hello tofu!! i'll be answering your questions here ,, i don't wanna flood your comment section with my answers lol
decision to leave town
her initial motivation for wanting to go to the city and leave simdong mainly stemmed from the fact that she wanted to learn more about fashion, clothing and textiles but a more underlying motivation was to learn more about who she was outside of being the oh tailor's daughter. as much as she loved simdong and respected all the lessons her parents taught her, she knows the town is awfully small and that there would always be unanswered questions about both the craft and herself. she liked the comfort simdong gave her but she wanted to see if she could survive without her parents constant guidance and supervision. her parents shop also didn't give her the variety she wanted to experiment with since they mainly deal with cotton, wool, denim, leather, polyester and occasionally silk. euida was definitely enticed by the variety the city had to offer,, and since her parents mainly specialised in embriodery, alterations and basic sewing, she also felt like she was missing out on other aspects like color matching, working with jewelry and really understanding the type of clothes she would want to make! her passion + genuine curiousity about the craft pushed her to leave simdong....... i guess while gaining ~city~ knowledge to take over the business was one reason she decided to go, it was really because she felt like she was a big fish in a small pond and wanted to see how much potential she had in the field! plus her experience at her parent's tailor shop really helped with her portfolio and was a big factor in getting accepted into university since her grades weren't the best in high school...
how she adapted to city life
the reason why she decided to shed her simdong identity in the city, was definitely due to the influence her coursemates had on her. they were probably the biggest reason why she was able to fit in so quickly! she's rather sociable and friendly and she knows how to strike conversations with people so most people her age didn't really have negative things to say about her. one area of conflict for her is both wanting to belong + fit in and wanting to stay true to herself. she definitely struggles with that a lot and doesn't know where to find the balance between entirely standing up for what she believes in and occasionally giving way and accepting things just as it is. kind of like how she grew distant with yugyeong because of the townfolk comparing them with each other... while she does treat yugyeong like a close friend, the comparisons hurt her so she didn't know how to ignore the comments and chose to distance herself :( in terms of appearance, most of her coursemates weren't anything like the people she knew back home. when she attended her first few classes in her flowy faded blue dresses and flats, most of the other people in her class wore clothes that looked like they were just taken off the shelves. neat, tidy and very very clean looking. unlike most of the people in her town, the people in her school dressed well... they weren't wearing a white shirt and jeans all the time... and they definitely looked more professional. on first impression, they seemed more like people who had ambitions and knew exactly what they wanted to do with their lives. after a few months, and with a lot of influence from her friends in the city, euida decided to learn from them... after all she came to the city not only to learn about fashion but to learn more about who she was outside of simdong. so she shed her fashion sense first. throwing out anything that seemed like it wouldn't be worn by one of her city friends and replacing them with something that wouldn't scream that she was from the townside. as much as she was proud of coming from her small town, a part of her believed that her small town roots was holding her back from seeing the possibilities out there, both in terms of gaining experience and finding out who she was... i guess dahye is like a name for the person she is when she's in the city but euida is the name that represents everything that she is when she's in her comfort place aka at simdong! smth like kpop idols using stage names...... lol
euida not finding time to go back
i think euida takes her parents (as well as their business) for granted... being the only child, her parents have always been there for her and whenever she needed them and she always knew she had the tailor shop back home that she's supposed to take over eventually. so now that she's in the city, she's trying to do her best there and learn as much as she can before she goes back home, for what she supposes, is for the rest of her life. she always thinks her parents would understand her and (to some extent) she also believes that taking on internships and gaining job experience in the industry during her breaks would help her train and develop her skills further. like you rightly mentioned, she's never one to say no to an opportunity when it comes her way! she's also quite complacent in the sense that she thinks she knows (almost) everything about her parents business and her smooth transition to city life also made her more confident in her ability to take over the store without much learning from her parents... she thinks she's smart but actually she has so much to learn about her parents (and also from her parents) that she doesn't even realise it. she does feel apologetic towards them at times, especially when they call and ask her to come back home. there's always this sense of guilt she feels when she says she can't come back home (again) for the summer. her parents are disappointed whenever she says she cant come home but they don't know how to convince her to come back when they feel like their daughter is having fun and enjoying herself...  
