Kylee Danson is applying to the Muggle Integration Initiative!




Emily / luv_kero
BIRTHDAY — 06/17/1996 (22)

BIRTHPLACE — London, England
HOMETOWN — London, England



FACE CLAIM — Isabelle Fuhrman
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 160 cm & 50 kg

APPEARANCE — Kylee has long, wavy dark brown hair and dark, curved eyebrows. She has naturally long eyelashes surrounding her dark brown eyes. Her chin is pointed and her cheekbones are high. The apples of her cheeks are dusted with several light brown freckles that are only visible up-close. She has a tall, straight nose and thin, pale pink lips. Due to being a swimmer, she has relatively wide shoulders and a lean frame.

STYLE — Kylee's closet is filled entirely with black clothing. She usually wears black cotton shirts or blouses and black skinny jeans with her black tennis shoes. She only wears jewelry for formal occasions and her preferred accessory is a silver chain necklace. Her makeup is very simple, focused mostly on her eyes with dark eyeliner and some mascara to top it off.

✎ perfectionist, self-conscious, reserved, cautious, skeptical, pragmatic, inquisitive, devoted, genuine

Kylee is a perfectionist who is extremely hard on herself. Her biggest, most fearsome rival is her own self for subconsciously building up an almost impossibly high wall of expectations that she feels she must reach in order to overcome her lack of magic and be a good Muggle, since it is impossible for her to be a good witch. Kylee will often sacrifice sleep if it means achieving perfection, reaching success, and proving to herself that she isn't the black sheep of the family. She will look over things multiple times in order to catch and correct every single mistake, and then silently berate herself whenever she does because she has failed to do it perfectly the first time. As someone who is inherently a defect by virtue of being a Squib, Kylee refuses to allow imperfection to further seep into her life if she can help it.

Due to her Squib status, Kylee is very self-conscious and shies away whenever people look at her. In her eyes, it feels like people are scrutinizing every tiny aspect of her, trying to find anything they can judge her for. Even though most people are just casually glancing at her in passing, Kylee allows her insecurities to tint her view of the world and she believes that everyone thinks she is worthless for being born without magic. Because of this, she is quite reserved and comes off as standoffish when she first meets people. It is difficult for Kylee to let her guard down in front of wizards and witches especially, since she fears being judged as "lower-class" and ultimately disregarded.

Kylee is also extremely cautious in how she navigates the world and always does more than she needs to in order to avoid possible risks. She tries to cover all bases, not wanting to accidentally end up homeless on the streets because she has such few resources in the Muggle world or end up dead in a ditch since she is unable to defend herself if caught in a surprise attack, magical or Muggle. Risk management is always on Kylee's mind and she does not allow herself to do anything beyond the metaphorical safety line that she has set for herself. She is also rather skeptical and sees fairy tale happy endings as empty promises used to lure people into a false sense of security. Since she has been dealt such an unfavorable hand in life, Kylee is loath to believe in anything that supposedly guarantees a quick fix.

Because of her skepticism, Kylee has a very pragmatic perspective on life. She does not indulge in fantasy and instead focuses on forging a practical path to reach her goals. Idealism is nice to daydream about, especially when she is feeling particularly low, but reality will always take over at the end of the day. No matter how hard or how often Kylee wishes she could be reborn as a witch, it will not happen in this lifetime and all she can do is work with the tools that she has. Since she has been forced to compensate for her lack of magic in other ways, she is quite inquisitive and is always seeking information that she can use to her advantage. Kylee is not afraid to ask questions and find answers, since knowledge is the only weapon that she has to elevate herself and even the playing field in a world filled with magic.

At her core, Kylee is extremely devoted to the people and causes that she cares about. She will often do more than what is necessary in order to ensure positive results. Kylee is also very genuine and does not put on a show to portray herself as someone she isn't. While she may not necessarily be completely forthright with her emotions, especially to strangers, all of her reactions are real and reflect what she truly feels inside. Kylee knows that she has to be true to herself, otherwise she will spiral into a deep abyss of deception and self-hatred that she will never be able to climb out of.


