birth name.
Kim Stella
other names.
-Kim JaeHwa: 김재화: Stella Korean name that was given by her grandmother, the name as it means respect and beauty. One who is rich and prosperous. Stella only use the name for legal issues
date of birth.
November 3, 1999; 20 years old.
Korean & French
birth place.
Los Angeles, California; USA
home town.
Hidden Hills, California; USA
languages spoken.
English: Fluent: Stella was born and raised in United States of America. It her native language and one of the languages she most comfortable speaking in.
French:Fluent: Stella second language she most comfortable speaking. Stella's mother wanted her children to be fluent in french due to love for her home country and the fact Stella family often visit France.
Korean: Mostly Fluent : Stella's father made sure his children learn his native language. Stella majority of the time understands, but she tend to have hard time understanding those with accent from other provinces and slang terms.
125 x 125
 310 x 220
110 x 110
scroll right→
180 x 180
기억나니 네가 좋아했던 그곳
face claim: Momoland's Nancy
40 x 40 for all

back up: Soloist's Somi &AleXa
appearance: 168cm & 51kg :  Stella's beauty a breath of fresh air.  Anyone can't help but turn their head when Stella walks their way. She well proportion, many claiming she has the perfect " S" body shape that many strive to have. She a bit thicker than her members, but the weight seems to go to the right places for her body. Stella like to say she prefer to have a healthy body and works out  to achieve the body she wants. She has long silky hair at the moment, but tends to change up her style depending on her promotions, but outside of promotion she keeps her hair close to her naturual hair color which is chocolate brown. She has distinct French features that she got from her mother such as and nose, but she has a perfect blend between her french and korean roots.
style: Because of how she raised and her mother being a former super model. Stella is always dress in fashionable clothes from different designers. She doesn't really follow the trend by heart as some times she questions trends that are popular, but she takes what she likes and mix it to her style. Stella would call her style chic and a bit edgy. Her choice of fashion is more towards western style and what popular over in the States verus in South Korea.
재미 삼아 남긴 낙서가 아직도
about me
personality traits:

(+) Passionate, Ambitous, Strongminded , Loyal
(=) Naive, Confidence, Observant, Caring,  
(-) Stubborn, Brusque, Impatient,  Egotistical, Secretive 

Let us meet Stella,
 Passionate, Ambitious : Stella is the type of girl, you either love her or hate her but there is no denying this girl has a burning passion in her heart when she sets out to accomplish what she wants. For Stella, the words “ No” and “ Impossible” doesn’t seem to be part of her dictionary when she wants to achieve her goals. No matter what, this girl has extremely ambitious and would perform each of her tasks 100%.Being the Scorpio girl that she is, she can be extremely passionate when it comes to achieving her goal and is not afraid of any challenges that comes her way. Music especially has always been something that always been her passion. Anyone can see the passion when she performs on stage because she puts her blood sweat and tears goes into each performance. Each performance she gives she acts like that be her last.

 Strongminded, Confident:  This girl practically oozes out confidence to whatever she does. She may come off arrogant to some people, but she doesn’t care about how people view her. She confident in her capabilities and she let that do the talking to all those who want the worst for her. She doesn’t let others’ opinions get the best of her. “ Haters going to hate” is what Stella would often say to people who seem to want the worst for her.

 Caring, Observant: She can be a brat at times, but she does have care for those she loves and cherish especially her members. Besides her own family, her members manage to become a second family to her. She may not seem caring and seem Stella only cares about herself, she cares a lot for her members and often looks out for them. When they either sick or hurt, Stella often comes running in to see what she can do. This might surprise others that this entitled princess actually cares for others. Stella has hawk eyes and observant on what goes around her when she spots something that could potentially be bothering anyone she cares about and does what she can do to help.