more about business 
they're supposed to get posts up once every three (max four) days! they drop about 10 - 15 new pieces a week during the semester and 20 - 30 pieces a week during breaks. all of their items are one of a kind and they tend to sell out pretty quickly too! since they're both students, they try not to post everyday because they still have to focus on doing well in their enrolled modules... in the city, they used to take photos and split the post-editing work. they come up with the themes together but euida always had slightly more control over the creative direction of the page! it was a lot easier to instantly show jowon her work once she was done since they lived under the same roof. now in simdong, euida is supposed to send jowon all her posts the week before it goes up for posting. he sets the deadline to friday to give himself the weekends to schedule all the posts. he trusts her with producing quality posts now that they've worked with each other for a year so he isn't worried about having to ask her to re-do things.
it's definitely challenging for her to come up with new pieces so new clothing on her side is 100% coming up slower for her. she manages by using old fabric she finds laying around her house, old clothing that she no longer wears anymore or just asking people around town for any clothes that they don't want anymore. she doesn't expect to get clothes from people for free so she always offers to pay them! she freeloads off most of the tools that her parents already owns most of the time but did bring along balls and balls of different coloured threads in the event that her parents don't have the colours she needs. she also brought back her own set of pins and needles just in case she accidentally loses some... they're too small for her to remember where she put them sometimes. another thing that jowon (kindly) agreed to was to make more clothing pieces on behalf of both of them. initially, it was difficult to convince jowon to do that but he caved when she agreed that she would let him relax more when she comes back from her hometown. 
as for their liasing now, he hates to leave things to the last minute so he's always reminding her of deadlines days before she has to submit them... they usually have to talk about business related matters two times a week. they agreed to have one every tuesday for coming up with new themes for their clothing, new clothing pieces they intend to push out and just general updates about what they have done over the past week + what they plan on doing over the next week. they also have one on friday nights where euida briefly runs through the posts she has done up and to also inform jowon about the order in which they should be posted.
he isn't very happy about euida taking longer than usual to respond... he blows up her phone a lot when she takes more than an hour to reply,, it's worse on tuesdays and fridays when she misses the meeting time or deadline because she's busy helping her parents with the store or because she's just doing whatever simdong kids do... something like a clingy ex-boyfriend who doesn't know how to exist by himself lol
her stay in simdong will definitely cause a strain on their friendship since he cannot understand why she's so attached to her hometown and his uncompromising attitude towards her will also make her question if she really wants to work with him for the rest of her life.
even though she came back six months ago to celebrate new year's with her family, she first notices that her childhood room didn't always look like this. maybe it's because she's actually here to stay that she picks up the tiniest details that she otherwise wouldn't have noticed.
her animal themed bed sheet has now been replaced by a plain white blanket covering over the entire bed. from the looks of it, the bed sheets and the pillow cases all seemed like they were white as well.
the picture of her family that she hung above her table was slightly slanted. has it always been like that? euida wondered. it felt nice to see her family smiling happily for the photo while euida held on to her favorite bunny soft toy — the first toy her mother knitted for her. where was it now?
it wasn't on the bed like it was supposed to be. neither was it collecting dust on her shelves. then, she remembered that she had brought it to seoul with her and that it was currently squeezing inside her luggage. she hoped it was doing okay in there.  
euida opens her luggage for the sole purpose of putting her bunny back where it belongs: on her childhood bed. the bunny, that was once a bright shade of pink with sparkly eyes and full of soft cotton, has now turned into a faded pink with seemingly tired looking eyes. euida grabs it and places the limp toy on her bed but it looks too much like a patient sitting on top of a hospital bed. maybe placing it on the table would be better.
as she contemplated between where to place her toy, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. even though she knew the hand belonged to her father (she could hear his heavy footsteps from miles away too), she couldn't help but get startled. 
"welcome home, euida," she can hear her dad smiling through his words. he's happy that she's finally back for the break. "do you need help with unpacking?"
euida looks back to the contents in her now opened luggage and looks back to the rest of the room. where was everything supposed to go?
oh tailor shop's
FULL NAME oh euida (오의다)
다혜 dahye since moving to the city, she decided to use dahye when introducing herself instead. her name seemed way too old fashioned for her liking and she wanted something that sounded modern and chic. most of the people in simdong still call her euida (or the other derivatives of her name), though, even when she constantly corrects them and tells them to call her dahye instead (she gives up eventually).
