms of her relationships that never seems to last more than a few months. the last time she dated was in freshmen year. now, she's happy with daydreaming about the good looking people on campus.
🍇 she loves to go cafe hopping and loves to do mini photoshoots there. she puts on nice clothing and doesn't look like she just woke up (as compared to her usual fashion...) and does her makeup before leaving the house.
🍇 loves to read things about astrology and thinks it's really fun to see what the stars have predicted for the year. she might not entirely believe it but she likes to use it whenever it aligns with what's happening with her life or when it's to her advantage.
JEAN i failed my safety course in high school.
JUNO how come?
JEAN in one of the questions they asked, "in case of fire, what steps would you take?"
JUNO and?
JEAN apparently 'in large ones' isn't an acceptable answer.
WEBSITE confirm your password
JEAN, TYPING i confirm that this is my password.
WEBSITE incorrect password
JEAN, TO THE COMPUTER the bro i just confirmed it??
JEAN  how sure are you that this will work?
LEO about 7 - 8%
JEAN  alright, we have gone on much less.
JEAN i read that pets are important for home security
SUZY please don't tell me you bought a dog. that's against the contract.
JEAN a guy in front of me just walked into a lamp post and i was too busy laughing that i walked into the same lamp post.
JEAN his name is jungwoo and we are going for coffee tomorrow morning.
INTERVIEWER so, your resume says that you went to harvard?
JEAN yes
JEAN i was visiting a friend
JEAN do you have anything to say to me?
JUNO no. i don't.
JEAN okay, well. your horoscope said that you're keeping things form me. i don't want to call you a liar but the stars don't lie.
JEAN *sulking for 8 hours after visiting the aquarium*
SUZY what did you think a tiger shark was, jean?
JEAN, HOLDING A FRENCH FRY LIKE A CIGARETTE i don't know how i can get over it, you know?
JUNO just because the ice cream machine at macdonalds is broken?
[114 missed calls, 239 unopened messages from jean]
LEO, FREAKING OUT jean are you okay???? i was doing my test and i wasn-
JEAN i sent you a video of a dog eating pizza!! it reminded me of you!!
leo park friend
leo had accidentally applied for an advanced astronomy class in his first semester of sophmore year because he thought it was a class for non-science students to learn the basics about astronomy. when he thought he was the dumbest person in the world, he saw jean who looked like she was super lost and puzzled.
LEO hey, are you here for advanced astronomy? 
JEAN isn't this advanced astrology?
he soon found out that she had made same mistake as him. the only difference was that jean thought she had applied for an astrology class. he didn't know who was dumber (jean said that she's a freshmen so he shouldn't compare himself to her). for most of that semester, the two of them had no idea what was going on with that class but, with an endless amounts of late night studying sesions, they miraculously ended up passing. from then, they decided that they were good study buddies.
despite the fact that no longer take any similar classes, the two study together a lot. their study sessions are mostly just talking, ordering delivery from macdonalds and studying for about 10% of the time. they get along really well, mainly because they're quite similar in terms of their personality. he also appreciates that jean is always down for anything and isn't overly sensitive when it comes to jokes.
juno lim friend
jean's first impression of juno is that she's super scary and intimidating. leo had invited jean to the starbucks juno worked at to study. leo had promised that she would be getting a free drink and couldn't say no to free food. jean thought juno was super attractive but never really thought much. it was halfway through the study session when jean accidentally knocked over the table and the drink spilled everywhere that juno looked like she was going to cut jean's head off.
JEAN i'm sososo sorry!! [falls to the floor on her knees, her head hanging low] please forgive me. 
JUNO [laughing] fine. you're forgiven.
JUNO i haven't seen juno smile in years...
despite jean and leo's similarities, juno thinks that jean is more bearable to be around. juno also thinks that jean is funnier and more entertaining than leo, which is a plus for jean (not so much for leo).
isobe suzue roommate 
suzue, or more commonly known as suzy in america, is currently working as a nurse at the hospital. born and raised in japan, suzue moved to the US to start working and needed a roommate. jean, who desperately wanted to taste freedom, took on the offer. the price was slightly more expensive than staying on campus but jean didn't fancy staying in a campus dorm. when she saw that the person was a nurse, she thought she would meet someone gentle yet uptight. instead, she met suzue: a horrible procrasinator, super easy going and sleeps whenever she's not at work. jean made friends with suzy easily. while suzy was definitely more introverted, jean's corny jokes and interest in learning the japanese language made it easy for the two to get along. aside from that, both of them really loved to cook. they might not be very good but it's the process that they enjoy. suzy doesn't always approve of jean's strange creations but she always tries them, just for the fun of it.
other notes
🍇 dob, age: 27 april, 25
🍇 istp, ravenclaw, true neutral.
🍇 even though they have a schedule for house chores, suzy finds that she usually ends up doing them all since jean always seems to come home late. she doesn't really mind, though, and finds cleaning the floor and doing laundry quite therapeutic.
