the quiet kid that turns out to be sleazy class clown
pic of fc here! 30x30, please don't take out the credits :(
pic of fc here! 90x90
Cherish Kang
Pearrie, 8/10
FULL NAME cherish kang (she/her)
- CHERRY/CHER (most of her friends use this, no one really calls her 'cherish').
- KANG CHAE-SEUL 강채슬 (korean name given by parents, her parents usually calls her by this)
- CATLADY (due to her obvious love to cats. started by leo and others in the crew would pick up calling her this).
-BREAD (unsure who really started calling her this, but it's an inside joke within the crew. because of cherry's extremely squishable cheeks).
ART IG: @kcherrish (the 'official' acc of hers)
PRIV IG: @cherswol (used to interact with her friends and post daily lives. a bit on personal side. priv acc bcs literally only people she approve-the crew, maybe relatives too- can see her being cat acc)
TIKTOK: @cherri_k (she doesn't really post anything here though, used only for watching and commenting other tiktoks)
BIRTHDAY 05/01, 22
BIRTHPLACE busan, south korea
HOMETOWN sacramento, california
UALITY biual
korean, 80/100. used mostly with her parents.
wheein (mamamoo).
seulgi (red velvet) as back-up
APPEARANCE a piercing on each ears. tattoo on her left hand. stands at the height 158 cm and weigh 46kg.
STYLE usually if she's just going out for a bit or has no time to dress up, she would just wear a hoodie/sweater/shirt on top of a pair of pants. she would also wear sets when she's too lazy to put on outfits together.
when she has time and has enough effort, she dresses quite stylishly, when she feels like it. she doesn't have specific style she likes, she loves to experiment fashion styles:

+) sincere, goofy, easy-going, creative
-) lazy, distracted, insecure, disconnected
neutral: introverted, imaginative, idealistic, dreamy
(basically just a little bit toned down wheein)
most of time, cherry is pretty collected. she likes to think she's chill and laid back. usually, cherry can be seen always smiling around and listening to others rather than talking herself. cherry used to be shy, but now she has become pretty much easy-going. thanks to leo and juno, they brought out the real cherry all along with their antics. though still, she only opens up to people who she's comfortable with.
contrary to popular belief, cherry is pretty much a troll. she's just a quiet, and calm one. she has sleazy attitude, almost feel like she's drunk all the time. she makes jokes calmly and ironically. she also has a wide range on humor and she laughs quiet easily. that being said, she's pretty fond of weird/ironic stuffs, she also loves to make her friends laugh in her own way, even if it becomes pretty embarrasing. cherry is actually down for any mischiefs, as long as she found them interesting. she isn't afraid of doing silly things and even if she gets embarrassed. (though sometimes she might regret some things later on, like days/weeks/years after).
cherry's brain is a major idea generator. she always has many ideas for any situations. and she knows a lot of unnecessary things. she is always looking for something to inspire her, and her brain is easy to take one, so she gets distracted a lot in any moment where something (could be anything) intrigued her, that she has to take a moment and wrote them down.
when she wants to do something and her abstratic words can't match what's inside her head, she would say "let me paint you a picture" and told the other person to imagine what she meant. with this brain of hers, she could get distracted a lot, which leads her procrastinating things she has to do. she can be very lazy to do anything and focus only what's on her head, without doing anything physically. this could also leads her to not following the present situation she's in, like getting lost in a conversation.
like any introverts, she gets her energy drained by too many social interactions and when she's tired, she has to rest within her own personal space. and usually this would take a long time for her to recover back her social battery. she is still within reach by the social media and messages, but it'll be a little bit hard to convince her to meet up if she doesn't feel like making any social interactions.
even so, she always tries her best to be honest and kind, to not make any of people around her uncomfortable, even if that means stepping out of her boundaries. she would try her best to comfort someone who's down and be a good shoulder to depend when needed.