으다, 이다 euda, ida her friends from simdong tend to call her either of the two because they think its sounds cuter than euida. this is more commonly used as compared to her birth name.  
BIRTHDATE 1230, 22.
GENDER cis female.
UALITY heteroual.
FACECLAIM jo yuri, izone
STATURE 158cm, 46kg.
APPEARANCE soft, childlike features / didn't age since she was 18 / loves to dye her hair even though her parents hate it (they are very vocal about it but euida doesn't really care) / currently has grey hair that just passes her shoulder + wispy bangs
STYLE while she was growing up, euida really loved the cottagecore aesthetic. wearing flowy dresses, skirts, dungarees, layering her clothing and wearing pastel colors.
while her style has changed significantly, euida doesn't really dress based on current fashion trends. she's really into wearing ribbed tops and tank tops with baggy pants, shorts or jeans. she isn't a big fan of wearing dresses or skirts anymore but would still layer her clothing if she felt like putting in more effort in her looks that day. she also enjoys drawing on her jeans and shirts but might not always wear them out. while she isn't opposed to wearing pastels and bold colors, euida prefers to keep the colors on her outfit as neutral as possible.
scroll right for more
ENFJ. 8W7.
hardworking, resilient, protective.
playful, imaginative, inquisitive, confrontational.
stubborn, spiteful, reckless.
ref. naruto, toph beifong
growing up, euida was never the type of child that would sit still, only speak when spoken to, and was definitely not the most well-behaved girl in the neighbourhood. instead, she was loud, energetic, playful and loved to ask an incessant amount of questions to anyone that would visit the shop. the townsfolk found that quite endearing for a while. that was until euida started to cut holes in the clothing in the shop and her parents made her go around the town to apologise to anyone affected and, since she was too young to properly alter clothing, she also took the initiative to offer to sew a coin pouch for anyone affected. she was forgiven, of course. after that, anything she did was always done in good fun and euida learnt never to cross the line.
she realised this imaginary line was way too easily crossed in the city. people in the city were less forgiving than people in simdong. people who were older than her — arguably, people with more experience — often always had something negative to say about euida's thoughts and opinions. they didn't like how euida would ask so many questions during meetings and they definitely didn't like how her opinions went against how they've always been operating. normally, euida would have taken criticisms and feedbacks well but when it seemed like people were attacking her for her character, it made euida sick to her stomach. while that did affect her self-esteem and morale, euida held her head high and continued to take whatever city life would throw at her. when life gives you lemons, peel them and squirt them into the eyes of your enemy was the motto she went by while she was in the city. she wasn't a quitter, at least, that wasn't what her parents taught her. her parents also taught her to forgive and forget but euida prefers to give half-hearted apologies and never forget.
even though euida has always been headstrong and a little stubborn, city life has made her more petty and spiteful. she has this warped sense of justice that you need to do onto others what other's have done onto you. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. proving people wrong, thinking of a way to win and taking revenge on people who she feels has wronged her had almost consumed her when she first stepped into the corporate world. it felt awful when she was able to back her often unconventional ideas with facts, evidence and statistics but was still shunned as being impractical and foolish. as much as she is quick to confront others, euida never bears any strong resentment if the issue is solved. she might not be the best at sincerely forgiving others but, for the people she holds dear to her, she is definitely very liberal with giving people honest compliments and telling them when they did well with a big smile.
at her core, euida wants to be appreciated and valued for who she is. while she doesn't believe that she should change her personality or beliefs to be liked, she's always thinking of ways to improve whatever she's doing and she is sure to follow through with all her plans. she often ends up taking on too much for her to handle but accomplishing her tasks and seeing her ideas become a reality always make her feel like she's worth something. euida always tries her best to do things perfectly but finds that she tends to fall short more often than she'd like. she's not the most detailed-oriented person or logic-orientated person in the world and it eats away at her self confidence whenever she feels like her plans are falling through or whenever the work that she's doing just doesn't seem like it's up to her standard. hence, she always finds that she feels frustrated at herself and it takes days for her to pick herself up again. 