🍇 very fashionable and always buys nice clothes to wear. aside from going to work and meeting her friends, she doesn't really go out very often. jean uses this to her advantage to 'borrow' suzy's clothings since she's "not going to wear it anytime soon anyway".
adonis lee crush 
meet jean's newest eyecandy and latest boy crush, adonis. even though she's been friends with leo for her entire college life, she never had a crush on any of leo's friends. she was convinced that most of leo's friends were either already friends with her or they fell into one of these categories: weird, nerdy, obnoxious or attached. then, she learnt that leo and adonis weren't friends per say. adonis was also a senior majoring in film studies but he and leo hung out in different cliques. adonis was merely doing an group assignment with leo.  that was enough for jean to be completely infatuated with him. she finds any excuse to find leo just so that she can see adonis. leo definitely knows about jean's hopeless crush on adonis so he's trying to be a wingman for her. he definitely isn't doing a very good job at being secretive about it but at least he lets jean hang out around him when adonis is around. jean is 10000% sure that adonis knows about her crush on him because of how obvious leo is making it out to be (he does). he's a frat boy from sigma chi, captain of the baseball team and jean definitely thinks he's way out of her league.
other notes
🍇 dob, age: 15 november, 22
🍇 enfj, gryffindor, neutral good.
🍇 most people call him don.
🍇 a third generation korean and doesn't have a korean name. he cannot speak korean either but can understand a few words and phrases.
🍇 they met in the second semester of leo's third year and she's been crushing on him since then... he's probably the person whom jean has a crush on for the longest.
🍇 most people see him as the leader-type of person. he's very charismatic and knows how to gain people's attention and trust. he's also very helpful and reliable.
🍇 he thinks jean is kind of cute though...
fluent in 0 languages
what r u looking at????
COMMENTS this layout is inspired by this tumblr theme.
jean is basically the one friend that always sends memes into the gc and people either entertain her or judge her 3 idk if the layout will look a little strange when viewed on mac or phone so if it is please let me know and i will try to fix it :") oh and also, jean doesn't actually have a love interest. she just has a crush on adonis but they don't need to end up dating or anything. i'm also sorry if there are a lot of mistakes... i did this over a few days so please let me know if there are any inconsistencies or anything to change!!
it was easy for leo to convince jean to be a part of his videos. she loved the attention from the camera and also loved the idea of potentially making someone laugh when she's on screen. it felt natural for her to be on camera and she definitely doesn't shy away when leo points the camera in her direction. along side leo, jean is definitely perceived to be one of the louder, chaotic and energetic ones in the group. leo also frequently takes shots that doesn't exactly paint jean in the prettiest or cutest light but at least it's funny for the videos.
LEO hey you guys! i'm here for a study session with a friend! 
LEO she's always late. you'll get used to this. 
LEO, WHISPERING TO THE CAMERA jean, if you're watching is you owe me lunch.
LEO after one whole hour [panning the camera towards jean] jean yoon everybody!
JEAN hello hello! i'm jean and i'm leo's favourite study buddy!
LEO she's a linguistics major which means she knows how to speak a billion languages.
JEAN, IN KOREAN hello! i am eunbi.
JEAN, IN JAPANESE today's random leo fact is that he tore a huge hole in his pants during my yoga session yesterday! 
LEO i don't know what that means but i heard my name so could someone translate it in the comments juseyo.
LEO anyway, jean is finally not wearing a jean jacket !! i think we can all agree that she looks good in this red dress.
JEAN awww, thank you.
LEO and by 'we' i just mean don.
JEAN [gasping, eyes widening in shock] cut the camera you better edit this out before — [scene cut]
LEO jean went to go get some water and she's walking back but... [panning the camera to jean walking through the door] i think she's not okay.
JEAN [walking through the door with a cup of water between her two hands] i've acquired a new skill!
LEO i wouldn't call that a sk—
JEAN [accidentally dropping the cup and making a mess] i guess the skill was short-lived. but i will be practicing!
JEAN leo has entrusted me with his camera today to film my yoga sessions! after what happened last week he refuses to come in...
JEAN but anyway, i have a new guest today. drum roll please!
JEAN [panning the camera to juno] it's juno lim jugyeong!
JUNO i thought you're not allowed to film me.
JEAN you did but i disagree!
JUNO [frowning] okay bye. i have better things to do.
JEAN [making static noisesthere's been some technical difficulties. i'll be back! 
JEAN [shooting juno doing yoga from under the table cloth] i think i've found someone with almost no sense of balance.
JUNO i can ing hear you. [loses concentration and almost falls over]
JEAN [lowering the pitch of her voice] i'm not jean.
JUNO do i at least look good in the shot.
JEAN [still speaking in a lower octave] yes!
JUNO [shooting jean putting both her legs over her head] i swear she has no bones.
JEAN it's easier than it looks! try it, juno! [lifting herself off the floor with her hands and walks towards juno]
JUNO  off with that .
JUNO jean you better hurry the up before we leave
LEO [to the camera] i told you she's always late.
SUZY [opening the door] i'm sorry, she's still finding something to wear... do you want to come in?
JEAN [showing off her fitso, what do you think?
JUNO i think you just wasted half an hour of my life waiting for you.
SUZY is that my top?
JUNO [spacing out
JEAN [taking another shot of beer, face flushed reddo you think planets have feelings? 
JUNO [looking straight at leo] please answer her ing question.


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shut up you're insane!!
this is so cute!!
!!!! i love what you did with the layout how did i just saw this now i—
i also love the thumbnails and the titles i cry ; u ;
c-collab? 👉🏻👈🏻
this is a very slaybak layout
jean sounds like a chaotic trip!