Kylee was born in London, England, on June 17, 1996, into the House of Danson. She was born approximately fifteen minutes after her identical twin sister, Baylee. The two girls, like most pairs of twins, were practically inseparable as they grew up together. One could not be found without the other, unless they were playing hide-and-seek. They often discussed what their future school lives at Hogwarts would be like and how much fun they would have getting to pass off as each other to their yearmates, since they were unable to play tricks like that on their parents who could easily tell the two girls apart with a single glance.
However, things soon began to change as the days ticked by leading up to their eleventh birthday. Baylee was already beginning to show signs of having magical abilities, which was expected since they came from a wizarding family. Meanwhile, Kylee was unable to perform the same simple charms that her twin sister could and both of them were extremely confused by the apparent absence of Kylee's magic. Despite this inexplicable abnormality, the possibility that she was actually a Squib never crossed their minds. In their heads, the two sisters rationalized it as Kylee being a late bloomer, which was admittedly strange since they were identical twins, but completely possible given that she was technically younger than Baylee. Her magic would eventually show itself and life would be good again.
Unfortunately, only one Hogwarts letter arrived at the Danson household on the twins' eleventh birthday, solely addressed to Baylee. The entire family was shocked by the turn of events. While there were some Muggles somewhere in the family tree, due to thinning blood purity and outside circumstances, the most recent generations of the Dansons and the Rowans were all magical. Every single child born within the last hundred years on both sides of the family were wizards and witches. There were no exceptions until Kylee came and she was completely crushed by the knowledge that she was actually a Squib. If she hadn't been a twin, the realization might not have hurt as much, but seeing Baylee return from Diagon Alley with all of her new school supplies caused Kylee to start withdrawing from her family.
It was extremely painful for Kylee to stay at home while Baylee moved out to stay at Hogwarts for most of the year, only returning for school breaks. Baylee also brought back her new best friend, Vinson Quill, to spend breaks together since he wanted to get away from his noisy older siblings. To say that Kylee was jealous of the two was an understatement. Even though Baylee would invite her twin sister to hang out with them, Kylee always declined but would stay nearby to eavesdrop since that was the only way she could hear about their fun adventures at Hogwarts. And her chest burned with pain every time she subjected herself to this psychological torture, remembering again and again that she wouldn't ever be good enough as a lowly Squib.
Soon after the twins' twelfth birthday, the Dansons were visited by the girls' aunt and uncle, Quennell and Erwin Ayres, who announced that they would be moving to Canada due to Erwin accepting a position at the Canadian Ministry of Magic. Kylee, seeing an opportunity, begged her aunt and uncle to let her move with them to Canada, since she couldn't bear the thought of being so close to Hogwarts while not being able to attend. Seeing how their younger niece was suffering from so much despair, Quennell and Erwin agreed to bring her along with them. After a tearful goodbye to her parents and her twin sister, with promises of visiting every winter and summer break for a few weeks, Kylee set off to Canada for a new life.
The Ayres settled down in Calgary, Alberta, and Kylee began attending a Muggle school called Bishop Pinkham Junior High School. She decided that she would do her best to fit in Muggle society, since there was nothing she could provide to the wizarding world with her lack of magic, and threw her all into studying Muggle subjects. After completing three years at Bishop Pinkham, Kylee began attending Western Canada Senior High School, the top-ranked public high school in Calgary. Her grades in science and math were the highest on her report cards, so she eventually decided to pursue medicine as a future career. Much of Kylee's time as a high school student was spent on researching how to apply to universities while studying to ensure that her grades were competitive enough to get accepted into highly ranked schools. It was difficult, since she had no one close to her who really knew how Muggle universities worked. Kylee ended up visiting her designated academic counselor quite often in order to obtain information and have her personal statements looked over by someone who knew how to get her where she wanted to be.
Once she finished her three years at Western Canada and graduated with the Class of 2014, Kylee moved out of her aunt and uncle's house to the United States, specifically Los Angeles, to attend the University of Southern California. She was accepted as a biological sciences major on the pre-med track and began going through the motions of non-stop studying in order to stay ahead of the curve and maintain the full-ride scholarship she had been granted. Kylee also joined a research lab to help buff up her application and keep herself competitive in such a cutthroat discipline. Again, she often met with her designated academic advisor to help ensure her enrollment in the required classes to apply for medical school and learn more about the Muggle education system. As she studied Muggle biology more in-depth, Kylee began wondering what the biological differences were between Muggles and magical folk. She wanted to be able to study the possible variations between their genomes in order to figure out why some were gifted with magic and others weren't. Kylee figured that would be her best bet in discovering why she had ended up a Squib despite most of her lineage being magical. However, doing such research was virtually impossible due to lack of resources and the possible violation of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy.
After graduating from university, Kylee returned to London to stay with her parents for her gap year. She had initially planned on returning to Calgary to live with her aunt and uncle again, but she truthfully missed her home country. The short stays during school breaks hadn't been enough to plug the feeling of emptiness within her. At the very least, being in London meant that she was surrounded by fellow Brits, since Kylee was tired of always feeling like an outsider. While living in North America, she had been an outsider due to her British accent and heritage. While attending Muggle schools, she had been an outsider due to her knowledge of magic's existence. Even though she was also an outsider back at home due to her Squib status, Kylee decided that she couldn't continue running away from the wizarding world. Despite how painful and scary it was to think of facing the community that she had turned her back on out of desperation, Kylee steeled herself to at least try overcoming her inner demons by officially returning to the place where it all began.