will defend simdong with her whole chest / jumps head first before thinking / competitive and always keeps track of the score but also just wants to have fun / asks for advice but never follows it, she might even do the exact opposite out of spite / hates being left out / will knock on your door at 2am to let you know that she's mad at you / will also give you a call at 3am to give you a compliment / can come up with random ideas and stories on the spot (they might not always be logical though) / does not apologise first / will take revenge for a close friend, even if she's being told not to do anything / the friend who splits the bills just so that everything is fair / never says no to a friend in need... even if she's mad at you (will help you begrudgingly and will be super obvious about it) / tries so hard to get things done perfectly when she barely knows the perfection she's trying to achieve / finds it hard to internalise her own problems but is quick to point out the shortcomings of others.
as the only child, euida's parents always hoped that she would take over the shop. they were really happy when she showed a keen interest in learning more about the craft. she'd ask her parents about sewing techniques, the different types of fabric and loved to ask them questions about the possibilities of cutting up pieces of cloth and stitching them back together to make it into a wearable piece of clothing. her parents would laugh, and tell her that anything is possible. growing up, her parents taught her all she knew about how to hand sew clothing as well as operate the machine. while there were a few times where she has pricked herself or accidentally stabbed herself with the machine's needle, it has never deterred her from trying to do better. as she got older, her parents began to trust her to make simple alterations like altering the length of someone's school uniform or patching someone's torn piece of clothing. euida found it most enjoyable to watch her parents create a whole new design based on their customer's preference. another thing that really fascinate her was embroidery. her mother was usually in charge of doing that and euida would watch with wide eyes as her mother would come up with beautiful patterns using a needle and some thread.
euida loved simdong. she loved the smell of the sea and the homely nature of the place. even though she probably has not met every single person in town, there was something about how her parents seemed to wave to everyone at the market that made her feel like she was connected to the place. meanwhile, the older residents of simdong thought she was relatively cute yet they were rather indifferent about her presence. they adored her carefree, inquisitive nature and it was always entertaining to hear her talk about what she was drawing. still, it wasn't uncommon for some of the shop's visitors to hear euida throwing a tantrum or fighting with her parents when she really wants to do something. her reputation was also slightly damanged from the pranks she would pull in the shop while her parents weren't looking. while they would be rather displeased with stubborn and naughty behaviour, this often lasted temporarily, with her becoming the unknowing subject of trivial town gossip.
when euida became a senior in high school, she knew she wanted to learn more about textiles and clothing. fashion design really piqued her interest as compared to all the math and science she had to learn in school. it always upset her how art lessons were always put the least focus on in school when that seemed to be the only subject she excelled at. as much as her parents were flawless at what they were doing, euida felt like she was limiting herself to the possibilites out there. her parents were safe when it came to tailoring clothes, but euida wanted to make them. she wanted to explore countless of ideas and she believed that if she wanted to see any of them become a reality, she had to leave town for the city.
her parents were very happy for her when she got the acceptance letter for sungkyunhwan university's four year fashion design programme. she definitely felt very lucky and told her parents she was excited to come back when she left her small town. she never expected herself to be a city girl but was very excited to be in a new environment. she promises her parents that she will be back soon to learn more about the family business before she takes over. 
in autumn of 2018, euida first step foot into seoul and fell in love with the place immediately. even though she didn't know a single person in seoul, she found herself getting accustomed to the fast pace of life there really fast. she loved the city lights, the loud noises and the unending rows of clothing shops that lined the bustling streets. that seemed to be bursting with lights at every hour. she found a new group of friends fast and lost contact with some of the friends she made back home. she finds it difficult to go back home during her breaks.
her internships have usually fallen during her breaks and euida hates that she hasn't had the time to visit her parents aside from during seollal and chuseok. while her internship with several fashion companies made her realise she did hate working under someone and reporting to them, it taught her valuable lessons and skills that she would need if she wanted to do well in the fashion industry. towards the end of summer 2020, euida decides to start a small instagram account with a friend where they would re-purpose clothes she thrifted (or clothes she doesn't wear anymore) and bring them a new life. it started as a side hobby at first but euida finds that this is something she sincerely enjoys doing and thinks that she could continue to develop and pursue this once she graduates.