cherry was born in busan, korea when her parents were working there for a while. she moved to california at the age 5. growing up, cherry's parents are always working and she doesn't have many memories of playing around with her parents in her childhood. so she was used to playing by herself and she gets pretty good at it, maybe a little bit too good that she doesn't want to play with anyone else. she picked up painting as her hobby to cope out with her loneliness, adding colorfulness to her works to balance out her colorless life. not only that she didn't get to spend time with her parents, her parents are also strict. by time, she also becomes very reserved and very reluctant to speak for herself. thus she had a hard time in schools. it was in high school that she started opening up, finding herself and that was when she met wonderful friends in high school. through her high school years, she already set her mind to take art major. and when she really got into an art major, she wasn't surprised that it was nothing really glorious of what she expected, but at least she has a freedom to do anything she wants (with responsibility)
- SUNSHINE -  she just likes it. she likes hanging around window when there's sunshine coming in. she likes to just stop when walking and taking in the sun. if there's a warm spot when she can nap, she'll take it. at times like this, leo would call this behavior of her 'photosynthezing'.
- CLOUDS - she loves clouds seeing. she loves to imagine all sorts of things from the clouds, and she loves it when someone joins her and name all random things they can name of.
- KARAOKE - she might be the least person you expect to go crazy when going to karaoke, but if the mood is right and she's with the people she's comfortable with, she will turn into a beast (though she doesn't sing that well-)
- CUTE ANIMAL VIDEOS - her cure of depression. no lies.
- POPULAR CULTURE REFERENCES - she's an actual huge nerd, loves quoting/referencing pop culture memes everytime she has the chance. she also gets very excited if someone else making a slight reference.
- CROWDED & LOUD PLACEs - she's just not good with these kind of places since they out the life out of her. this doesn't mean she hates parties, she just don't like it if the number of people participating is huge. she'll always resort to the calmest and silent spot she can find.
- SMALL TALKS - she can't really avoid this. rather than 'social' interaction, she prefers 'human' interaction, to get to know someone and their perceptives.
- CONFRONTATION - conflicts are hugely stressful to her. she also very hard to take harsh criticsms. this will make her overthink herself a lot.

- she has a cat named 'wol', who has been with her since the start of her freshman year.
- cherry loves her with her whole heart. she is who cherry claim as her mental caretaker.
- she also brags about how cute cherry in many times. 
- she is who dominates cherry's instagram page, and cherry's twitter account basically is just an update acc for her. (wheein actually has a cat named ggomo, you can use her and ggomo's photos/clips together if you want!)
- cherry blanks out a lot. specially when she's looking at the sky. usually when she does this she usually has an idea/thought that is occupying her brain too much, and it's necessarily related to the current event that's happening around her. can be something that triggers her of another memory, or just... anything, really.
- an ultimate homebody. it's very hard to drag her out after days not going out the house.
- she pull over nights like a habit, even when she doesn't have any projects, so when you chats her in anytime, she'd probably text you back pretty soon. she's most likely to send memes or any media recs in the midnight to her friends, out of nowhere.
- she's always sleep-derived. even if she took enough sleep.
- she's not comfortable with telephone calls. so when you call her, she'd ask first through chat the reason they're calling and if it isn't an emergency, she'd tell them to just text her.- an ultimate homebody. sometimes it can be very hard to drag her out after weeks not going out the house.
- she has driver's license, but she drives kate's car when she's not around.- she's more active online in night rather than day. she's definitely more expressive on chats rather than irl 
"OOH, THAT SOUNDS FUN!" -  cherry finds fun easily in any thing. even at the most boring thing too.
"AWW, THAT'S CUTE!" -  to literally anything.
"HUH?" -  cherry who is easily distracted, might not be paying attention to what you were saying.
"YEAH... I THINK I'LL JUST PASS AND CHILL OUT WITH WOL AT HOME" -  when she feels her energy at her lowest, cherry can be very persisting in staying home.
"I'M TOO SLEEPY FOR THIS" -  always sleep-derived.
- since she was young, she has drawn comics with her own story. she loves making them. she is always looking for inspirations for stories and many of moments in her life inspires her, specially the littlest ones.
