birth name.
park jiyun 박지윤
other names.
jiji 지 : this is nickname that her parents and brothers call her, she only lets her family call her this
date of birth.
october 8 1999 (20)
birth place.
myeongdong, south korea
home town.
los angeles, california // myeongdo, south korea
languages spoken.
-korean / fluent, this was her first languagge and is the only language spoken at home
-english / fluent,  she learned since she moved to the states for several years, she often mixes english into her korean as this is the language she began to use more
125 x 125
310 x 220
110 x 110
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180 x 180
기억나니 네가 좋아했던 그곳
face claim: pristin's siyeon
40 x 40 for all

back up: gugudan kang mina, yves
appearance: she has straight hair that just almost reaches her waist. Her hair used to be blonde but she dyed it black, but she dyed it herself and there are some faded streaks in her hair. she loves dying it new colors, but her company believes that she looks best with black or brown hair, sadly. she does enjoy makeup a lot, and loves putting on even for no reason because she thinks she looks more edgy. she does get lazy to do it a lot though, and typically at least fills in her brows and mascara. she likes to claim she is blessed for her nice skin, and just wears toner and moisturizer daily. she has two piercings on each of her earlobes, as well as two cartilage piercings on her left ear and enjoys switching out her earrings each day. her nails almost always have to be painted, or she feels without it.
style:her hair is always down and if not, in a ponytail or bun. jiyun admires and appreciates fashion, but her actual style is pretty simple compared to that. she wears monochrome coloured clothing mostly (black and white), with the exception of red and perhaps a touch of pastel colors (but these colors rarely come up) tshirts and tank tops with jeans or denim shorts. she says her personality makes up for the lack of color. for going out on special, she loves to wear short dresses (maybe too short), she never wears long ones because she thinks her legs look good in heels. her favorite type of clothing though, is hoodies (paired with shorts). she'll jump at any chance to wear an oversized hoodie . if it's cool enough to wear a hoodie outside, she'll definitely be wearing a hoodie of any kind and color, they're just so comfy. she loves going around with the hood up, she thinks it makes her look like a "suspicious person" and that is extremely funny to her for some reason. she has a ton of socks that have characters on them or cute colors, but none seem to belong to a pair as she always manages to lose them. her socks are always mismatched and they stand out against her shoes. she owns a lot of shoes ranging from a variety of sneakers to heels and boots, but really, they're just there for show. she loves looking at shoes, but ends up wearing the same worn pair of black vans or white sneakers every single day. she never carries around a bag or wallet of any kind, and keeps cash and cards in her pockets or inside her phone case. this causes her to forget a lot of her belongings often
재미 삼아 남긴 낙서가 아직도
about me
personality traits: childish, stubborn, insecure, loyal, kindhearted
"okay but to be fair, i'm still youngish so i'm allowed to be like this." park jiyun is definitely a kid at heart. her parents always babied her younger brothers, and she had to help take care of them. this caused her her seek attention and be babied by others. others view her as someone that needs to be taken care of and watched over. she seems to be simple minded, and often has a smile on her face and is trying keep the mood up by making others laugh. she tries not to feel embarrassment and because of that she tries to not think and as a result something usually pops out of before she can think about whether it's dumb or not appropriate. it usually makes others laugh, and she laughs along with them, brushing off her her seemingly sense of having no dignity. she is like an open book in this sense. jiyun is easily entertained and finds so many things funny (even if it's not, her mind wanders and she starts losing herself in her thoughts until she relates it to a funny memory) and is often found giggling in a corner or covering trying to not to laugh. she's very expressive in  gestures and reactions. she's shameless, and often finds herself in trouble and relies on others to get her out of it. 

"you say i'm stubborn, i say i'm determined" really, though, she’s simply just stubborn. she acts on impulse and sticks by that action, she almost always refuses to admit that she’s wrong about things, and will go through unnecessary lengths to attempt to prove that she is right. she does get impatient at times, and curses at herself for starting. yet it is a cycle, she must go through with it. she hates being proven wrong, and does not take it well. she thinks that she is always right, even if there is logical reasoning she'll refuse to admit she was wrong and pick an argument until the other side gives in (because she as heck she won’t ever give in). She prides herself in being right all of the time and always knowing what to do. this is her way to proving that she is able to make her own decisions. this plays into her being extremely competitive as well. she wants to be the best at everything, even if she isn't she sticks it out until she is. to her, failure isn't an option. 