soon comes three years later as euida, now that she has no more internships or part time work, she figures she has the time to finally go back to her hometown and keep her parents company. besides, she knows that she needs to actually learn the more mundane and administrative operations of her family's  line of work. as she travels back to simdong, euida contemplates between helping her parents continue their family business or staying in the city to further her own. 
in the city, she stays in an apartment off campus with her friend that co-founded their online business. aside from the allowance her parents give her on a semestral basis and the money she makes from her shop, euida also relies on the money she has saved during her interships to pay for rent and any other necessities that she needs. while she tends to be busy with classes on the weekdays, she likes to keep her saturdays free to visit thrift shops in hopes of being able to hunt for good finds that she can rework and sell. euida thinks it's very liberating to find clothes that people find old-fashioned and find a way to match it with the current trends.
back in simdong, euida is staying with her parents and helping out with the store and any chores whenever she can. aside from that, she's also working hard on new pieces of clothing for her shop and getting her friends who are back home to be models for her clothing. she misses the simplicity of her parents' line of work. it feels nostalgic whenever her mother asks her to taper someone's pants or make alterations to someone's hanbok. this time round though, her parents have finally allowed her to make embroidery on clothing when requested. it's strange how she thought that looked really difficult to do when she was younger. now, it feels almost like second nature to her. maybe she's just grown too big for her small town. 
⤫ just ended her third year at sungkyunhwan university's fashion design programme.
⤫ has a white family cat named hayang (하양) that has blue eyes that is 13 years old. even though the cat isn't allowed to go to the shop, the townfolk like to complain that there's cat fur found on their clothing.
⤫ good at singing but is always too embarrassed to do it in front of other people.
⤫ very highly unflexible... always complaining about her joints hurting. she's also very unfit and exercises once in a blue moon.
⤫ has very nice and neat handwriting.
⤫ her instagram shop is called dear, vintage (@dearvintage) where she uses pieces of her parents fabric to make cropped tops, colourblock clothing, two-toned clothing, tie dye shirts etc (similar to vintagewknd, wrkunderway, make.them.jealous). her ambition now is to be able to revive styles that are out of trend, traditional wear that looks slightly old-fashioned and give them a modern touch!
⤫ does not know how to cook at all. she survived city life eating cup noodles and premade things. it was that or her roommate (and his mom) would make them something homemade to eat. it wasn't ideal for her but she never ound the time to learn how cook.
⤫ a night owl. she prefers to take afternoon classes so she can sleep in. she usually isn't awake before 11am. if she has to wake up early the next day, euida will choose not to sleep.
⤫ when she was younger, she loved to sneak out of the house once her parents fell asleep to sit by the wooden pier near the fishing boats.
⤫ she has dated a grand total of 2 guys in univerisity but they never quite worked out. both relationships ended with euida getting bored after a few months and initiating the breakup and telling them that it was fun while it lasted but they aren't worth her time anymore. 
im yugyeong
last seen recently
yugyeonggg what do you think of this?
it looks pretty!
how did you make it?
i found an old hanbok at the back of the shop and cropped it!
could you please be my model?
why would you crop it :(
it also looks like it would be too tight for my liking though
you're literally so pretty pleaseeeee
it would literally look so good on you
i'm sorry :(
i don't think i can
it's alright
i'll design something that you'll definitely like next time!
it was nice having someone her age to play with her when she was younger as her neighbour. euida was always the more talkative and energetic of the two and would initiate funny gestures like waving to yugyeong from her window and holding up pieces of paper to talk to her. they were close while they stayed in their hometown and euida enjoyed the peace that yugyeong brought along whenever they hung out. 
as they grew older, the two were compared to each other a lot by teachers and residents alike. yugyeong always seemed like the smarter and gentler of the two. for a while, it hurt euida's pride a little bit. she could never be as soft-spoken and she definitely could never see as many A's in her report cards. the jealousy she harboured towards yugyeong slight affected the way euida treated her. she was more careful when she said or did anything in front of yugyeong — she didn't know if yugyeong was secretly judging her. it felt strange to euida but hearing any sort of validation from yugyeong always made her feel more confident and assured about what she was doing. yugyeong was the better of the two, right?