 Loyal, Protective:  For those who won over Stella’s trust, earn a forever loyal companion. She put her walls up for others but once she slowly begins to trust someone. She is loyal to the friendship that she feels her own respect and trust. With that for those she loves, she can be protective. No one doesn’t want to see anyone who they care about get hurt. Stella can be protective especially towards her members. When Jeonshik takes some of the girls out, Stella often has a fit and tries to cancel the plans, even if she has to make a scene. She would do it for the girls even if she gets yelled even slapped from her uncle for delaying or even canceling his event. She doesn’t care, she doesn’t go down without fighting. 

 Naive : Before she gave up everything to be an idol, she lived a lavished lifestyle. Anything her heart ever desired she can be easily given from her family influence. Stella has many things she has yet to experience or has yet to understand before she steps into the harsh reality. Once she becomes a trainee under Jeonshik company is when she truly experience how dark the world can be and the entertainment industry is.


 Stubborn , Egotistical : Stella has huge pride in herself and can be extremely stubborn about anything that hurts it. There nothing in the world that able to change her mind once she sets her mind on something that she believes in. Even if anyone tries to tell her, she will continue to stand her ground even though deep down she knows they were right, but her stubbornness oftentimes refuses to accept the truth. It would take a miracle for her to admit if the other is right. To Stella, it either her way or the highway. Stella has always been raised like a princess, she has an ego that sometimes she needs a reminder that it not always about her. She knows she beautiful and often asked to be the center of the group and be visual.  Because she strongly believes in her abilities to shake the industry, she often asks if she can have a solo promotion. Often time she feels hurts when she gets fewer parts in a song as it hurts her pride as a singer and that no one trusts her capabilities.

 Impatient:  Stella has little to no patience. She hates the feeling of being anxious when she waits. Even during her trainee process, despite hearing the term “ Good things happen for those who wait”. Even when Stella tries to be patient, she would often get fidgety and whines until she gets some sort of an answer.  Stella’s patience of waiting to know if she going to be an idol, scared the out of her cause the years of patiently of her unknown future. 


 Brusque:  When Stella doesn’t like someone, she not afraid to show it. She can be brusque, and her behavior and manners will show it.  If someone does her dirty, she not going to waste her energy and tried to be polite with them. Oh no, not with this princess. They’re lucky if they are alive if anyone ever double-crosses her. Stella doesn’t care if she gets in trouble. She has been double-crossed so many times in her life that she refused to even try being nice to those who do her dirty or those she feels doesn’t earn her respect.

  Secretive:  Stella often has seen like a primadonna, but she is secretive when it comes to her own feeling. Even when she got bullied, she always remains strong, never showing her feelings and emotions regarding the situation. Even her life as an idol and treatment she gets from her Jeonshik and other trainees, she pushes her true emotions deep inside her. Showing any sign of weakness just hurts the ego more. She knows to be secretive about her emotions in unhealthy but hates being weak.

Born on November 3, 1999, a beautiful girl was into a wealthy family of 3. Stella’s father, Kim Jinwoo is a multi-millionaire with a successful manufacturing company that makes products for other companies. Stella’s mother, Angeline Noel Kim was previously a supermodel but now a CEO for a successful model agency in California. One of the best in the country. Stella also has an older half brother, Kim Michael just a few years older than her, who was from her father’s previous marriage.

Growing up, Stella’s parents raised their only daughter like a princess, even her brother Michael spoiled her. She got the best things that money can buy and got anything her heart desires. In all her life, nothing bad ever seems to happen to her. Anyone would consider Stella lucky and Stella knows was pretty blessed to be born into a family like hers. She was one of the popular girls in school, always surrounded by her classmates and friends. Getting good grades, even teachers adore her. Stella always thought everyone loved her without realizing the truth. Her so-called friends were only using her because her wealthy background. Her teachers give her special treatment not cause she deserve it, but it due to her father influence and giving specials donations to the school. Stella never knew how naïve she can be. She was always thought she had the best life. But once she was in her 3rd year in middle school and stumble upon her friends talking about behind her back, claiming she full of herself and how a spoil brat she can be. It was her first encounter with reality, and Stella didn’t want to accept it, but little by little everything was beginning to expose themselves and scared to not have the social life she once had, she continues to act like everything is fine. Angeline began to notice her daughter’s behavior as was quite than normal and often deep in thought most of the day. Also she was a bit hesitant talking about her friends and school. Angeline thought Stella needed an outlet and decided to enroll her to dance classes and she loved it. It turns out Stella was a natural when it comes to dancing. She can easily pick up the routine and she carried this aura that everyone in the room can’t help but watch her and Stella loved it. She was gaining her confidence again.


