Ashes Of Love

Hello AFF, its been a long time coming but we here now. We bout to set the roof on fire- Okay, no xD But its been a long time since I've come on AFF! What used to be a daily routine to me now seems so vaguely familiar.

I am here today to spew all my emotions of withdrawal I've been having after completing Ashes of Love (aka Heavy Sweetness, Ash-like Frost). First of all, I'm the kind of person that hates watching long dramas with many episodes but because this drama looked interesting I stopped myself from looking at how many episodes it had just so I wouldnt be discouraged to watch it. But who would've thought that I would finish this drama within 5 days... I guess it's not as long as other C-Dramas but still. I don't even enjoy many K-Dramas that exceed 16 eps and many times, I don't finish them. Just this fact says something about how great this drama is.

I highly recommend this drama to those who enjoy fantasy, romance and historical themes.




My emotions are a mess and I'm literally writing this while listening to the OSTs. When I first started the show I actually thought it was a little corny and that the drama was progressing a little too slow for my liking but honestly it was just the first episode. If you are reading and havent watched or stopped watching at episode 1, PLEASE PULL THROUGH. You will not regret.

I don't know where to start. Each character I guess.

Runyu. Okay guys, I know that many of those who have watched hate Runyu. But I have to say I don't. I'm not trying to justify all his misdeeds here but I'm just looking at how terribly he was treated. He had nothing and yet somehow, he managed to have everything that came to him taken away. He found his birth mom and finally thought he'd make things right with her, but she was then killed by the Heavenly Empress. To his father, his birth was just a mistake that he wished never happened. As children, to Xufeng they were purely siblings with a great relationship but he didn't know that Runyu suffered everytime something bad happened to him. And I know he 'schemed' his way into keeping his engagement with Jinmi but would we have complained if it was Xufeng who did it? Its just our bias to the main couple. Just like Jinmi is so in love with Xufeng, we can understand her but when Runyu is so in love with Jinmi, everyone hates him. I just can't bring myself to hate him. Up til the very end, he had nothing. So while I do acknowledge his faults, I still pity him.

Jinmi, another pitiful character with wrongdoings of her own. Nobody can justify her killing Xufeng but I like to argue that if every evidence of a crime pointed to someone, wouldn't a judge throw them in jail? But what if the crime was murder of high ranking immortals? Wouldn't the judge also drop a death sentence? I would think so. They would also be mistakenly killing an innocent. Jinmi isn't a judge so she didn't have the right to kill him, but I get it. I don't condone murder guys, but you can't purely blame her. All the evidence was tampered with and she also had the Yun Elixir messing with her. If we had to blame anyone, it would be Suihe and Runyu.

Xufeng, the real victim throughout the drama to be honest. I don't recall him doing a single misdeed against anyone. If anything he was only helping the people around him always. Bian City Princess and Muci are the proof. It was only because he was born as the son of the Heavenly Empress that a lot of his troubles came about. The Empress helping Suihe so that she could marry Xufeng was the biggest problem. The biggest misunderstanding between him and Jinmi was caused by Suihe. And she only continued to lie to him after he was resurrected.

Suihe, oh Suihe. She did everything the one she loved. But he made it clear always that he never loved her back. She still insisted though. Unlike Runyu, she had everything she could ever need or want. She was princess of the Bird Tribe, already set to lead it some day. The only thing she couldn't have was Xufeng and she lost everything just to get him. But it didn't last long. While it's sad, I say it serves her right. She only took the credit for Jinmi's doings and blamed Jinmi for all her own wrongs. In the end she got what she deserved.

Above all, the biggest criminal is Tuyao. Madam Heavenly Empress. The scheming evil mother that every drama insists on having. While she did everything out of love, it all just backfired because everything she wanted for her son was never anything her son asked for. In the end all the blood on her hands drowned her. Just like Suihe, she got what she most very well deserved.

The entire drama is perfectly suited to its title, Ashes of Love. As we can tell just from the emotional blurb I had about the characters, everything they did was in the name of love. Be it friendly, parental, filial or even romantic. Their love was so obsessive that it only brought destruction upon themselves. It was so painful and stressful to watch this drama but in a good way. It made my heart churn and flip and just go crazy really.

Emotional rollercoaster it was. I am trying to overcome the withdrawals by watching Eternal Love but up to this point, it isn't really up to the same standard in terms of story and CGI.

Speaking of CGI, at first I thought the CGI in Ashes of Love was kind meh (and at some parts it is kinda awkwardly obvious) but overall it was actually pretty great and better than most C-Dramas. Especially now that I have Eternal Love to compare it to. The CGI in AoL now just seems to be amazing xD

I don't think I have much more to say, or rather I do but I don't currently possess the emotional capacity to go through it at this moment in time. If I feel another emotional explosion coming on, I'll be back xD

Thank you for staying with me til the end if you made it here xD


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