the one that hates leo's existence but sticks around anyway
pic of fc here! 30x30, please don't take out the credits :(
pic of fc here! 90x90
Cayden Shin
jo, seven out of ten
FULL NAME cayden shin 
신우현 shin woohyun, which is his given korean name. only called by his korean family and friends,
CAY a shortened version of his name, usually called by his close friends and family.
@cayden_s used for his instagram, twitter and snapchat accountshe has been using this handle since he created his accounts in middle school.
cayden shin used for his youtube account. he doesn't post videos; he only uses it to subscribe and comment.
@shinwoohyun used for his kakaotalk account. he only uses kakao to chat with his korean family and friends (both in america and korea).
BIRTHDAY nov 15, aged 23
BIRTHPLACE incheon, sk
HOMETOWN los angeles, ca
UALITY panual
KOREAN 100% fluent. is able to read and write korean better than most korean-americans in the us, but isn't the best at it. he only has to use hangul when he's texting his korean friends anyway.
ENGLISH 100% fluent. it took him two whole years to be able to speak english confidently after moving away from korea, but he's practically a native english speaker now. 
FACECLAIM svt, lee jihoon
sf9, yoo taeyang as backup
APPEARANCE standing at 165 cm and weighing 60 kg, cayden does not own any piercings or tattoos. he has most recently dyed his hair blonde, but would probably jump back to having black hair when his current color fades. cayden used to be a very petite child, until he started working out in high school and grew more muscles.
STYLE cayden's fashion cannot get any more basic than this. his entire wardrobe is monochrome, with only a hint of navy blue and brown hues here and there. he's not a fashionista persay, but he doesn't look bad either. cayden sticks to his own style when going for classes and hanging out with his friends; an oversized tee with bermuda shorts is always the way to go.


