
Traits: tends to be passive, submissive, intimate, protective.


Omega is theoretically Alpha's most perfect mate. The Queen to the King. Omegas are like the jewels of the society. Beautiful, yet useless. With their only innate roles is to give birth to children and nurture them, society rarely see them more than a human reproduction machine in the past. With most Omega being women, they are not allowed to go outside their home or go to work.


Thankfully, that kind of conservative thinking is disregarded in this era, but Omega is still continued to be discriminated by Alpha-driven society.  


Let's talk about the scientific aspect of an Omega, shall we?


Omega, every Omega, be it male or female have very distinctive feminine body structure. Almost everyone can identify Omega at first glance. Other than body structure, Omega's scent usually smelled sweet with vanilla being the most basic scent. Scientists theorized it might be because vanilla is a natural aphrosidiac, and Omega is known as the rank that has a physiological changes on their body that lures Alpha into bedding them in order to continue their lineage.


The said physiological change is called Heat. A condition similar to Ovulation period in Beta women, but it lasts for 3 days until a week and it brings great pain and worrying level of arousal for the Omega. LH and Estrogen (Estradiol) increase right before the start of Ovulation will cause the similar illusion like the increase Alphatrophin in Alphas. Omega will be at the peak and feel they can do everything.


But then as LH and Estrogen declines, hormone that responsible for Omega fertility will increase rapidly. This hormone is called Omega-Progesterone, a specialized hormone that works similarly to Progesterone in Beta women. This rapid increase of Omega-only hormone will cause Omega's body to heat up and great pain to compensate the changes [that can endanger the Omega]. Generally, this changes occur every 4-6 months, but with changing climates and nutrition intakes, the resting (no-heat) period can be shortened. Healthy Omega's heat lasts shorter, and with shorter resting period too. 


Heat caused the need to breed, similar to Alpha in rut, but also the great need to be taken care of by Alphas (that carry Alphatrophin in their system). It is yet another compensation, because Alphatrophin (in Alpha's pheromones) is the best inhibitor and can quickly make Omega-Progesterone in the Omega's system to decline. Another way to quickly lower the level of this Omega-only hormone is by the use of Suppressants that mimics Alphatrophin. Another way to do it is a feeling of pleasure, which have always been misinterpreted as ual relief. It's not entirely wrong, but not true either.


No, this pleasure that lowers the level of this fertility hormone is actually the increase of several hormones that promotes positive feelings like pleasure, happiness, and even love: Serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins. Apparently, Omega's pheromones contains activators for these hormones with Pure Omega's being the most potent. Which is why when there is no Alpha around, Omega can 'help' each other by releasing pheromones to 'soothe' the Omega in heat.


Full-Heats with High Heats will only occur to Omegas that has reached maturity, generally around 17-18 years of age. Before that, Young Omega have periods and experience great lethargy during that time. Their periods don't occur too often; once a month like Beta's is considered very often. Periods will automatically be stopped after first Full-Heat. High-Heat is simply the peak of fertility. Only at Full-Heat Omegas have the chance to conceive. 


Another thing that most people do not know about Omega is their ability to Imprint or Scent-Mark. Omega won't leave visible mark like Alpha does, but it's still an authentic, but invisible, mark. Different from Alpha's Mate-Imprinting, Omega's Imprinting is so much more than a 'claim of ownership'. It makes the Scent-Marked people to unknowingly bend to the Omega's wishes more. Unlike Alpha that can only Imprint one person, Omega can Imprint limitless amount of people. Scientists theorized that it might be the reason why pups are more loyal to their Mother-Bearer compared to their Sire.


This phenomenon is still unknown for most people as it is a new discovery and we are still studying the physiological aspect of this curious phenomenon.



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59373351_lee #1

Does Kim Chaewon, Kim Minjoo and Honda Hitomi know of you, or only Manager Minjoon and the Government know of your existence?
Aaa..If you are a doctor, then i am a nurse, i am an alpha, so i will help you to take care of X.
This is kinda out of the story but Dr. [redacted]! Are they any symptoms for Alphas before their real rut starts? I only knew about Alpha-teething before...
sunfany_24 #4
Thanks for the info dr. El
Interesting... *^*