"i can't help it" being no filter and childish, jiyun isn't as shameless as she appears to when she's actually in her thoughts. she hates that she cares about what other people think and one negative thought spirals her into more until she shuts down. she has a lot of insecurities, and her way of coping is not dwelling on it, which is why she always chooses to not think at all. when she is alone, however, it is all she can do since no one is around to see that side of her. she wants to be the one that makes others smile, but the embarrassment of what she does to get it seems to hit her all at once. she wishes she came off as more responsible and taken seriously, but she knows she did it to herself. yes, she is a child at heart but she also wants to show a more mature side. she doesn't think that she can do both, though, and it's one or the other. she fears if she changes herself to not be so shameless, she won't get any attention at all and would be viewed as just another person.

"you know I love you right" she doesn't have all too much love for herself but she definitely does for others. her sense of loyalty plays into her stubbornness, she sticks by who she cares about or trusts no matter what wrong they may do. she definitely has a kind and caring heart for those she cares deeply about. she trusts others easily and hates losing people in her life. because of her easy love for people, she often approaches others first and loves making new friends. she feels sympathy very easily and if she doesn't distract herself from thinking about it, she gets emotional quite easily.  she loves to try observe others and try to analyze them in her head. she is a ride of die and she isn’t afraid to reach other to others about their feelings, and wants to be there for them no matter what. she often pushes others to open up even when they don’t want to as she believes that keeping things in is not the right way to go (quite hypocritical, isn't it?) she lives to make those she loves happy.  
jiyun was born in myeongdo, south korea. she was her parent's first child. after living in korea till five years old, her father was offered a job opportunity in america. her parents believed that having an education in america would be better for their child as well, so the whole family decided to move together to los angeles, california. 

growing up as the only child, she was the center of attention often. her parents let her do almost anything, and when she developed an interest in kpop, they allowed her to attend vocal lessons. after years of lessons, her voice grew stable and could be said as good, but it still wasn't anything special or outstanding. still, she believed she could make it in the industry someday. 

her parents weren't the most involved in her idol dreams, but her grandparents were. they lived with her family and were always supportive of her dreams. they were like her second parents, she liked to say. they just.. understood her. 

when she was fifteen, her twin baby brothers jiho and jihoon were born. she loved them to pieces, and played with them often, but when they were born she wasn't the baby of the family anymore. she was forced to "grow up" and grow a sense of responsibility to help her parents with her brothers. life at home definitely changed, as she was now an older sister. she began to not stay at home when her help wasn't needed and hung out with her friends more. 

the more she hung out with her friends, the more she was influenced by the american culture. she began to get into the genre of hip hop music, and found a love in khiphop, where it combined her love for korean music and hip hop. she found the music more meaningful and based on emotion, which she admired that these artists were able to share with their fans.  

she began attending global kpop auditions that took place in los angeles. her parents always told her she wasn't going to make it, but she refused to listen. her grandparents told her otherwise, and their support led her to continue on.  jiyun believed she had double skills now, auditioning with vocals and rap. she was rejected by multiple companies.

at the age of 16 her grandfather passed away. she fell into a slump, and didn't want to continue with anything anymore. she lost an extremely important person to her, someone who had supported her with her dreams. eventually, she decided she just had to continue. this was what he wanted her to do, so she put herself back up to continue. when she finally made it in an audition to be part of a group called "voltage" at the age of 18, her parents were extremely skeptical, but allowed her to go back to south korea to train. the park family all moved back to their hometown as well at that time. 

