❀ LET'S LIVE, (BB) 박 지석

replace with fc
Usa aka Bunbun
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc

birthname. Park Jiseok

— Seokkie - his inner circle of friends call him this, and they are the only ones he will respond to if they do. 

— Baobao + LISTEN - it started with Hua calling him this and the others hearing it. So they thought it was funny and they kept calling him this, particularly Jaehwan. He really, really, really dislikes this nickname except when Hua uses it genuinely.

— The Wiki - want some random fact? Ask Jiseok. More than likely in his late nights when he was bored, he probably read something about what you want to know. And if he doesn't, give him a minute to pull up some random database on his current electronic of choice and he'll have an answer for you.

birthdate. April 13
ethnicity. Korean

— Korean + fluent + his native language
— Mandarin + Pretty darn close to fluent + Time abroad, and extensive practice with Jaehwan and his mom.
— English + Conversational + School subject

faceclaim. Kim Yugyeom (Got7) + +
backup fc. Kim Donghan (soloist) + +

— 182 cm, 68 kg, all through highschool Jiseok had black hair and embodied the dark, brooding type. Well, university is here, and his friends had their way with him, so now he sports red hued hair for the most part. He secretly likes it, but won't admit it. He has a rather terrible looking bite scar on his left forearm from being attacked by a dog when he was a child. 


— Wears a camo jacket that others may hate, but he loves and will fite you. Lots of solid colors. Actually just a lot of black. He doesn't like the idea of having to overthink his clothing choices, so lots of black. Matches everything, makes him look slimmer. If he does wear colors or patterns, its because one of his friends got him to do it. 

 <--- Default


Jiseok never claims to be the nicest person. He tends to come off as brooding and cranky, choosing to sit away from most groups of people unless he has a reason to be in their midst. Introverted in a way that makes him seem plain antisocial, Jiseok really hates crowded places and large groups of people. He just feels drained around them and gets anxious and uncomfortable around them. So he is just a little standoffish around newer people. Jiseok lets your actions speak louder than words: he won't trust you until you've proven you're trustworthy. While his friends or loved ones might adore you, Jiseok is wary of new people, so he is the last of the group to welcome a new person. Jiseok wants to make sure of your motives before he accepts you: he's been burned in the past, and won't let it happen again.

Straight forward and blunt in a way that can be rude to some, Jiseok doesn't like to mince words. He's going to tell you straight how it is. Honesty is extremely important to him, and deception is capital on his list of offenses. He feels it is kinder to be open and direct than to arbitrarily spare some hurt feelings. It's how he'd like to be treated: with enough respect to be honest. He can't stand bull honestly, and can be short tempered and brusque towards people he thinks are foolish and in need of a reality check. Expressive enough to simply say "why are you being so dumb?" has a way of rubbing people the wrong way.

"But why do any of you even like me?" Jiseok is extremely self-aware and suffers surprisingly low self-esteem. He often acts standoffish because part of him doesn't thinks he's really anything remarkable, or that people just won't like him. He knows he comes off as rude and a jerk half the time, so why anyone even keeps trying to talk to him is a conundrum to him, Jiseok doesn't mean to be an or rude. He truly just suffers from some innate anxiety at first which then translates into him being a jerk. Jiseok knows that he tends to make friends second hand, and that he is terrible at socializing. There's always a fear that he's just going to drive people away and they'll leave him all alone: so why even bother trying with formal niceties? But it's a troubling cycle for him because he doesn't want to be alone as much has he says. And it's a constant for him because even when he's wrong, he hates admitting it and finds apologizing so difficult.

So why does he even have friends? 

Because he's also kind-hearted and compassionate. He may be blunt and honest, but he does it in the service of the other person. He actually gives up quite a bit for the people he cares for: he is the most likely to drop what he's doing to go across town to save you just with one phone call or text. A fighter and defender who cares immensely for the people around him. Soft Jiseok is a sight to see when he's holding his crying sister or consoling a friend through loss while cursing out the cause of it. Though you'll never get him to admit it. It's not that Jiseok doesn't feel things: he just hates that he does and doesn't want to admit it. But he will absolutely fite everyone in the world to protect his loved ones, friends or family or otherwise. And even if he doesn't admit it and refutes it, these traits are clear as day for his friends and family. No Jiseok doesn't want a hug!...but please, hug him he will only stuggle for the first minute or so.