Despite dancing being her outlet to her emotion and a brief escape from her problems, she still couldn’t dance away from her problems cause every time she finishes with her class she has to go back into her world where she was unsure if anyone liked her for her. She was cautious when she with them but as she gains confidence from dancing she could no longer live her life like that. This was hurting her ego, why should she please them when they the one should be her friend. She completely shut herself off from the outside world, cut off all her “friends” and worked twice in hard in academic so she would definitely earn her right as number 1 school. This experience gave her a glimpse of reality. Stella realizing her perfect world has many holes in it. Stella soon isolated herself from all the people who were fake towards her, which many people took the wrong way. Once they had crossed her, they were dead to her and she had no problem showing that she doesn’t like them. Which made people call her princess not in a good way, but how they think she views them as peasants.  Stella didn’t seem to mind it when she by herself, she rather be by herself than be surrounded by fake anyway. Stella stumble upon the music room when she was bored during her free period and she always played the piano due to her parents providing her with lessons and music never seem so right till she was by herself. Stella began playing song even singing along to and just like dancing she felt her trouble melt away.

Every year, Stella’s father’s older brother Jeonsik would occasionally visit Stella’s family during the holidays. Jeonsik was Stella’s favorite uncle as he would bring many gifts back from Seoul and she loved hearing the embarrassing stories he would tell about her father’s childhood. He was the one who introduced K-pop to the young Stella and she seems to love the music for the creative concept, even practicing their dance routine. Her favorite group was Shinee, she had fun practicing their routine in her bedroom.

In December 2016 it was Stella last year of school and during winter break her family visited Seoul to visit Jeonsik and her grandparents. During family dinner, Jeonsik announced his plans to leave his position as vice-chairman and open up an entertainment company. Of course the family was in shock. Jeonsik was money hungry and thought with the rise of K-pop the amount of money he could receive was the life he want. He was power and money hungry, he was embarrassed to be the position he was in. He was the eldest son yet his younger brother ( Stella’s father) was doing better in life than him with a successful company that he started up and having a beautiful wife and children. Jeonsik always claims Stella was born to be a star, he saw the videos Stella’s father would post in the family group chat of Stella performing in her school talent show and thought Stella would be a perfect star for his company. With her beauty and talent, Stella would bring him tons of money. Of course, Stella’s parents was opposed to it but Stella, on the other hand, thought “ I can be a star..” seem to catch her attention and the thought people will love her not because of her wealth but for her only seem to seal the deal. The thought that she can shine on stage like them seem to make sense and she agreed despite her parents’ disapproval at first. Her parents knew once Stella makes up her mind, their no changing it despite them protecting her this uncertain future. But Stella made up her mind and refuse to change it and claim she knew her uncle will make her into the star. Jeonsik was very pleased by her answer. With agreement from both parties, Stella has to graduate high school first before she can become a trainee, so in January 2018 after graduating high school, Stella flew over from the states to her uncle newly established company that was formed two nearly two months ago.