Part of Kylee is immensely relieved that she will no longer have to pretend that she knows nothing about the existence of magic. Despite being enrolled in Muggle schools for half of her life, Kylee has never been able to fully connect with her classmates and any friendships that she does have are relatively shallow because of her ties to the magical community. None of her Muggle friends will ever be able to truly understand how much she struggles with her Squib identity, since they have no idea that magic actually exists outside of fairy tales and fictional fantasy stories. With magic finally being out in the open, Kylee will no longer have to hide such an integral part of her upbringing and history from most of the people she interacts with on a daily basis. She will no longer have to feel like an impostor, posing as a Muggle when she knows full well that she doesn't truly belong.
However, even though the reveal of magic will personally lift a huge burden off of her shoulders, Kylee isn't completely sure if it will pan out as successfully as the Ministry of Magic hopes. She learned about the Muggle's side of history in regards to the North American witch trials and knows that most Muggles see magic as a fun, creative product of one's imagination. Kylee is also aware of how most wizards and witches are still resistant to anything non-magical, having dealt with prejudice against her for being a Squib. She doesn't want to immediately write off the situation as a catastrophe, since the pros of informing the Muggle world about magic do outweigh the cons, in her opinion. But she also doesn't want to get her hopes up too high, in case everything comes crashing down soon after.
Kylee learned about the Muggle Integration Initiative through her twin sister, Baylee, who works at the Ministry of Magic. News of the Muggle Integration Initiative's inception quickly circulated around the Ministry soon after the Incident, so Baylee knew relatively early on that the organization would be opening up job applications. However, Baylee didn't think Kylee would actually apply and the main reason she told Kylee about the Muggle Integration Initiative is because she always tries to keep her Squib sister in the loop about things that are happening in the wizarding world in order to help Kylee feel more included.
After hearing about the Muggle Integration Initiative and the fact that anyone, magical or not, is allowed to apply, Kylee decides to apply for a spot since she needs a job and she figures that this is her one chance to truly be a part of the wizarding community, even though she's a Squib. She wants to be useful in any way that she can with her experiences living in both the magical and Muggle worlds as her tools. If given the opportunity, Kylee wants to make some real change happen, especially for Squibs who have never really had a voice in the government. This is the perfect chance to equalize everyone, regardless if they're magical, Muggle, or Squib.

✎ Her favorite color is black.
✎ She is terrible at cooking and can only make very simple dishes.
✎ She is fluent in French due to attending schools that offer French immersion programs.
✎ She doesn't keep up with social media trends that often, because she knows she'd waste time that should be spent on studying instead. She mostly uses social media as a news source and to read other people's opinions on current events.
✎ She has never used a dating app before and never will, because she thinks they're stupid and useless. She'd prefer to form a genuine connection with a guy in person rather than online.
✎ She was the captain for the girls' varsity swim team in high school.
✎ She has worked as a part-time lifeguard every summer since she was sixteen.
✎ She enjoys bullet journaling during her study breaks, since it's a way to be creative and productive at the same time.

✎ Father / Falkner Danson / 55 / Halfblood / Broadcaster from the Wizarding Wireless Network / Hufflepuff / opinionated, steely, frank

Kylee used to be very close to her father, especially since she accompanied him to work as a child and listened to his broadcasts with much interest in what was happening in the wizarding world. However, once it became clear that she was a Squib and she moved abroad, she grew more distant with Falkner and they have not shared the same rapport since. Falkner always offers to bring Kylee with him to work whenever she is back in the UK for school breaks, in an attempt to mend their frayed bond, but she usually declines due to her discomfort in being around so many wizards and witches who expect her to have magic.
✎ Mother / Malva (née Rowan) Danson / 51 / Halfblood / Alchemist / Ravenclaw / clever, articulate, elegant

Kylee admires her mother a lot, and wishes she could be half as intelligent and capable as Malva is. Once Kylee moved abroad, she grew more distant with Malva due in part to feeling shame for being a Squib. Malva regrets that their family home failed to be a safe space for her non-magical daughter and whenever Kylee is back in the UK for school breaks, her mother engages in discussions relating her alchemy work to Kylee's science courses in order to bridge their similar yet different interests.
✎ Twin Sister / Baylee Danson / 22 / Halfblood / Investigator of the Beast Division from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures of the Ministry of Magic / Gryffindor / enthusiastic, sociable, faithful

