To a specific user on this site :)

So apparently someone made a blog post about Seungri being "Innocent" or whatever, but i'm not here to talk about that whole thing because i no longer care. I'm here because this specific user had the nerve to call fandoms out of their name, and on top of that, restrict the comment section so she wouldn't get the backlash she KNEW she was gonna get. allow me to drop those said hashtags here


"#SeungriTheRealVictim #SeungriInnocenceProved #Bigbangis5forever #HatersGoingToTheHell #ratarmy #toxic2ne1fans #blinks #daratard #crazyhaters"

okay @KiraBeautifulvideo90, i know you love your oppar, but there was literally no need to use those other hashtags. "Ratarmy" "blinks" "daratard"??? Are you ting me?


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Why bring other fandoms in when it's his own problem. Like gurll...what did armys or blinks ever do to u??
She's notorious for being an akgae and extremely rude towards other fandom (esp Daragon shippers but both GRi & Daragon shippers have always been in a feud since forever) so I'm no longer surprised lol used to be a part of the fandom but people like her absolutely ruins the fun in shipping so I eventually left it & preferred to fangirl alone

And I second to izarakovic. They're pretty much delusional, both in this case and when shipping their OTPs pffftt
its speechless to see someone just drag those fandoms names in the mud for no apparent reason. this kind of toxicity has no place anywhere.
Really need a report button
We won’t have someone who openly bashes others.
I saw her profile as well and honestly I just feel really disgusted. She’s even written a line regarding those who stan Dara
She’s just awful like that. All she does is bash other people and especially Daragon shippers it seems. I’d ignore her because there is literally no way to change her toxic ways and ok, if she wants to be surrounded by the hate and negativity she gives others - that’s her deal. The rest of us? Well, I vote we indulge ourselves in love and positivity.
I remember reading one of her blog back then, thinking wtf is this and proceeded to copy an entire essay about Seungri's involvement and voila, she blocked me. There was one other person commenting something similar and she deleted their comment as well.

She made youtube videos about that if I'm not mistaken and as much as I want to report her. It seems like AFF hasn't provide that feature yet :( seems like her only supporter is some person with uname Real Hunter and they talk as if the korean police updates them everyday about the case. I smell delusionals
Okay, I'm not here to talk about the Seungri situation, I do not support him or believe in his innocence, but whatever.

This person does nothing but insult other fandoms, other groups, and other people constantly. Those tags aren't even the first time she's done this, she's called BTS "BTs", calls Sandara Park a e, calls Sandara's fans and BTS' fans "terrorists who support ISIS"... et cetera. They call people s constantly. It's just really ing enraging.