On Stella's days off, depending on the  length of period she was given by her company determines how she spend her days off. When she given a short period off like a day or two, she would usually relax in her dorm. She never made much friends outside her group, so she usually stays in the dorm and binge watch on Netflex show and movies she has a list off. While binge watching, she would eat tuns of her favorite junk food or she do her self pampering routine with her face mask . Also, Stella would do some online shopping, buying anything that gets her attentions, sometimes she would even skype her families and spend hours talking usually with her parent. There be times, Stella would have dinner at her grandparents' place with her uncle Jeonsik. However, when Stella has a longer period of off, she right away heads home back to the states and spend it with her family. Usually, her parents plan their mini family vacation based on days she has off.

Likes: shopping/online shopping, freestyle dance, pastel colors, korean street food, recieving compliments, self pampering, binge watching on netflex,performing on stage, having a dance routine that have a complex dance routine.beaches,
Dislikes: foul smells, rats, bugs, erted old men, liars and untrustworthy people, being taken advantage off, recieing criticism, seeing her members or anyone she cares about  in distress or hurt
Hobbies: creating choregraphy and posting on social media, photography, shopping/online shopping, binge watching on netflex
Fear: being a failure and never be able to debut, anything really bad happen to her people she loves and cares about
Habits: heads to the dance studio when she stressed out and dance out her emotions, inhales and exhale really deeply when she is pissed off, or frustrated as she contains her emotions and tries to ask reasonable before she snaps
Stella's Fun Fact:

- When she arrived at the kks company, all he trainee even some staff thought Stella was Jeonsik favorite because of how Jeonsik treated her. He would often check on her to see how she doing or  couple time or at least once a month they would have dinner at Stella's grandparents place.
-Loves to drink green tea matcha latte in the morning.
- Despite her always behaving like a spoil brat, she actually cares a lot for her members, each of them earn her  trust and place in her heart. She can be protective over them.
- She had physical and verbal fights with some previous trainees , when she heard them talking about her.
- Stella never knew the bad things her uncle did with the other trainnees till she stumble upon it accidently by a staff member who didn't who she was.
- Stella's mother thought her some self defense moves she could use if she ever in trouble.
- Her closet filled with luxurious clothes, every name brand will be in it
- She has a skin care routine she has to do everyday, she often seen wearing face mask around the dorm.
- Has huge face sheet mask, her night stand as a drawer full of it. She usuaully open the drawer and randomly see what she use tonight.
- Her father gives her a credit card or sends her cash to use when she was there
- The day before her group debut, she given each member a Tiffany Co. matching rings
- Huge fan of Shinee and Girls Generation, hoped to meet them one day especially Shinee's Taemin. Hope tohave a dance duet
- Her instagram,  youtube and twitter is @Princess_StellaKim. She likes to post and interact with fans
변함없이 그대로네
could you please introduce yourself:
Stella bows before she looks up and smiles brightly,  " Hello I am Voltage's Princess Stella!"
why do you want to become an idol: ...
" I always love music, whenever I dance or sing, I just feel at peace. Watching my sunbaes when I was growing up spark this desire in me on wanting to be just like them. They able to bring joy to their fans and I want to do the same." 
what do you think being an idol is like:
Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, "  You need to give your all, you need to have a good strength of will power to be an idol. Every day you practice and perform you need to give all your blood sweat and tears ."
what are some goals that you are going to be setting for yourself

" I want to take over the kpop idustry with my group. I know my group will show everyone we are group that will take over the industry because I know we have the talent for it. "
of all companies, why kjs