MAJOR fine arts
- Senior Studio (she's currently preparing a solo senior exhibition after an intership with professional artist)
- Art of The Book
- Scientific Illustration
- Installation/Public Art
- Survey/Western Art History 2
- Printmaking
(cherry deeply despises that she has monday classes; she hates mondays)
- she lives in an apartment shared with her cousin, kate. the apartement is nearby campus. but sometimes she would stay up more in the workshop studio when she's catching up a deadline. just like her own brain, she's a messy who doesn't clean up immediately.
- she works part-time at cafe near the campus (on thu, fri, sat). the cafe is low on costumers, so it's one of the crew's hangout place. she also opens art commissions on her art twt when she's short on money.
- besides the crew, she doesn't really have any friends. friends to her are people who she can freely share about anything, and her colleagues in the major wasn't anything like that. she doesn't really find someone who she can be comfortable with within her department.
- she isn't a part of any club right now, but she would contribute to some events from the campus. she would hold fundraising exhibitions with the community she has from her art ig. she also would contribute to her department's events.
- for a few months in freshman year, she used to be in a club within the campus but she quitted because it drained her energy too much.
- she is a master procrastinator. she has a habit of having fun to wash away all the stress, and then when deadline is nearing she'd turn into this huge mess of mental breakdowns, sometimes would let out some emotional (kinda cringy) monologues about existensial crisis.
- but when working in a team project, cherry feel a responsibility so works hard. though, she whines a lot to leo and juno when she has a lazy and unmotivated team, because her team doesn't cooperate together and she usually end up working all the parts.
- with her exhibition coming up soon, she definitely is very burdened and desperately always seeking for new ideas despite knowing very well she has thousand of ideas already. at the end, taking inspiration from leo's thesis of filming his friends, cherry decided to make the theme of her exhibition based on the colorful personalities of the friends she has.
- LEO PARK (22)
actually their first meet was at an art exhibition cherry's year class arranged, she noticed him as he was filming with his camera (though cherry was pretty sure no filming was allowed at the exhibition). but they became closer when juno brings leo to the cafe cherry works, leo would also ask her to hang out together since she looked lonely working in a lonely cafe. when they bump each other in campus, he would greet her and ask how she's doing. at first cherry was quite taken aback with how friendly he is (to the point she got scared). but after hanging out a couple of times, they got close easily as their humor matches really well. they start hanging occassionally in sophomore year. after that, they would hang out occassionally as leo (and juno) were the some of the very few people she's comfortable with around the campus.
- JUNO LIM (22)
juno first met cherry in the cafe cherry works at. in freshman year, juno used to (or maybe still?) goes to the cafe due to the cafe being very low on customers so she can focus on her work. juno noticed how lonely the cafe is and she sometimes couldn't help but notice cherry getting sleepy at work. so she was the first one to approach her and invite her to hangout whether juno gets bored. it was pretty awkward at first, with how quiet and reserved cherry is, but as time goes by they got comfortable really quickly and got close. later on juno would ask cherry to hang out whether they meet in campus or later on would call her out. they got close in sophomore year.
to be honest, cherry was quite terrified around juno because of her energy at first. but later on juno became someone who cherry can depend on. also juno probably picked up some soft spot for cherry because of how reserved she used to be.
called by kate. she's the bright and happy-go-lucky older cousin of cherry. she's the owner of the apartement cherry lives now. kate is a stewardness, so there are a lot of times when cherry has the whole apartement to herself. kate babies cherry a lot and is like an older sister to cherry. (fc: solar of mamamoo)
met each other through leo. both of them are art majors, but only started getting to know each other after being introduced by leo. after picking each other for a class assignment project, they get closer and would hang out more by themselves. they are very similar yet different. yuin makes cherry laughs a lot, whether he intends too or when he's not. she's very fond of his responsible yet clumsy traits. she developed a crush on him little by little. they also acted a lot like a couple even before they become lovers. she may have also picked up that yuin liked her back. with the help of their mutual friends (who already know they like each other), they confessed their hearts and started dating at the start of their senior year. they have a loving relationship and very understanding of each other. they can have long hours of talk and never get tired of it, ranging from heavy topics to stupid little things.