infj scorpio slytherin
POS realistic, thoughtful, fearless, independent, adaptable
NEU shy, stoic, mysterious
NEG cunning, blunt, prideful, hot-tempered, stubborn
・ * 。 not one who is often in his own world. he's always practical and well-grounded. he is a realist, constantly rebutting or refusing impractical ideas or thoughts that just don't make any sense. he grounds the people around himself, allowing them to explore and be creative, but he's someone whom brings it all back together with his rational mind.
・ * 。 always thinking of others before himself. cayden has learnt to always think of others first. he's constantly caring for those around himself and making sure everyone around him is alright. 
・ * 。 also really courageous and brave. he's often not deterred by obstacles. instead of being afraid of the unknown, he would rather confront it head-on and face all his problems immediately. his fearlessness has also been a reason why cayden has dared to take on so many challenges.
・ * 。 someone who knows where he stands and doesn't falter. it's not so much of that independence was something that was expected of cayden from a young age. his parents doted on him, but they brought him up in a way that he would not be dependent on anyone else.
・ * 。 able to respond well to different circumstances and situations. he can be thrown into a new environment and still be able to adapt to it quickly. he's willing to experiment with something new and always present in the moment.
・ * 。 an introvert who rarely speaks up first in a social setting unless he is comfortable around them, often hiding behind his friends or people whom he is familiar with. it's not that he's cold or aloof, cayden is simply shyer than most and takes a long time to open up to people. he keeps to himself a lot and usually allows himself to fade into the background. but when you get to know him better, cayden isn't as painfully shy as he appears to be.
・ * 。 as many of his friends would say, a tsundere. he's often stoic, even to his closest of friends, and doesn't allow his emotions to show much. he doesn't let himself be vulnerable much, and surpresses it with crude jokes and humor instead.
・ * 。 not someone who reveals much about himself. to quote his friends, cayden is like an onion—there's so many layers of his personality hidden and waiting to be revealed. if someone asks him to open up, he might to the person; there's just some sort of mystery surrounding him.
・ * 。 one who knows how to use his intelligence to his advantage. he is smart and he knows exactly how to manipulate people around for his own benefits. he's scheming; his ability to think and deceive others is scary. he is sly, and has a lot of tricks up his sleeve.
・ * 。 straight-forward and talks without much thought, especially in casual conversations, and his inability to mince his words means that he often ends up rubbing people the wrong way.
・ * 。 too prideful to admit to his wrongdoings. this pride prevents him from asking for help when he needs it. however, this pride ensured that he has to go the extra mile to get what he wants. because of his pride, he treasures his friends, but they are no exempt from his prideful self. apologies might come, but you would have to wait a long time. they are typically round-about and its hard to tell.
・ * 。 trying to control it, but he usually has a very short temper. cayden may not show it outwardly, but he gets annoyed very easily. he is short-tempered; he flares up easily when something, or someone, angers him.
・ * 。 one of the most stubborn people you'll ever meet. cayden is very very headstrong and at times, inflexible. it's usually difficult to get a thought through his head once he has decided on something and it's even more difficult to get him to change his opinions.
1998 cayden shin is born shin woohyun in incheon, south korea.
2001 cayden begins kindergarten. he thoroughly enjoys his time there.
2005 cayden enrolls in elementary school. he tops his class in first grade.
2007 cayden is in his third grade when his parents decide to move to melborne, australia for his father's job. cayden is placed back in first grade in aussie due to his poor command of english. he is two years older than his peers.
2009 cayden is in third grade in australia and has mastered the english language after two years of struggling and intense studying. he eventually does well in school and tops his grade.
2010 cayden's parents decide to move again; this time to los angeles, california. cayden manages to skip a grade and enrolls in fifth grade. he's now a year older than his peers. he does well in school.
2016 cayden is turning eighteen and a junior in high school.  he decides to apply for american citizenship. 
2017 cayden graduates from high school. he applies for several schools and receives acceptances from all, but decides on ucsf.
2018 cayden moves to san francisco and begins college.
2021 cayden is turning twenty-three and in his senior year of college. he's doing well and thoroughly enjoys what he's studying.
LIKES coffee, beer, r&b music, iced americano, korean variety shows, exercise.
DISLIKES mustard, jump scares, cooking, being misunderstood, being told what to do.
HABITS twirling a pen between his fingers, taking big bites when eating, occasionally mumbling in his sleep.
— he only uses apple products; he has a macbook pro and a black iphone 12.
— he is right-handed.
— he still occasionally enjoys watching korean shows. his favorites are infinity challenge and knowing brothers.
— his friends often joke that he either takes three seconds or three business days to reply to texts.
— he has a total of two exes.
— his social media accounts are all private.
— he'll drink iced americano even in winter.
— he has his driver's license but doesn't drive often.
— his alcohol tolerance is slightly higher than average.
— his favorite drink is rum and tonic.
— his friends often claim that he's super asian; he eats rice at every meal.
— he has perfect eyesight.
— his usage of emojis is almost non-existent. he doesn't mind receiving them in texts though.
— he saves numbers down with how he got to know the person. it doesn't matter how close he is to the person; so leo's contact on his phone is leo (ucsf).
— even though english is now his primary language, his phone language is in korean.
— he is a social smoker, and only smokes at parties.
— his instagram feed is a mess but he doesn't care. he posts whatever he wants without caring about aesthetics.
— he only has the crew, soonyoung and abby in his close friends' list on instagram.
— he is an only child.
— he has always done well in school. his gpa is 3.97 (thanks to an A- he got from sociology of religion).
— he plays as the libero in ucsf volleyball team and is in the first line-up.
— he sings as tenor in the college's acapella club as well.
— he tutors mathematics and english. his tutees are both asian-americans.
— he returns to korea every school break.
MAJOR sociology, with a minor in economics
tuesday 10am to 12pm, thursday 2pm to 4pm.
thursday 10am to 1pm.
tuesday 12pm to 2pm, friday 12pm to 2pm.
tuesday 2pm to 4pm, friday 9am to 11am.
wednesday 12pm to 3pm.
WEEKDAYS many people would say he has too much on his plate, but cayden loves feeling productive. besides volleyball and acapella, which are his main extracurriculars, he enjoys going to parties as well. thanks to leo, he can be spotted at most parties held. he easily functions with four hours of sleep; it means that he often falls asleep around four or five in the morning.
cayden is a workaholic. he's a smart student, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't study. he studies hard when finals are nearing and it would not be uncommon to see him pull all-nighters—his near-perfect grades are evidence of so. 
MONDAY is only free day, so he usually spends it in the dorms. he catches up on schoolwork, watches some shows, naps, or occasionally hangs out with his friends if any of them call him out.
TUESDAY back-to-back classes from 10am to 4pm. he has a small break before acapella practice from 5 to 6pm. after which, he usually goes for dinner with his friends. sleeps early on tuesday nights.
WEDNESDAY wakes up early for volleyball team practices at 8am to 10am. his class is from 12 to 3pm. typically, he'll return to the dorms for a nap before leaving the campus to his 15 year old's tutee to tutor him from 5 to 7pm, and return back afterwards if his friends don't call him out for dinner. he'll stay up on wednesday nights.
THURSDAY has classes from 10am to 4pm, with an one hour break at 1. he tends to meet his friends for lunch before resuming classes. after classes, he'll take a twenty minute bus ride to his 14 year old's tutee to tutor her from 4:30pm to 7pm. he'll return to the dorms after that and hang out with his friends. 
FRIDAY has classes from 9am to 2pm, with a lunch break at 12. he'll attend volleyball team practices from 3pm to 5pm. he spends friday evenings with his friends, or at parties (also, with his friends).
WEEKENDS cayden prefers having a very chill weekend. he only attends parties when his friends ask him along; he wouldn't attend one on his own. he usually spends his weekends catching up on schoolwork, hanging out with his friends, or going home to visit his parents.
SATURDAY usually sleeps in until lunchtime and will meet his friends for lunch, or to hang out in the afternoon. if he decides to visit his parents, he'll leave to reach home in time for dinner. he'll occasionally spend the night at home. he'll usually fall asleep around 4am.
SUNDAY wakes up late as well before proceeding with any plans with his friends if he has any. similar to saturdays, he'll spend it indoors unless his friends ask him to hang out, which is more often than not. as he has no classes on mondays, he'll sleep around 5am. 
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS shares a dorm room with leo on campus. they've been roommates since their freshman year of college.