Unsure she is able to mention her uncle, she had to take a moment on how she was going to answer it properly or else harang will be upset with her, " I could join any company.." she said slowly realizing Harang was giving her eyes for fooling around " But, I felt a connection with kjs and I felt like they will bring me to the goals I want"
해가 드는 창가 끝에 네가 앉고
Angeline Noel Kim (39)
relationship status: Mother
face claim: Eva Greene
Angeline is Stella ultimate role model. Stella always claim her mother a strong independent woman. She works hard for what she has and cherish the people she loves. Angeline and Stella have a very close relationship, watching her daughter leave to another country was hard for Angeline as Stella was always her mini Angeline. Stella mother runs a successful model agency in the country even having contracts with famous super models. Angeline thought Stella everything she knows about fashion and thought her the beauty of expressing yourself through clothes.  Despite being thousands miles away, they often skype each other. The two of them mostly talk in french which helps Stella when she needs advice from her mother and she doesn't want nobody to understand her. 
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 Kim Jinwoo (48)
relationship status: Father 
face claim: Ji Jin Hee
Stella is the ultimate daddy's girl. Since, day one Stella always been daddy little girl and he very protective over her. He works hard to give his princess everything she ever wanted. Jinwoo often joins in the skype calls that his wife and Stella are in. When he has time, being a protective dad he is, would often fly over to the country claiming it was business but really he wants to see his daughter. Jinwoo is the younger brother of Jeonsik so he often ask his older brother to give him updates of his daughter and trust his own brother to protect his precious princess. He never knew the enviroment his daughter was in and all hell broke loose once he knew the truth.
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Kim Michael (25)
relationship status: Brother
face claim: Nam Joo Hyuk
Despite not being full blood sibling, Michael is Stella's half older brother . Michael from their father previous marriage, where his mother just left them to start a new life with someone else and he never saw her since. He was scared for his father marrying again, but he glad he did cause Angeline treated him like her own son and he even calls her mom. Michael like his father is protectice over Stella and was on defense when Stella wanted to be an idol.  He is the next heir to runs his father company, so already he working in the company already graduating with a business degree. Their father and him would visit Stella as much as they can as they do have clients in the country and sometimes Jinwoo would send Michael as representive for the company.  Jinwoo and Stella have a close sibling relationship and he likes to spend his free time with her when he in the country. He always knew something was off about the the company despite Stella always denying it.
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Kim Jeonsik (56)
relationship status: Uncle
face claim:  Song Dong il
When Stella was young, Jeonsik was Stella favorite uncle as he would visit her family couple times a year , he always bare her gifts. Jeonsik doesn't have a family of his own, despite what he does he has a bit of a soft spot for his niece. Stella never knew about her uncle illegal business till she was accidently walked in on her uncle with his favorite and everything soon got out. Stella view for uncle is in pure disgust and hatred. Every time she see her uncle she feels pure guilt and anger inside her as she can't tell anyone what she saw as he threatned her that he can get away with it. She didn't care when he said he can easily ship her back to the state back to her parents proving they were right that idol life not for her but the fact he said make the other girls lives living hell or worse never see day light again. Fearing that her members lives could be at risk, she kept quiet and worked hard as an idol since he claims the more money they make, he would not resorte to using them like toys and she believe him, Working hard every day and taking any gigs she can grab her hands on. By the media, Jeonsik seem to be always praising her and claim Stella like a daughter to him, which always want to make Stella barf. Interacting with him in public is already hard enough as she has to behave, but  when the doors are closed, Stella often making a scene espeically on nights when some of the members have to " go out" she does everything she can do to stop. 
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Park Wooseon 
relationship status: Manager
face claim: Park Hyungsik
Stella has a hate relationship with Wooseon as he practically her uncle minion and does anything to please him. She makes sure to make his life hell when he flirting with the members, calling him out that he being desperate. When they first met, Wooseon tried to flirt with her and Stella didn't like it and right away was rude to him. Not liking her attitude, he threat to get her kicked out by telling Jeonsik and Stella dared him too. Usually, anyone would automatically start begging and apologize to him only made the situation worse as he did go to Jeonsik while dragging Stella to his office. When he found out that Stella was Jeonsik niece and she only got a warning to behave by her uncle. He right away knew Stella be the trouble maker in the group which is true. When he has deal with her during her solo schedule, the two of them try to be civil unless Stella was provoked by him. Wooseon has a slight fear of Stella but as long he doesn't spark anything with her, she calm and behaved.
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나도 옆에 앉아 노래를 부르면서
your alias
I hope you like her...sorry if she may be too much
scene suggestions
- Stella trying to protect her members from her uncle
- touching moment with the members
Gashina by Sunmi
시간들을 보냈는데
now playing
31 x 31
Dance & Vocal
talent twin
izone's Chaeyeon
stage name
Stella: She decided to keep her name as there no other idol with her name, plus she felt only Stella suits her best than any other name.
trainee years
January 2018 -June 2019
trainee life
Trainee life was quiet of a adjustment for Stella. She was pretty much on her own besides her uncle and grandparents. The start of her trainee life, many trainee was jealous of  Stella as she was well rounded trainee, especially in dancing which seems to please the judgemental Eunra. For a while, many trainee assume Stella was Jeonsik favorite as he would often compliment her. No one knew about her relationship with Jeonsik. Both Stella and her uncle agree that its best for no one to know her relation with her uncle. Stella didn't even know the meaning of being Jeonsik favorite was meant he ing her. When she heard them whispering,she assume he just like her best cause she a good potential idol.

