"What do I comment?" - A kind post for readers


Writer says, 'please don't forget to comment!'

'Comment below!'

'Leave a comment.'

'Comment, please, someone, say somethingggg!' 

'Comment and let me know where to improve,'  

and the list goes on.


Reader, scratches chin in wonder. 'What the hell do you want me to say?'




 You don't have to have a Ph.D. in English literature to comment on a fic.


So what do you write in that daunting comments section?


Scenario 1:

It's blank, you're the first one there. Oh no, now you have the extra pressure to set the standard. Other readers will judge you, the writer will judge you, God will judge you. This isn't YouTube, you can't just go ahead with 'First comment,' 'I'm JUNGshook,' or 'the last time I was this early RV had 4 members' and get away with it. FUUU! Your hands hover over your keyboard. It's just a matter of punching letters. Author-nim wants a comment. The writer is discouraged and you want to be nice but what to comment? The easiest thing ever is just to leave. You've a life. You can't be wasting all that time deciding what to write. The writer wants feedback on the story. You really don't know what to say. It's good, the thought comes to your head. You dismiss it. "It's good? It's good! I can't say that. That sounds stupid." But you know what, you can totally say that.

Writer asks for feedback.

Reader: it's good.


Perfect! Now we're going somewhere.


Scenario 2:

Writer's asking for comments. They don't ever stop with that 'comment jusaeyo,' do they? You don't know what to say. You scroll to the comments. Jeez, everyone's written essays. There's comments on plot, character development, the use of pathetic fallacy, the pacing, the vivid imagery, writing techniques and lots of other fancy stuff. Now you're really stuck. This story is where intellectuals hang out. You think, what am I doing here? You don't think your comment belongs there. You were thinking of saying 'update soon,' but that's going to look real clever. You hang your head in shame. English isn't your best subject, it might not even be your first language. You think the story's real cool. It made you laugh in some parts, you really liked that one sentence and you never saw that plot twist coming but when it hit you it just made you so mad. Say it. Say what you think.

Writer asks for feedback.

Reader: it was great, I laughed a lot. I really liked that line 'My uninvited guest shakes her head, causing more curls to cascade.' I could see it happening. That's really cool. That plot twist tho, I wanna know who I should hate and I wanna know now. I'm so mad!




Scenario 3:

You've read the update. You've known what you wanted to comment since paragraph 3. You've just been building on that from paragraph 4. Now you've got a million things you want to say. 'She did what? He's being a jerkface! I knew he was going to do that, it was predictable but I had faith. Damn! Those friends aren't really friends, they're snakes!' You've got a million and one thoughts in your head. You scroll to the comments section, ready to be a keyboard warrior. Then you see it, the last two comments are from you. You've commented on Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. Between then and now no one else said anything. You don't want to be pushy. You don't want to be that person who comments on every chapter you've read. The author's been telling you how much your comments are appreciated BUT you can't just be commenting everywhere! That's weird. Embarrassing too. Someone else should comment, is what you think. Still, you were excited about the update and you've so many thoughts about it. You think no more, you go for it.

Writer asks for feedback.

Reader: omg, I can't believe this. She shouldn't have done that. He's an but now he's gonna be a bigger . I really hoped it wouldn't happen but it did. Damn! Those friends though, I see you, I hate you, I hope y'all burn in hell. Fake friends deserve hell.



I've run out of scenarios but you get the gist. READERS, just write what you think. No one's going to judge you. If a character made you feel something, say it. If you saw something coming, say it. If you feel the suspense and can't wait for what happens next, say it. If you laughed, cried, got angry, felt jealous, felt delighted or felt nothing, say it. If you found someone particularly attractive in this one scene, tell it. If you thought snowflake16 ranting a whole paragraph about this one house with a tree in the backyard was the most boring thing ever, tell it. If you felt like snowflake16 was being flaky and not describing something, tell it. If you thought something was super unrealistic and were rolling your eyes the whole time, be nice, ask how that happened. If you were absolutely shook, mind-blown, awestruck by something that happened in the story, ask how the writer came up with it.


Don't be shy about commenting. Express your opinion. You can talk about anything. Y'all deserve to leave comments. Tell me how much you hate this eye burning coloured font!






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Thank you! Thank you so much for this blog. I'm so happy to see this. Honestly, comments, upvote, and subscriptions give writers happiness to write more. No matter how bad the English is. Drop it there for us. We will try as hard as we can with great joy, to understand you. Thank you dear. Bless you greatly ♥ ♥
the best blog about comment section ive seen , does not exude negativity instead you are encouraging readers to expressed anything they want
Gawd this makes me so happy. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED TO READ
Honestly sometimes saying "thank you for the update" is good enough for me. At least I know people are still reading :")
But yeah, I agree with you! It's really important for writers to know what readers think because sometimes we miss important plot points or write something that sounds too complicated. Feedback is an important way to write better.
this is so t r u e
i especially like it when readers comment on how like a specific scenes made them feel or what their thoughts on a character's action could result in, just to show the writer that they're enjoying the story so far
Seriously, I think there is such a huge misconception what writer wants when they ask for comments and feedbacks.

When I ask for comments I don't want it on how great I am as a writer. I want the comments to be readers' reactions to what I just wrote LOL. So yes, just the readers thoughts on the piece that they just read is enough. To readers, I just want what you like, don't like, you can rant about a character and everything it would give me more to work with when I go to reply to your comments. It bring me a piece of happiness to know I got a reaction out of you from my own creativeness. ^^