KWON SOONYOUNG kwon soonyoung has been cayden's best friend ever since the two were classmates in first grade. the bubbly seven year old soonyoung had approached the painfully shy cayden, simply because he wanted some kimchi from cayden's lunchbox. ever since then, the two boys have been inseparable. even when cayden's family decided to move out of the country, the two boys managed to keep in touch (back then, with emails and a few occasional handwritten letters). despite being in different countries, the boys will always say that they grew up together. they're an unlikely pair—with soonyoung's energetic nature and cayden's grumpiness, but they mesh well together. soonyoung's always spamming cayden's kakao with live updates about whatever that is going on in his life, and as much as cayden seems to not care about him, he remembers every detail of soonyoung's day anyway. cayden doesn't like to admit it, but he cares for soonyoung more than he lets on. the two boys trust each other more than anyone else in the world. they're best friends, afterall. 

fc: svt, hoshi


ABIGAIL WANG abigail wang, or better known as abby, is one of cayden's only good friends in his major. she's the kind, naive girl around campus, who's always going around with a bright smile on her face and a greeting to everyone she crosses paths with. abby was cayden's project groupmate during their first semester in freshman year. of course, abby took it upon herself to befriend cayden first, to reach out to him and make conversation with him even when he never gave her proper replies. she stuck around, always texting the boy to ask when he'll appear in class, what he's planning to do after lectures. eventually, her enthusiastism grew on him and cayden decided that she was useful enough to keep around. currently, the duo are always attending classes together and occasionally studying together as well. abby is one of cayden's closest friends in college, although he'll never admit that aloud. when they're together, it's abby talking most of the time, with cayden just listening and frequently chuckling at the stupid jokes she manages to crack. she's the over-clingy friend of his, but he never seems to shoo her away. cayden does care for abby, he's just not as expressive as her when it comes to his feelings.