lifestyle: jiyun enjoys watching cartoons and variety showsand staying in bed. she loves collecting plushies and is often rearranging her collection  before cuddling up with them and having a chill day. she likes to online shop only rather than going out to the stores. when she can, she goes home and hangs out with her brothers and taking them out to play. she only really likes to go outside when she takes her brothers out, unless it's to eat. she loves eating at different food places with friends and trying new things.
-she has over 30 stuffed animals that crowd on her bed, and loves buying more and collecting them
-she loves cartoons and has watched many of them. her favorite is avatar the last airbender
-she has insomnia that was developed since her grandfather's death. her feelings towards that have yet to fade, and  her thoughts often keep her up at night and she gets lonely during that time, so she resorts to writing.
-she enjoys watching variety shows as she is definitely a character herself (she would be best in variety shows), her favorite is running man
-she loves writing and keeps a journal of her thoughts that no one has ever seen
-food: she will eat anything as long as there isn't a vegetable in it. she loves trying strange foods
-small gestures: she is a er for anything someone does for her, it just shows that they care for her and she automatically loves them even more
-music: her favorite kpop group is teen top, and she loves aomg. 
-being raised in america, she isn't completely used to the the mannerisms of south korea. skinship isn't a big deal for her and she exhibits it a lot without a second thought. she has a habit of squishing and poking people's cheeks, hugging them as greeting, and linking arms
-drinking: she loves drinking and being loud with the excuse of alcohol, when she's drunk she never has negative thoughts
-she swears in english sometimes
-she's scared of small spaces and the studio ghilbi character no face
-she hates losing with a passion, and is a sore loser
-she writes her own rap lyrics, and they're all quite emotional and dark so she has never shown anyone
-she is quite clumsy and even trips over her feet sometimes
-loves orange juice
-her nails are always painted
-pouts when she doesn't get what she wants
-has a habit of stuffing too much when she eats
변함없이 그대로네

