How to write


i really want to know how to put everything in your mind and write it all to your story. Because i am afraid when i wrote a story, it might be hard to be understood or i am too overboard when i wrote it. I have several questions and i really thankful if you could tell me some

1.  Describing a whole situations

Sometimes i used pictures, but i find it lack of something. i need to know how to write it better than i used to be. like how to describing it well. But if i asked you about what do you prefer to read? exact picture or a long specific explanations? pictures might be helped, but we couldn't find an exact picture for our story anytime right?

2. About Point of View

how should i write it? 

kim's POV or..?

sometimes, i even put a mix of it, i mean at the same chapter and the same scene, i describe it from one person's view then suddenly make it change into another one. i put a note before that, but i am afraid that it might be wrong. is that okay?  will it make people confused? 

3. how to put a picture

i use imggmi, but sometimes i found it lost, so i ever asked if reader could see the pictures well. is that could be happened?

and what is the right scale? automatically or change it into a current size?

4. Flashback

I used several flashback, is that okay? will it make reader bored or something?

5. Cursing words

i don't know how far it could be when i used a cursing words in my story, is that any cursing words which seems okay to be used? hehe, i really didn't know about it. 


Thank you so much, i am sorry for bothering you. but i really grateful if you tell me several things from your perspectives. 

good luck! happy fasting and keep your health 

sincerely, Cyinthia


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Use words when describing things. Always. You’re telling a story, so use your media to tell it. If you struggle with over-desribing, I’d say - just describe it. Everything. When you edit you can go back and remove what isn’t necessary. Because it is with writing as it is with many things; your readers will fill in the blanks. Let them. Draw on your readers imagination and let them tell half the story. So describe only what is necessary to paint the scene you want, the details that are important. But again, if you find that difficult, describe everything, every little detail you can think of. You can always remove it in the editing stages.

2) Preferably, don’t change POV. It usually makes for a messy, chaotic story and you never get to really create your narrator if you keep switching it up. If you want to have several POV’s because it’s important for you to describe thoughts and feelings of multiple, use 3rd person omniscient. But I will say, if you absolutely must make the POV-changes, alert your readers as to when they change. Nothing is worse than not knowing who’s narrating.

3) Scale them to a size that isn’t too big so it takes up loads of space and also to a size that isn’t so small you can’t see what’s on the picture. When it comes to stories, though, the only pictures should be the poster in my opinion.

4) Nothing’s wrong with using flashback, it’s a great literary tool for some things. But do consider /why/ you’re using flashback and if the thing the flashback portrays could be told in another way. Is the flashback truly important for the story? Decide why you’re using flashback and what the purpose is for your story.

5) For me, personally, every curse word is acceptable as long as it aligns itself with story and the characters who are using it.
To no. 2 Omg please don't switch the POW. If ypu want to tell the story from different pow, use the 3. Person.
Switching pow and writing down "A's pow" then "B's pow", that's kinda ... weird.
I mean you never see that in published books. So don't do that to your fanfics as well
I reccomend you to search the tag "writingtips" but here are what I usually do :

1. Nope. Don't use any pic inside a narrative. Unless your fic is one of those chatfics, then don't use any. Putting pictures in between all the paragraphs disrupt the flow of the story, and as you said, sometimes pictures don't load and that only make your readers confused. Just use narrative to the best you can and let the readers imagine the rest. You don't really have to describe everything down to the tiniest aspect after all.

2. It's up to you, but do make the POV shifts clear. Such as giving "XXX POV" at the very start, and end with a cut before you change pov. I rarely use first pov again but you can put something like "###" before you write the next paragraph to point out the section ends and the Pov changing
Note : don't change pov in every paragraph. Make it at least 3-5 paragraph before you change pov. The rapid change make the story confusing (to me)

3. The safest bet is for you to download any pic you find useful then upload it on a separate, private account. I usually use my priv. tumblr for that. Just link it there so you'll never lose your pictures. For the size, you better change it so there won't be any mega-sized pics along with tiny-sized pics. And to make them mobile friendly as well

4. It's okay to use flashback but in my opinion, it's better to use flashback only to tell the utmost important events. Less important events could be told by character's innerthoughts or dialogues. And also either use italic or make a separate chapter for the flashback

5. There are no limits for curse word usage. Just use whatever you think is appropriate. Characters who you depict as softspoken and shy, in example, might look weird saying motherer so just stick with heck or something

Yo I ranted so much but good luck for your fics! And happy fasting as well may Allah bless you this
Ramadhan! ^^
I’ve been writing for a while now and here’s my 2 cents

1) describing the situation - I feel that using description is better than an actual image. When you describe the place and surrounding, it makes it easy for the reader to visualise. In my opinion, it’s okay even if the chapter is long because I feel imagery is the most important.

2) POV- You can switch between POV or write in third person. I have done both but recently, I use third person

3) Picture - I actually don’t know this, sorry :p

4) Flashback - it won’t make the reader bored as they will get to know more about the characters

5) Cursing - it’s okay to use these words, but if there are too many, then don’t forget to tag your story as M.