fc: g-idle, yuqi


LEO PARK leo park has been cayden's roommate since their first day of college. in the very beginning, cayden could not for the love of god, understand how leo's brain works. leo is energetic and enthusiastic about almost everything and anything possible; he's always thinking out of the box, is too friendly for his own good, and his dumb antics don't help much either. leo is almost the complete opposite of cayden, who is often collected and shy. being roommates, they spend a lot of time together, doing random stuff "for the lols", as leo would always say. they're a peculiar pair, but truth to be told, cayden has some sort of a soft spot for leo. he's just a good kid who doesn't mean any harm, and cayden sees it. cayden has never told leo this, but leo is the person who managed to pull cayden out of his comfort zone, and allowed him to befriend the crew, which cayden is inwardly very thankful for. despite their contrasting natures, they live well together, respect each other's privacy and hardly ever argue. they're a close pair of roommates, which explains why neither of them have moved out.

fc: ikon, june


JUNO LIM juno lim was introduced to cayden by leo after a few months of them being roommates. juno and cayden are more similar than most people think, which is a reason why they managed to get along since the first few meetings. they're the calm and less energetic side of the crew, so they're always sitting by the sides together, watching all the chaos ensue. they've gotten pretty close over the few years spent together. as two individuals who don't expressively wear their hearts on their sleeve, juno and cayden understand each other and don't pressure the other to open up; it doesn't mean they don't care or trust each other, they're both just a lil' emotionally constipated. 

fc: blackpink, jennie



OPHELIA RHEE ophelia rhee and cayden met through leo. at the first meeting, the very first thing that struck cayden was, "this girl is basically a female version of leo", and that thought alone was enough to give him a headache. they barely talked to each other in the beginning of their friendship unless leo was around, but as time passed, they began to open up to each other. cayden's pulled into leophelia's antics too often for his own good, but he never really complains about it. he has a soft spot for leo, even with his many dumb shenanigans, and he has that same soft spot for ofey. he might not express it well, but he does care about the girl, despite the countless times he's caught rolling his eyes at the things she does. her energy is a hundred percent contagious and even cayden isn't immune to it. while cayden hates being surrounded by idiots on a daily basis, he can live with them... he thinks.

fc: mamamoo, hwasa



IVY KIM more here.

fc: red velvet, joy



ARTHUR WANG arthur wang and cayden naturally met as dorm neighbours. in the beginning, the two weren't the closest pair. but with arthur's easy-going personality, they managed to grow more comfortable with each other as time passed. cayden has already lost count on the number of times he's knocked on arthur's door to apologize for the ruckus his dear roomie is making. their friendship was a slow burn, but it works out for the both of them. they get along well and understand each other a lot; they're not the best of friends, but they can see a close friend in the other.

fc: nct, xiaojun



relationship here.

