Tropes I really dislike

DISCLAIMER: This is a blogpost debating only my opinion. I cannot and will not speak for anybody else. These are just tropes I personally don't enjoy. 

Write whatever you want to write regardless. (:


Please remember to tell me your opinion in the comments. Safe zone, nobody gets bashed for their opinion, I promise. uwu


The lovestory involving psychopaths

See, this is just something that really grinds my gears. We all know the story. Character A is a psychopath, they may be a mafia boss or a murderer or something dark like that. Character B is charming and sweet and accidentally stumble upon Character A and changes their ways because #romance. 

And I really hate that storyline, I'm sorry. It's just ... psychopathy isn't exactly a fun psychological disorder and it doesn't just change with a little love. 

"Psychopathy is traditionally a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits."

I mean ... I just really dislike the idea that love can change something like psychopathy. It completely ruins the idea of writing psychopathic characters to me. Psychopathic characters are interesting because they're charming, manipulative, brilliant and they still don't feel a thing. 

Write your gang leader or your mafia boss as badass as you want them, of course. Just ... I don't connect a love story with a psychopathic character and I just feel a little sad every time I see it. ; _ ;

(Now before you come at me, yes, I have a story with a psychopathic character, yes, it looks like the romantic story I oppose against, no, it is not what it seems like).


The "Eat for me because I love you" eating disorder story and the "Don't kill yourself because I love you" depression story. 

In the same category as above, I just feel so sad every time I read a story that battles mental health and makes the ending a love story. A character finds love and is cured from their mental disorder with just that.

Now, I KNOW how important support and love is. But it's not all and the battle is tough. Depression doesn't just disappear when someone says "I love you". I don't know, I don't think I would've trusted those words when I was at my lowest. 

"I love you"s don't suddenly make anorexic or bulimic people eat again and not feel anything about it. It just doesn't happen. And oh sure, it breaks me a little. It really does. I wish we could move away from it, be realistic about it. 

If you want to write a story about a depressed individual finding love, please do so. By all means, do so. Just don't make the depression vanish in thin air. ;;


The protective mysterious male lead

Ok, this is a character more than a trope or a storyline, really, but it bugs me. The protective male lead is often abusive (in my opinion) although it's often emotional and verbal abuse. 

"Say you're only mine" - no. No, I'm not yours, I'm me and mine. I want you in my life, I don't need you in my life. 

It pains me physically when I see stories where one is made out to actually need their partner. They can't do much on their own, they're just sad, really. Sometimes they even have a dramatic past so we can feel sympathy for them and then swoops in the protective male lead and he's not doing anything better, really. I just feel so uncomfortable. 

Male leads that must act out in front of other men to protect their loved one. Male leads who verbally demand something from their partner that isn't really theirs to take. Male leads who feel ... protective. I don't like protectiveness. It borders on possessiveness. 

(Also, the "pulls female leads towards their chest to get her out of the way of a car" is sort of overused by now...)

But I'm also an individual female who values individuality a lot. I know cultures are different. Doesn't mean it doesn't make me a little sad to see.



This one just creeps me out and I'm pretty sure everybody knows, lol. The A/B/O dynamic is bordering the above point about the protective male lead but it takes it a notch up. I just think it's so creepy. 

It just screws over all individuality and I don't like the connotation that "alpha is masculine, omega is feminine". Just ... nah. No thank you. 


The mean CEO

Please just for once give me something new, something that isn't "good girl gets bad boy". 

Besides, a pleasant boss would be a great thing to see in more fics, lmao. They happen to exist. Give a little kudos to those who actually know how to manage their workplace well and is liked uwu 

(And not the "oh, the young CEO is so swooning hot even tho he's kind of a but have you seen him, so his actions are ok"-CEO.)



I don't know, are there more things I dislike? o_o' 


But I can't think of them right now. I have more things I'd actually like to see more of than I do things I just straight out dislike. But I will say, though, that majority of these (except the mean CEO) are immediate reason for me to exit a story. 

It's just preferences, I suppose. ;;


AGAIN: Please write what you want to write, what you feel inspired to write. That's far more important than anything anyone says. :)


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if you happy and you know it (when you see minji's blogs) clap your hands
Didn't know I needed this. Agreeeeeeeeeeeee.
Omegaverse is definitely tricky.
Though I've actually found some really good ones where it's all not about and not all omegas are feminine and stuff idk
But to each their own~

But agreed on the other ones, especially the depression suddenly disappearing stories. I hate those a lot.
agreed agreed agreed agreed
I so agree with all of these, especially the ones concerning omega verse. No amount of independent omega stories, or feisty omega stories, are able to soothe my hatred for them. Because, just as I thought the omega can protect themselves, the alpha SWOOPS in and oh , the omega actually CAN’T do s on their own! Just, wtf, people? And when I say ‘can’t do s on their own’, I meant ‘you’re practically defenceless when you’re on your heat and you need these knots to satiate you yada yada yada’, it’s just disgusting.

So, recently, there’s a lot of these ‘Dreame’ app stories on Facebook, their motto is something like ‘stories to read for your dreams’, and I’m incredibly disturbed bc those are NOT stories I want for my dreams! There was one wolf!au where the MC mates with a guy who has a MISTRESS. I think the thing that bothers me about this ‘Dreame’ app is the fact that 100% (ok, I’ll be generous, 99.9%) of the stories consist of possessive playboys paired with a sweet and innocent MC, and it just infuriates me whenever I see them.

So, I think that’s mostly the kind of stories I hate to read: The MC is some sweet, innocent flower who meets SO, who’s an abusive and possessive playboy who’s bound to have some sort of tragic past to earn sympathy. I just hate them, overused is one thing, it’s really NOT romantic.
I agree with all of these!!