Dear Seunghyun

you, honestly. I’m so mad and devastated but because this is your own decision and all that, it’s socially unacceptable to hate you for it. It’s socially unacceptable to be mad at you but I am. I’m so ing mad at you for just leaving like that, for acting?????

At least you knew to be sorry. I’m sorry too. I just don’t know how ftisland will continue on without but you. I’m hurt, above all, and you don’t owe us anything but I’m still hurt. I’ll never see you or ftisland live, in person, and you’ve left behind Hongki and Jaejin and Minhwan and I don’t know how you could.

FNC was a company but I hope you keep in contact with the members. I’m mad at you for making Hongki sad again because let’s ing face it, he raised you these ten years. And I know you know, because you told him that you were sorry, but I’m still ing mad at you.

I guess it’ll be worth it if you become big. You better, or else.

I’m still mad and I think I always will be. But thank you for ten years and thank you for doing everything you did. I’ll miss you forever, but we’ll always be with you. Even if we’re mad.


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I don't know what's going on here, but he left Ft Island? Honestly, I don't blame him. They've been through so much that he just needed out. He's human, after all. And if this means the end of Ft Island, than so be it. If they're happy, that's what counts.
What??? He left?? I hope the members will keep in touch and he will be happy in his path.
How you feeling, lovely?
I know you probably needed some time to come to terms.
I'm here if you want to vent.
Oh God, I got scared at the beginning. But honestly speaking, we can't be mad at him because FNC probably led to this.
I initially interpreted this post as something else and I got a heart attack
maggie why are you mad omg let him do his own thing? and he probably didn't have a say in when the statement would be released