Dr. [redacted]'s Journal


I do not know where to start. I tried to make this as simple as possible but I do not know whether or not I did a great job on it. Anyway, let us proceed.


My name is dr. [redacted]. I am a doctor in charge of keeping tabs of IZ*ONE’s Pure Alpha Kim Chaewon, Pure Omega Kim Minjoo, and Special Omega Honda Hitomi. But, I am specifically told to watch over [redacted], as she is [redacted].


I am a Pure Beta, despite my Alpha-like appearance and aura. Currently, people aside from Minjoon and the Government do not know about my real identity. 


Well, where should I start? A basic explanation of human hierarchy, perhaps?


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59373351_lee #1

Does Kim Chaewon, Kim Minjoo and Honda Hitomi know of you, or only Manager Minjoon and the Government know of your existence?
Aaa..If you are a doctor, then i am a nurse, i am an alpha, so i will help you to take care of X.
This is kinda out of the story but Dr. [redacted]! Are they any symptoms for Alphas before their real rut starts? I only knew about Alpha-teething before...
sunfany_24 #4
Thanks for the info dr. El
Interesting... *^*