met through leo, cherry was amazed at how much ophelia can level leo's chaotic energy. at first she was a bit reserved around her as ophelia is her new friend, but as time goes cherry begins to open up and realizes how similar they can be in doing questionable things. since cherry is more on the calmer side, cherry tends to tone down ophelia. cherry also loves how supportive ophelia can be with her burning spirit, and how ophelia would encourage her every time cherry backs down. 
cherry's evolution in appearing in leo's videos:
- at first, cherry wasn't used to being on camera. so when she notices leo filming, she would be flustered, shyed away,  and hide. usually when she's like this, leo find it entertaning and would a bit, but he would retreat if cherry sent him a glare. when she's feeling good, cherry would be okay being filmed though she would hide her face, smiling shyly or look away multiple times. since cherry always find time to nap in anywhere anytime she has the chance, leo also took the opportunity to film her at that time.
CHERRY: /making eye contact with camera for 1 sec/
CHERRY: /hides/
- now that she has become pretty easy going, she has learned to be casual in front of camera. she also likes to update about wol (her cat) out of nowhere when she has nothing to do or talk about in front of the camera. (also it'd be funny if leo got distracted by cherry's dimple in the middle of filming her)
CHERRY: "i know wol definitely said she loves me-"
JUNO: "omg it's the dimple-"
LEO: /proceeds to zoom in for cherry's dimple/
CHERRY: /showing off wol/ "look at her, look at her-"
LEO: "alright" /cuts off camera to others/
doing some embarassing stuffs. she's not afraid to be herself.
CHERRY: /imitating some tiktok challenges and immediately regrets it/
CHERRY: /karaoke-ing/
being distracted over small cute, fun things. 
CHERRY: "i need this."
JUNO: "no, you don't."
CHERRY: "no no no, you don't understand. i NEED this."
JUNO: "for what?"
CHERRY: "props for a project... someday."
JUNO: "someday?"
(long pause)
JUNO: "fine, it's your money anyway"
CHERRY: (smiles happily)
aggressively thinking and debating.
CHERRY: /stressing over mcu theories/
cherry would even let leo film her when she's having a project too! such as to her workshop, art store, etc. she also would blabber about stationeries too.
CHERRY: "quality paints getting 50% discount. is it my birthday today?"
???: "if it's your birthday then you should buy us a dinner"
CHERRY: "welcome to my crib"
(not her apartement) (this is campus' workshop studio)
??: "this place is a bit organized. this can't be your crib."
(psst psst she could be leo's supplier of aesthetic scenes, ig)
there were also times when she blanks out and didn't even notice leo's filming. leo still likes to film her napping anywhere too.
LEO: "is she mediating?"
JUNO: "no she's dead"
"cherry's sleeping... again"
most of time, if being asked how she's feeling, cherry would 95% answer: "i'm sleepy"
(5% being "i miss wol")
CHERRY: /laughing outloud/ "that's so stupid, i love it"
COMMENTS hi! this app was so fun to fill! really enjoyed in making cherry and thinking of some ideas. also i hope it's okay if i divided how cherry behave in leo's videos in two different eras(?). i hope everything is clear enough and if there's anything i could elaborate more, please do not hesitate to ask me so i can fix it! also i'm sorry if there are any grammatical and language mistakes. i hope you have a nice day! <3
- this is just an idea. since wheein has short hair and long hair era, you can use that as signature for time in leo's videos, like maybe when she was having short hair it was from one of leo's first videos? and the long hair are from recent videos. or maybe you can make a story where cherry has to cut her hair because of a dare or something? it's really up to you though and how you'd use the pics/clips.
- another scene suggestion! this is unrelated to cherry, but if there's any applicant whose character is a popular one, how about using their face claims receiving letters & gifts as in the character receiving gifts from other students because they're famous and leo caught it on camera? i think it'd be funny just the whole gang teasing them for days on and on.
- you can replace kate's fc if u want! also if there are any applicants who use mamamoo members face claims i'd love cherry to be besties with them


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Hey! I was working on an app as well and was wondering if you would like to collab?