inevitably, their distance grew. while yugyeong noticed euida always seemed a little tired around her, she would always remind euida that she was the most fun person she knew and would occasionally suggest to do something she believed euida would find fun. euida hated that she let what other people thought get in the way of their friendship but it was tiring to always feel like she was being compared to as the lesser one. 
now that she's back home, euida isn't surprised to see yugyeong from her window again. maybe it's time to rekindle the friendship...
kim jowon
last seen recently
please remember to send me all the posts today so that we can post it up on friday
sorry dude it rained so my wifi died lol
i would have been done earlier but i couldn't download the fonts i needed
you should really come back soon
the two batchmates and coursemates decided to room together in the summer of 2020 so that they can work on their instagram business together. euida is pretty open with her parents that she's staying with a guy (much to their disapproval since they aren't dating or married). jowon is a close and very much platonic friend. he's direct, blunt, very hardworking and ambitious. unlike euida who tends to be more idealistic, jowon is there to pull her back to the ground. he's a city boy who has never been to the countryside and, originally, was slightly annoyed at euida's country-bumpkin attitude. still, he was there to wipe her tears away whenever she felt as though the whole city was against her.
while both euida and jowon have complete access to the account and rework clothing, euida deals more with replying to customers' enquiries and messages as well as doing post-editing on their pictures while jowon deals with the finances, administrative details, logistics and posting the pictures up. since they stayed together, their apartment is cluttered with a lot of clothes and packages that they have to send out. 
the two had a big fight when euida announced that she's going back to her hometown. jowon couldn't do anything to convince her to stay in seoul but he firmly believes that she wouldn't be as devoted to the business once she goes back. logicially, it would take her longer to source for materials and ship things out to people who buy from them. euida promise she can focus on finding and making new pieces because her parents have a lot of spare fabric lying around. she acknowledges that business might be slow and that she might not always be contactable but she misses her family and jowon cannot physically stop her or verbally convince her to stay in the city.
currently, the two friends communicate through text messages, phone calls and facetimes whenever jowon has to rush euida to meet a deadline. jowon tries to hide his displeasure with euida's decision to go back home whenever they talk but that always proves to be very difficult. euida can't blame him, though. still, she cannot decide if she would rather work with her parents, whom she has known her whole life, and take over the family business or continue growing her online one with someone she's only known for a few years.
my favourite people
3 members
euida, when you're done with the laundry can you help me make a suit for mrs. kim's son?
i'm going to help mr. yoon with the harvest today!
if all goes well we will have some good vegetables to eat today! 
great! that sounds fantastic!
send them my well wishes
i'll be there in about an hour or two
when euida was younger, her dream was to take over her family business and stay in simdong forever. she grew up seeing both her parents work on the shop together. both her parents did the sewing, dry cleaning of clothes whenever necessary, writing of collection receipts and collecting new supplies. unlike several of the bigger families that surrounded them, the oh family was only the three of them. while it would have been nice to have a sibling, euida eventually realised that she would be the only one. despite being the only child, the oh parents were rather strict on euida. they rarely gave in to what she wanted which would result in a lot of crying on euida's part. this was especially so whenever euida wanted to play with the needles to knit something but her parents would snatch it away from her hands.
in spite of all their strictness, her parents had never put the expectation of taking over the business. they were perfectly fine if euida grew up being interested in other things. fortunately for them, euida showed a keen interest and talent in their craft as well. given her interest, her parents started to expect that euida would take over the shop for them when they become too old to work. her parents were convinced when euida assured them that she was more than willing to carry on the family business.
without the hours the family spent sewing together, euida wouldn't think that her family would be as close as they are now. she listens to her parents the most (or, at least, she tries to) and is always respectful of what they have to say because she hates to disappoint them. she tries to be as honest with them as possible but she finds it so difficult to tell her parents that it would be hard for her to manage both the family business and the one she has with her friend.
bong chul
last seen recently
my mum made you new socks
she said she couldn't look at you when you came in wearing mismatched socks LOL
i'm going to pretend you didn't send the last message
your mum is truly the best
i came by just now but only nari was home...