Although the two of them are identical twin sisters and are easily mistaken to be the other at first glance, they could not be more different in disposition. Baylee has always been the louder, more outgoing twin while Kylee is the quieter, more reserved twin. They were extremely close when they were children, before it became apparent that Kylee had no magic, and did everything together. Although Kylee has tried to distance herself from her twin sister, due to her shame of being a Squib, Baylee actively tries to include Kylee in the magical community and always keeps her updated on current events. If Baylee were granted only one wish in life, it would be for Kylee to gain magic so that her twin sister will feel like an equal again instead of constantly putting herself down as inferior.
✎ Uncle / Erwin Ayres / 50 / Halfblood / Member of the International Magical Trading Standards Body from the Department of International Magical Cooperation of the Canadian Ministry of Magic / Ravenclaw / formal, firm, opportunistic

Kylee greatly respects her uncle and his will to achieve anything he sets his mind to, although she isn't as close to him emotionally due to Erwin not being at home very much. Kylee strives to emulate his respectable work ethic and they regularly discuss how professional spaces can be improved for marginalized groups. Erwin treats Kylee as an equal, regardless of her young age and lack of work experience, and makes sure she feels heard in a world where she often feels silenced and unable to speak up.
✎ Aunt / Quennell (née Rowan) Ayres / 50 / Halfblood / Astronomer / Ravenclaw / perceptive, spiritual, tactful

Kylee is extremely close to her aunt and trusts her completely with her life. She tells Quennell everything, ranging from deep-seated insecurities about her Squib status to frantic worries about the future to simple relationship issues. Quennell sees Kylee as her own daughter and deeply cares for her, wanting Kylee to feel happy and content with life despite her lack of magic.

✎ Friend / Vinson Quill / 22 / Halfblood / Member of the Goblin Liaison Office of the Being Division from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures of the Ministry of Magic / Ravenclaw / intuitive, conscientious, solemn

Kylee is friends with Vinson since he is Baylee's best friend. Vinson used to visit the Danson household during winter break and summer break every year when he and Baylee were attending Hogwarts, so Kylee got to know him then. Now that Vinson and Baylee are living together, Kylee sees him whenever she visits her twin sister. Vinson knows not to mention Kylee's lack of magic and does his best to make her feel at ease, which Kylee appreciates.







"SO TELL ME A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF" — "My name is Kylee Danson and I recently graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in biological sciences. I'm...also a Squib, which is why I was attending a Muggle university."

"HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS POSITION?""My twin sister, Baylee, works for the Ministry of Magic in the Beast Division from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and she told me about this opportunity in passing. It piqued my interest and I decided to research it some more, which ultimately led me to apply for the Muggle Integration Initiative."

"WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS YOUR BIGGEST WEAKNESS?""My biggest weakness is that I'm...somewhat self-conscious about my Squib identity. Growing up in a magical household but not having magic myself was soul-crushing...especially in the beginning when I saw my sister attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry while I was left behind. I went through an existential crisis at a very young age, since I desperately wanted to be a witch like her. I've since learned to embrace being a Squib over the years, but there is still some underlying trauma from knowing I'm not magical that I'm trying to work through and overcome."

"WHY DO YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GET THIS JOB?""Because I've lived in both worlds, I can bring my experiences to the Muggle Integration Initiative and help other wizards better understand Muggle culture. My family members, despite all of them being magical, are actually now quite familiar with how the Muggle world works because of me. I also feel very strongly about wanting to help other Squibs feel less alone and I believe that we deserve to have a voice in the government, even if it's just temporary. It's difficult being an outcast, especially when you're the only one in your family who's unable to perform magic. A lot of wizards don't understand what we've gone through, whether it's escaping to the Muggle world because we're more accepted there as non-magical people or finding some way to be useful in the wizarding world without simultaneously being a burden because of our lack of magic. I...don't want anyone else to feel alone and ashamed like I did for most of my life."

"WHAT DO YOU HOPE THIS INITIATIVE WILL ACCOMPLISH?""I hope Squibs will no longer be disregarded by wizarding society because of how we have no magic. By building a bridge to connect the magical world and the Muggle world, I hope wizards and witches can see that we aren't useless like we're always made out to be. We are not lesser beings. Like Muggles, we are just as capable as magical people are. It's just in a different way, through science and technology rather than magic. If we can successfully combine these disciplines together, I think the world will be able to progress to even greater heights, far greater than we've ever imagined."

FAMOUS LAST WORDS — Here is my angsty Squib girl! :') Definitely let me know if some things aren't consistent or correct and I'll fix them right away! Okay, I shall work on my other character now! :)

SCENE SUGGESTIONS — None at the moment

PASSWORD — If she isn't accepted into the Muggle Integration Initiative, she'll most likely get a part-time position at Eeylops Owl Emporium and apply to medical school.
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