Black Ocean & Zhou Mi


Ello, mates! It’s your neighborhood blog troll coming to bring you my monthly does of KPop as I over-analyze and pick it apart with my very two hands.

Since this is blog time, that also means that this is story time.

Now I was just scrolling around tumblr after my re-blogging of multiple Jung Ah pictures and gifs (And she is now officially my desktop background. So anytime I log onto the computer I’ll be guaranteed a smile.) and I clicked on the Zhou Mi tag, because that’s one of the tags that I’m tracking. Not that I’m irrationally in love with him or whatever. Never that.

And then I saw something that pissed me off to highest of possible heavens. I don’t get mad easily, but this made me extremely mad.

Apparently some (note that I use the word ‘some’ and not ‘all’. I’m not trying to generalize here) KyuMin shippers decided that they hate Zhou Mi’s position in QMi so much, that they’re planning to ‘Black Ocean’ him at his next Super Show 4 performance or something.

Are. you. ing. kidding. Me.

For those of you that don’t know what ‘Black Oceaning’ someone is, it’s actually a quite simple concept to grasp a hold of.

Everyone knows how at concerts and such, fans are able to purchase lightsticks right? And then during performances you can the thousands of fluorescent lightsticks in the crowd, shining in the artist’ respective color. For ELFs, this color would be Sapphire Blue, and lightsticks also hold another big part of the ELF fandom.

Black Oceaning someone is basically when a majority of people turn off their lightsticks, so you can’t see the artist’s fanclub color in the crowd. Sounds stupid? Think of it like this. The lightsticks could represent tallies in a way, allowing you to count how many fans you have. When they are all turned off, you can’t see them; thus making you believe you have no fans in the crowd.

Now, back to what I was saying before. Some KyuMin fans feel so threatened by QMi (KyuhyunxZhou Mi) that they feel Black Oceaning him is appropriate.

Are you serious right now.

Are you serious.

Everything I am about to say is not being said because he Is my bias, but should be taking neutrally.

How immature and pathetic could you possibly be that you have to pull a douchebag move such as this? And over shipping? Seriously?
Shipping is supposed to be fun. Obviously not everyone is going to ship the same pairing, but it’s just a trivial portion of the KPop fandom. It shouldn’t be taken so seriously. Yeah, I may joke about YoonYul or JungHi or whatever, but that’s as a joke.

And that’s how most everyone that I know takes shipping as well.

Shipping is (sorry, but this needs to be said) fictional. Most of what we all ship are probably just close friendships, with a few highly unlikely relationships here and there. It's not meant to be taken so seriously.

But no. Apparently not for certain KyuMin shippers.

What has Zhou Mi ever done to deserve the kind of pain that you’re intending on inflicting upon him? Not to mention that he’s gone through this multiple times before, and when this whole ‘Only 13’ crap decides to calm down, you all pop out of the woodworks.

Imagine how he would feel. Being Black Oceaned simply because of his close friendship with another Super Junior member?It's not even like the 'Only 13' moments when it was because everyone feared that his addition to Super Junior-M(along with Henry's) would become official, this is simply because some shippers just take it to a whole other level.

Zhou Mi has done absolutely nothing, and when I say nothing, I mean, NOTHING, to deserve any of this. All he’s doing is following his dream (despite how cliché that sounds) and becoming close and brotherly with the other Super Junior members. Where in there is he doing anything to you?


I doubt anyone who was(is) intending to Black Ocean him has any solid argument as to why they should.

People are going to ship what you don’t like, you’re going to ship what other may not ship.

Stop being pathetic and childish, and get over it. I thank whatever great deity that there is out there for allowing me to only come in contact with sane KyuMin shippers.

Shisus Christ, first soft blueberries and now this.

Does my day get any worse?

I'm going drink hot chocolate. Calm my rage.





How can you hate and disrespect this face?


okay now I'm done.


(I apologize for wasting the blog space of anyone that really doesn't care about this)


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Kadira #1
*Agrees with everything here*
You basically summed up all my feelings about delusional fans.

Btw, what's your tumblr?