No one allowed to talk about kjs side business, if you do you can kiss you idol dream goodbye and no other trainee dare to defy Jeonsik with the connection and power he has. Stella only disovered by pure accident. During her trainee years before she moved to dorm with her members she was living with her uncle. Jeonsik usually knows her schedule and her where bouts but tonight, Stella happen to come back early due to feeling under the weather. Wooseon usually messages Jeonsik when Stella heading back in case he got one of his favorite back in his place and he more than enough time to finish his business. When Stella arrived back home, she saw everything. Soon after that, everything was expose ( accidental from the favorite girl side). When it was Stella and uncle alone, Stella didn't seeem him as loving uncle anymore, he was a monster to her. Stella even attempt to report her uncle, but in her luck. Her uncle has connection so when Jeonsik found out and realize a threat his niece can be. He knew he cannot just send her back but he had to threat her where it hurts the most. The trainee that night was one of the few trainee that was close with Stella and as a warning he kicked her out of kjs. It was a warning for Stella not to defy him as he could do more damage to her or those close with her if she ever double cross him again. 

- Former child model
- Posting on her youtube channel  dance/ song covers
"Rookie group Voltage's Stella the niece of the group company" / True/ before the group debuted, netizens did some digging on the group and found pictures of Stella and Jeonsik  and connected the pieces of their relations. Many netizens claim she the nice that reason why she in the group which only made Stella want to make them eat their words. She worked 10x harder how she earn her spot in the group.
네 어깨 나의 어깨
love interest
86 x 86 
birth name
Hansol Vernon Chwe (bc: Seventeen's Joshua; Kard's BM )
Seventeen's Main Rapper
date of birth
February 18, 1998
Aquarious, Enfp- The Campaigner

Vernon can be a bit intimadating at first from his chic mysterious feautures but he can be an absolute dork. He a mood maker and can set the mood. Vernon not out there like some of s but he not afraid to make a fool out of himself and is laid back. He as go with the flow type of vibe. He is a hard worker when it comes to things he passionate about and takes pride in his work like music. He works hard to get respect within his idol industry and even the hip hop community as idol rapper tend to be fround upon but he works hard to get where he is. He can be protectice for people he cares about and can be affectionate. He is independent and tries not to rely heavily on others, he seem to do things his own pace.He has a good heart and no afraid to help out others if he see that someone needs help.
love story
Vernon and Stella met in their childhood. Stella did a bit of child modeling when she was young. Stella mother, Angeline had a friend works for a magazine and were in need for kids. Since they happen to be in Korea for family visit, Angeline took Stella to the shoot and that when she encounter Vernon who was also modeling for the magazine. The two of them hit it off right of the bat, they become really good friends that day at the shoot. Even both mothers got close and exahnge contact information in case the two kids want to hang out again which they did the next day. Stella beg her mother to see Vernon before they leave back to the states.