could you please introduce yourself: /bows 90 degrees with a bright smile/ hi! i'm park jiyun, nice to meet you!!
why do you want to become an idol:  i want to be an idol because i want to be someone that  makes music for others to relate to and feel. 
what do you think being an idol is like: i think that being an idol is being able to make music for other people to relate to and connect to. 
what are some goals that you are going to be setting for yourself: i want to be able to show that everyone has different sides of themselves through music and eventually be able to write my own music.  i always have dreamed of being on variety shows too, they seem fun and at the same time great for publicty. 
of all companies, why kjs: i've always wanted to be an idol, and other companies didn't notice my potential. this was the one company that was able to recognize that i had potential and i am extremely grateful for that! /bows 90 agrees again and smiles widely/ thank you!
해가 드는 창가 끝에 네가 앉고
park joohoo and lee yunhee
relationship status: parents
face claim: sung dongil and lee ilhwa
she used to be extremely close to her parents but since the birth of her brothers, conversation turned to her becoming more resposible and watching over them and worrying about her future. they don't trust in her company and don't think that she should be following this career path and are reluctantly supporting her. her grandmother had returned to her original hometown of seoul, and jiyun only gets to call her every now and then.
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park jiho and jihoon 
relationship status: my precious brothers
face claim: lee seoeon and seojun
she loves her five year old brothers to the moon and back. she doesn't take out her upsetness of not being the baby anymore on them at all and would do anything for them. her calls home all go to them and she loves hanging out and being playful and goofy with them. they're the only ones allowed to call her by her nickname and she wants to make money to spoil them. 
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park jihoon
relationship status: bestie!!
face claim: wannaone jihoon
her bestie of all besties. they're from the same hometown and are childhood friends. she always hung out with him when she visited korea every now and then while living in the states. he is someone she is 100% comfortable with and knows almost everything about. the two of them are almost exactly alike, but he is someone that is so baby that she can't help but calling him baby all of the time (something that could be taken out of context). they could go through 10 different topics within one conversation, and are partners in crime when it comes to fooling around. her parents adore him and even named one of their sons after him. he is her role model in a sense that he made it into the idol industry first and is a big supporter of jiyun's debut and has been helping her try and prepare for ages.
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나도 옆에 앉아 노래를 부르면서
your alias
i hope i was able to get across what jiyun is like, i tend to get too excited with too many ideas and write them all that they don't work together, but i took a while to narrow things down and hope it works out!
scene suggestions
-voltage not making it big at first and jiyun's parents telling her to just drop out of the group, but she has blind faith in ksj and refuses to and is determined to prove them wrong
-hmm not really a scene but maybe jiyun's character development personality wise, maybe falling into an identity crisis and it shows towards the public and she grows from there
-voltage members having a drunk heart to heart and saying what they all really feel inside
-her brothers visiting the members
-jiyun and bobby on the same variety show and forget there's cameras around and get caught in a dating scandal
-bobby getting jealous of jihoon (her best friend) and shows it in a bad way
yanghwa bridge by zion t  (or any simpy emotionally powerful songs tbh)
시간들을 보냈는데
now playing
31 x 31
she is decent in vocals but prefers to rap.
talent twin
pristin siyeon
stage name
she wanted to have a stage name that was close to her real name. by taking out the "i" in her name she thinks "j.yun" sounds cool.
trainee years
2 years
trainee life
trainee life for jiyun wasn't as bad. it was a lot of work, but she found it to be interesting and on top of that, had a clear goal at the end. she often was tired and didn't get to go home as much, but she knew she would debut and it would be worth it. she struggled the most with dancing, though, and often had to stay back after the others to learn due to her clumsiness.
-an article about her being extremely entertaining on a variety show and perhaps becoming known for variety shows
-articles about her being too shameless and getting criticized for not being more mature/responsible as an idol
-an article about her being to excessive with skinship
네 어깨 나의 어깨
love interest
86 x 86 
birth name
kim jiwon / bobby
ikon's rapper
date of birth
december 21 1995
-at first meeting, he isn't the most open person but still is kind, he definitely comes off as awkward. 
-he prefers his own small group of friends and doesn't always love meeting new people and takes a while to open up
-cares a lot about his image to his fans
-he is definitely goofy and happy-go-lucky and loves doing spontaneous things, is a meme to close friends
-to those he cares about he is extremely caring and nurturing
-charismatic onstage
-everything that he does must have a purpose, and he is extremely serious about his music
-has a sense of responsibility over many things
love story
they first met backstage on a music show. jiyun was in the hallway on a call with her younger brothers and being extremely cheerful and speaking sweetly. after she ended the call. she turned to return back to her dressing room when she walked straight into a clothing rack and cussed loudly in english. bobby, who was in the hallway at the same time making his way to his own room heard the whole thing and laughed at the sudden change in attitude, and awkwardly asked her if she was okay. startled, she responded in english that she was before remembering she was in korea and repeated the same sentence in korean. he responded in english as he also stayed in the states, getting excited, jiyun began talking a lot, asking a lot of questions which flustered him. she didn't notice, though. after a while one of her group members came to get her as they were about to go on. before she left, she handed her phone to bobby and said "put your number in new friend!" and he did so as it was so sudden and he was flustered, something he normally wouldn't do. she later texted him and they started getting into conversations that flow, whether it be about life or rap and grew to become close. 
because she stays up due to her insomnia and he often stays up as well to write music, the two often talk during nighttime through text or video chat. at first, bobby was still quite awkward and didn't talk as much, but jiyun  is very forward that eventually he got comfortable and started to be himself. he often reprimands her and tries to treat her as if she's his responsibility, but she combats it by teasing him and always squishing his cheeks. he's more used to the korean culture as he has been there longer, while she's more used to american culture, so her random skinship still gets him flustered from time to time. he's one of the only people that she feels like she can show a somewhat serious side to, as he helps her with her lyrics. however, she has yet to get to the point with him where she can say the lyrics are her own feelings.  they talk often and try to hangout at unconventional places like backstage of music shows, goofing off or just chilling and talking. their group members always tease them about the two dating and they both have a running inside joke of teasing each other with starting a setnence with "see, i would never date you because". 
they are like best friends outside of their own group members and well, other best friends, (they don't call each other best friends) but they both have feelings that they won't admit through the teasing of their group members.  
perhaps one side or the other can get pushed to the point where they admit their feelings for another (through the help of alcohol heh) when their "i would never date you" inside joke goes too far and they can start secretly dating because her dating ban isn't up yet and stay under the cover of being best friends. 


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