To Those Frustrated by Silent Readers

It happens frequently. 

Author's rant about silent readers - and rightly so. It is super frustrating. 


I'm here to share a secret I haven't really shared with anyone. Oh well, maybe a few close friends but really... I don't know how many it's going to offend, really, but I'm doing it anyway because if this can help any one writer out there with his or her frustration in the moment, then it's doing good. 


See, I have been frustrated by silent readers as well. By now I think it's a point every fanfic writer ever struggles with at some point of their "career". It really is.

We all know how absolutely horrible it is to upload your newest oneshot or newest chapter and receive ... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Zero zilch nichts. It's infuriating and it drains motivation and inspiration faster than anything really.


I have a story called Show Must Go On. This story was written entirely because I was frustrated with silent readers. I felt mocked and completely ridiculous and hopeless as a writer. Forget doubts, I was mad.

So I created a story with a main character whose job as a successful author drove him mad. Killing people like I wanted to tear my readers apart for giving me absolute nothing. 

It wasn't fair to my readers - but it was great for my aggression. 


The story has later garnered positive response actually. I sometimes feel a little bad that this story is honestly just me being so frustrated at my readers that I felt so violent my main character became a murderer. And nobody knew before today; nobody knew that Show Must Go On was me "killing" my silent readers in frustration and rage. 

But it was - and it is. 


So here's my secret to those of you frustrated with silent readers. Write it out, but not in a rant. Do mean things to characters and put yourself in your main character's shoes. Write a self-insert and go crazy. Don't beg for comments, it'll only serve to frustrate you further.

Write 500 words, write 50 000 words - let the frustration out in a story wherein you can be as violent as need be to release all your frustrations. Not only will it serve to aid towards your word count of the day (if you have one), frustration is a great feeling for writing and maybe you'll see your work improve. 

If you don't publish it, just let it be writing experience. That isn't bad at all. Experience is all we got. 


And it's so much healthier and well, I'll almost guarantee it'll make you feel slightly better. 


(Sorry if I offend any of my readers. You guys are great. <3)


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That's a great idea. Because the feeling when you upload and then nothing happens is terrible.
Oh, awesome idea....
So you mean the goal is now 50k words a week and not 10k? :O I like the idea.

As for silent readers, Idunno. Since I don't know whether they're there or not it doesn't bother me xD I'm more annoyed by comments that show they never read the story haha.
Mewlrose #4
That's great that you managed to find a way to deal with your frustration towards silent readers. I might try it out sometime in the future. Honestly, nowadays, I don't write as much as I used to (I guess I can call it a creative hiatus) so I guess I'm not angry that 99% of my readers are silent readers. Maybe my views will change once I start writing again, but right now, I couldn't care less if someone subscribed to a story that I haven't touched in two years doesn't comment.
Demitria_Teague #5
Yaaaaas. That's a great idea. I think I'll do that. It is so frustrating.
Silent readers have been a particular annoyance of mine. I'm glad you found a way to deal with them. My way is to try to model and encourage the kind of behavior I want in readers. Modelling it by trying to alway leave comments when I read fic and encouraging it by thanking readers who comment to me and letting them know how much it means. But you're right: You've got to find some way of dealing with silent readers or you will go mad. ^_^
I will keep this in mind next time one of my characters wants to tear someone's spine out through their throat