Even when Stella went back to the states, the two of them kept in contact with sending letters or even skyping. When either of them visit each other countries, they always plan to see each other ( which means Stella begs her mother to go to New York just to see Vernon.  Sadly, when Vernon join Pledis entertainment. Their time contacting slowly got rare and eventually it stopped. During that time Stella was finding herself and Vernon was a true friend so when they stop contacting it broke her heart as he was dear to her.

As the years went on, Stella had no idea what happen to Vernon but she knew he was debuting bt she learn from the social media but she never paid special attention to his group. She just didn't care really since he the one who let go their friendship. 

The two of them didn't meet till around the time Stella got confirm to be a member in Voltage and supringly Jeonsik was treating the members a celebratory dinner. When Stella was walking with her group to private room Jeonsik booked, a door from a nother private room open as she was passing by. Stella  took a quick glance as she was passing by and notice a familar face which kinda stopped her on her tracts when she realize was Vernon. Vernon was shock after all those years Stella was in front of him again. Before any of them could exchange words,  a member pulled her into their private room for dinner that night. 

All was going well, till Jeonsik mention one or two of the usual member have to go and Stella tried to intervine, claiming it their night to celebrate and that the horn dogs can wait. Despite her best effort, she earn a hard slap on her face from her uncle to stop to intervining or she be the one sent which everyone knows, Stella off limit in that area of business cause of her relations to Jeonsik. Stella storms off after Wooseon took who ever going to meet the clients and stand outside the resturant to cool off. Vernon happen to come outside because his group and him pretty much heard the screaming stella storming out the halls calling her uncle a month.

The two stayed in silence, and Vernon hugged her as he can see Stella practically  about to burst in tears. After a momth of crying, Stella gather emotion and redirect her emotions to Vernon and question him abandoning their friendship. The two  of them talked and Vernon mention once he join Pledis, he got so busy with trainning and he did tried to reach out but when he tried to go back to skype, he found out Stella delete all forms of commuication they once did. Stella wanted to stay mad at him but for some reason, she couldn't. The two of them could have talked for hours but Jeonsik came looking for her and saw her talking to Vernon and right away order to come ashe and the other members are now leaving. Reluctant to go, Stella gave him her contact information so they can catch 

Since that night, the two been keep up contact, even hanging out when either of them were free, sometimes Stella sneaks her way into his dorm and they would drink and watch movie. Eventually Stella began to develop feeling for him but never dare to admit seeing how he in the prime time of his career and no where nearing what a relationship. Their friendship soon took a different course when they had a bit too much to drink, and the fact since finally communicating again there was always been this attraction towards each other that they naturally did it.

The next day, the two of them could no deny their attraction and the two of them become friends with benifits. Stella hopped he wanted more but seeing he career focus. She will let it be and see where life will take them.
The two of them seem to hit it off right away since that night. Vernon and Stella texted everyday and there was no denying that the two of them had physical attraction towards each other. Their friendly text led to flirtatious between each other.  The two of them even manage to sneak out from their company tight restriction and went on a few dates. Stella didn't follow the dating ban cause it was stupid and restricted her human rights as she felt. There no denying the two of them sneak around just to have .

Besides sneaking around to have , the two of them form a close friendship between them despite  them having benfits. They are often texting each other or video chatting just talking about how their day was and talking about random stuff. Stella often sneaks into his studio where they often hang out and listen to his music he happen to record or just eat takes out. Even when both busy with scedule, they some find time to at least talk to each other. Vernon saw how dramatic she can be but he sees her beyond that since that night he know she has a good heart.
Stella never thought she fall in love that quick but she did with Vernon, he made her feel happy when she with him, but she will never admit it. He a huge idol and i doubt he wants a relationship at the moment. She content to what she have between them now but deep down she knows her greed will want to be more than friends with benifits.
Really close friends /fwbs
Hopefully ends up dating, but I am open to any ideas on how you want them to end ^~^


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