LEO hi guys! it's leo here again and today i'm gonn
CAYDEN *in the background* you're filming again?
LEO cayden, i'm a film major.
CAYDEN well, i'm a socio major and you don't see me analyzing societal norms and behaviors every minute, do you?
LEO huh....
CAYDEN *throws a couch cushion at leo's face*
LEO *laughs and narrowly dodges the flying cushion* anyway, as i was saying, today's a little special because i'm gonna be following my roommate's life for the entire day!
CAYDEN you're gonna.. what?! when did i ever agree to this?
LEO you just did. everyone, say hi to my grumpy roommie, caycay! *pans the camera to cayden*
CAYDEN *glaring at leo* i told you to stop calling me that...
LEO *ignoring cayden's non-menacing glare* caycay, say hi to my viewers!
CAYDEN jesus christ, this is going to be such a long day...
LEO it's ya boiiiii, leo here again! we're now on our way to cayden's first lecture of the day, which is... sociology something... popular culture sociology?
CAYDEN *with an exasperated sigh* popular culture in society.
LEO yeah, what i said! anyway, we're on the way to class now. let's hope i can sneak in!
LEO *with the camera on the floor, acting out a dramatic ninja-like skit of him sneaking into the lecture theatre*
CAYDEN *walks in normally afterwards, stares at leo weirdly before seating himself down*
LEO y'all i made it in! *does a 360 turn to show the lecture theatre in the background before rushing to sit beside cayden*
CAYDEN can you please like... be quiet? 
LEO aww, caycay! but where's the fun in that?
CAYDEN god, i'm tired already.
*timelapse: cayden is fully focused on the lecture happening, leo tries his best in the beginning, only to give up and play games on his laptop*
LEO WE'RE FINALLY OUTTA THERE. god, are all socio lectures that boring? *slings an arm around cayden's shoulders* anyway, where are we going now, caycay?
CAYDEN lunch, we're going to the business building.
LEO *camera is from his point of view, walking towards a table where juno can be seen* hol' up. we're having lunch with juno?
CAYDEN *ignores leo* (in korean) sorry, leo walks really slowly.
LEO since when were you guys lunch buddies?!
JUNO since sophomore year. now calm your down.
LEO cALm dOwN?! i never knew y'all are besties! next thing y'know, you're gonna tell me you're DATING.
CAYDEN, JUNO *silent for three seconds*
CAYDEN we actually
LEO please say sike.
JUNO sike.
*subtitles: they're not dating thank god*
LEO *to the camera* i've never felt greater fomo in my life than right now. *pans camera to show cayden and juno talking to each other in korean* can someone please translate this for me? are they talking about me?
LEO Y'ALL. i survived another sociology lecture thank GOD. i never thought i'll make it out of there alive.
CAYDEN *rolls his eyes but chuckles*
LEO what's next on your day tour, caycay?
CAYDEN i have volleyball practice, which you're not allowed to come, thank goodness.
LEO aite aite aite, this vlog shall resume again when cay is back! *blows a fat kiss to cayden* i'll miss you, caycay!
CAYDEN good for you. *walks away quickly* 
LEO CAYCAY! *runs towards cayden entering the dorm and attacks him in a tight hug with cayden groaning out loud* did you miss me?
CAYDEN not at all. *pushes leo away*
LEO that's too bad, because i missed youuuuuuuuu. *fixes his camera to focus on the both of them* so, what are you up to now?
CAYDEN getting away from you.
LEO caycay, you break my heart!
CAYDEN that's too bad.
LEO *shocked pikachu face*
CAYDEN we're going out for dinner.
LEO we're now at my bestie cay's favorite korean place! *pans to cayden ordering in korean* say hi caycay!
CAYDEN *reluctantly waves his hand* 
LEO i was just telling caycay that he's so korean. like... annyeongheesayo-kind of korean.
CAYDEN it's annyeonghasayo.
LEO you got my point, cay!
CAYDEN what's that even supposed to mean?
LEO it means you're korean.
CAYDEN ...and so are you?
LEO well, yeah, but you're like, KOREAN-korean.
CAYDEN i give up.
LEO i'm so damn full. that was so much food. but it was so good, y'all. i swear, i'm not paid to say this but it was really good. i'll put the location in the description box below for you guys! *points downwards* this is not sponsored, i promise. wait— cay, do you think they'll want to sponsor me?
LEO i tried. anywaaaaaaaay. *hooks his arm around cayden's neck* caycay's a boring lil' guy, so his day ends here! hopefully this vlog didn't bore anyone out, but i had fun following caycay around the entire day. let me know which of my friends you guys want me to idk, follow their day next! see y'all in the next vlog! *pulls cayden closer* say bye, caycay!
CAYDEN can i not?
LEO caycay! 
CAYDEN *groans before fake smiling and waves* bye everyone!
COMMENTS i had a little too much fun writing this esp in the interview portion but i hope you enjoyed reading this!! cayden is really something else and he's a complicated man, so it was quite a struggle to fully paint him out, but hopefully you'll be able to see where he's coming from! he's a little tsundere, but he means no harm at all.
cayden and leo are also really different, which is why i decided to make them roommies! it's an odd friendship but they make it work. <3
okay enough from me skjdhfs. i hope you like my boy!


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hi! i'm working on my app too and i made my character leo's dorm neighbor (not roommate), do you want to collab?
Hey! I just saw that Cayden spent some time in Melbourne. I'm making a boy from Melbourne and was wondering if you wanted to collab?
i'm actually also making a similar character who's just as hot-headed and blunt but you definitely fleshed out his personality a lot better than i did in my head xD
all i can picture is NISHINOYA and i love that for cayden