if you can't find it on your table she probably stole it
i'll rummage through her stuff dont worry
mrs. oh's handmade socks are for my feet only < 3
ew you're so nasty
a little basic if you ask me but it's for you so
what the
what's that supposed to mean???
it means nothing
love you :)))
- sibling energy / bong chul protection squad >:( / angrily altering his pants for him for free because she can't tolerate looking at him wearing clothes that doesn't fit well / would probably tear up or cry when she sees him back in simdong again but would never admit it
- she spent a lot of time with him back in school. his parents were never the most fond of her since she wasn't the smartest or most polite girl in the neighbourhood but they liked her parents so they were okay with allowing chul to hang around her. still, the bong family was highly judgmental of her and often saw her as the enemy... this was especially so for nari who would never fail to shoot imaginary daggers at euida whenever she visited the store.
more tba.....
collab with bloomlater
son jisung
last seen recently
날 보는 네 눈빛과 날 비추는 빛깔이 모든 걸 멈추게 해 너를 더 빛나게 해
어느 순간 내게로 조용히 스며들어 같은 꿈을 꾸게 될 테니까
저 넓은 세상을 네 눈앞에 그려봐 네 진심을 느껴봐
네 안에 숨겨둔 널 세상에 펼쳐봐 있는 그대로 지금 느낌 그대로 내게 널 보여줘
넌 나의 비올레타 나에게 다
넌 나의 비올레타 모든 게 다 넌 나의 비올레타
너 너 너 나를 믿어줄래
어서 내게 더 더 더 네 맘을 열어줄래
- her parents were friends with some of the fishers but the son family wasn't one of them / met in class since they're the same age... they found out that they're both born on almost the opposite ends of december which acted as the opening point to their frienship / she wasn't as close to him as yugyeong was though but they were friendly with each other / he was simdong's golden boy so maybe she had the smallest crush on the fisher boy but she quickly decided not to do that when she found out yugyeong liked him and he liked her back...
- when she found of about his promise that he would be waiting in simdong for yugyeong to come back, euida couldn't help but feel a little... jealous. why was it that yugyeong seemed to get everything on a silver platter? she begins to implant subtle comments about moving to the city and carving their own destinies... hoping to inspire jisung to move out. she wouldn't say she was his inspiration to move to the city but maybe she was the one that backed up his impulsive decision.
-  he's back now, trying to win yugyeong's forgiveness and, even though euida and yugyeong drifted apart, she wants to help them make amends. it's not so much because she feels bad that she could have indirectly caused yugyeong to be upset at jisung but it's because she wants to rekindle the friendship she has with yugyeong and her guilty conscious just cannot let her breathe if she doesn't help the two of them. 
last seen recently
날 보는 네 눈빛과 날 비추는 빛깔이 모든 걸 멈추게 해 너를 더 빛나게 해
어느 순간 내게로 조용히 스며들어 같은 꿈을 꾸게 될 테니까
저 넓은 세상을 네 눈앞에 그려봐 네 진심을 느껴봐
네 안에 숨겨둔 널 세상에 펼쳐봐 있는 그대로 지금 느낌 그대로 내게 널 보여줘
넌 나의 비올레타 나에게 다
넌 나의 비올레타 모든 게 다 넌 나의 비올레타
너 너 너 나를 믿어줄래
어서 내게 더 더 더 네 맘을 열어줄래
- ...

by water or by land 
candle light or electric
by car or by foot
homemade or premade
afterlife or reincarnation
ghosts exist or no ghosts
friends or family

in a fairytale...
would your character be the hero, the damsel in distress, or the villain ? (answer as creator)

the hero.

would your character say they are the hero, the damsel in distress, or the villain ? (character's answer.)
the villain.
COMMENTS i know naruto and toph are quite different characters but i /feel/ like euida sits somewhere in between? i'm sorry if the personality, background and lifestyle sections are too long... i don't know how to write these succinctly ;; i originally wrote her for the convenience store plotline but i changed my mind so there might still be some inconsistencies here and there... i'm so sorry
c. shibutani


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hi! i was wondering if you're open to collabs? the tailor plotline ties in with where i'm taking my character! :)