inspiration for coding / layouts?

so what do you guys do to get inspiration for coding? usually i just sit around waiting for an idea to come to me, a lot of the time it's based on some anime or k-idol i'm really into at the moment. but i get stuck and have no insipiration fast and want to continue but can't. looking at other people's work isn't usually any good because then i usually just want to copy exactly what they've made lol. also, how often do you code or attempt to code? daily? every other day? a few times a week? every few weeks? a few times a month? i'm usually on a roll for about a week or week and a half and then i get discouraged or uninspired.


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I usually code whenever I get motivation or ideas. Just like you, my inspiration comes from the shows, anime, current groups I follow, or like Jae, from searching through Google images. When I want to code based on something, I go to Google images to find photos that I want in my layout. This can help with the colors because I usually just choose a color that's already in the picture to match the layout. Like chitta said below, photosets are also good especially if you're coding a layout that has members or admin spots (for shops or roleplays).
Same, I just wait for an idea come to me lol. Sometimes, inspiration presents itself (i.e. I saw something nice). But when I "need" an inspiration, I search for website layouts on google. I only code very occasionally when I feel like it :)
I listen to music and I browse pictures of idols until I find a photo set I want to code around!!!
I don't have any experience in this coding so Idk if I can help you. When I lost inspiration or motivation to work I tend to have a good rest because when I force to think, it's useless. But sometimes it would take a lot of experiments and patience. Sometimes it will come back to you for sure, fighting! :)