Please read

So school is ending soon and I just wnated to say goodbye to eveyone that is leaving this website and I wated to say a special goodbye to my 3 friends on here 

the first one is Delila_01 she roleplayed with me alot and we had alot of fun but she with no longer be online because she is graduating and she wants to focus on life right now so I respect that and may the best of luck be with her.

Another one of my friends that is leaving is BaekYeolArmyStay  she is leaving on tuesday until august I am sad for her to leave

the last one is TheLoneWolf316  they are leaving on friday and I will miss them 

I will miss you guys a whole bunch

Ok so This is my last year of middle school and then I will be going into high school if there is aby advice you have for me please comment 

and one last thing I just want to let al of you know that if you are leaving for awhile thanks so much for talking to me you guys made my life so much better and I actualy had someone to talk to and you all are awsome and amazing in your own way and agian a speical message for Delila_01 you amazing and I hope you enjoy your graduation and I know you are going to do great things in life and you will succed I just know all of you guys out there will succed cause I know this might sound werid but you the cuase of my euphoria and if there is anyone else that is leaving here that I skipped comment that and I will add it. Emma out. PEACE


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Advice? Don't procrastinate.
An advice is..don’t stress? And take it step by step! High school isn’t as scary as people portray it! You’re going to do absolutely wonderful!

And imma go say goodbye to them
I love you!