Plus, Jiseok can be extremely fun to talk to. He loves knowledge, and prides himself in being the smartest or most informed person in the room. He absolutely loves being allowed to discuss topics he's interested in, and you'll find him at his most lively and open when he's doing this. (Jaehwan once told him it was really cute to see an excited Jiseok, and Jiseok promptly rugby tackled him for that). People who get to know him realize that their previous views of him stem from simply not knowing him well. He is passionate, and surpsingly easy to rile up because despite trying to appear cool and brooding, he really is just as exciteable as his friends, and even as dramatic. He's just better at keeping it in check. and his friends know this all too well: dragging Jiseok into ridiculous debates and arguments are entertaining as hell because he will fight to the very end to be right even if it's just discussing something benign. 

When relaxed, Jiseok is calming to be around. He acts as a center for a lot of people. He is stable and a point of steadiness when the world is going crazy. Even if you think the world is over, Jiseok will be the one bringing you some food and letting you cry on his shoulder. He has a level of maturity that he uses to keep others out of trouble, but he'll be damned if he lets you go off and do something alone. At least let him be around to tell you he told you so. But don't get him in trouble you losers. He won't let you live it down if you do.

Jiseok just really needs to let others be his center more often, and not be afraid of being out there and alone once in a while. And know its okay for him to cry on their shoulders too. 

tldr: has had enough of your crap. will tell you you're full of crap. then fixes your crap. and then makes you a cup of cocoa because that crap was really bad and you need a hug. whipped for his friends. doesn't admit it. fights you about it. still makes you ramen when your're hungry. Very intelligent, loves a good debate, hates being proved wrong though. Especially hates asking for help. Used to get picked on until he got a growth spurt and became jaded about people's intentions because suddenly the other kids were nicer to him. Not the nicest person to new people. 

background. Growing up, the Park family seemed happy. They were financially stable, well liked in their community, had beautiful children, and were the dream. Or so it seemed. 

Sangsoon worked a lot. An extraordinaly amount of a lot. He spent very little time at home, missed the birth of his second child, and rarely went to any of their activities. 

But Hana was home, and worked so hard to keep him kids warm and happy. For Jiseok, he often helped her around the home, watched his siblings, and became known around the neighborhood as the sweet, good, mature little boy. His mother was very close to Jaehwan's, and they often spent time at their bakery when there was nothing else to do. Hana liked Jiseok having a friend his age to play with, and the mothers often laughed at how close the pair were despite often getting into fights and trouble.

Life got a whole lot more difficult when Hana got sick. Jiseok couldn't tell you excatly, but part of him thinks she decided not to tell anyone else about it because she didn't want to burden Sangsoon, and he was too busy to notice as she grew weaker. So by the time it was too late, the death came suddenly. The last memory of his mother was being with her at her deathbed.

That was Sangsoon's wakeup call. Soon, almost as if running away, he took a job in China and the family moved away. Maybe because he thought he had to do better, their father worked impossible hours and Jiseok shouldered the familial load for his siblings. Life in China was hard for them, and it took 3 years and Jiseok being mauled by a dog coming home alone one night for him to realize he was not doing well by his children. They moved back to Korea shortly thereafter, and have been there since.

Fortunately, despite 3 years, 16 year old Jiseok found himself back in Korea again. He met familiar faces, and some new ones. And even though it took a few months of forced outings and socializing, Jiseok found he actually liked these new friends to the point that all of them became important people in his life. He'd fight for all of them. And in turn, they actually seemed to like him despite himself. With his dad making strides in being a better parent, Jiseok and said friends are now off to university to hopefully good times.


— If he doesn't have his laptop, Jiseok has his tablet. If he doesn't have his tablet, he has his phone. If he doesn't have that, then why the heck did he leave the house?

— Dislikes dogs. He's not mean or unkind to them. But the beast can stay a respectful ten feet from him. He was bit by a large dog when he was a child and still has the scars from in on his forearm. Doesn't trust the animals.

— His mandarin is good because after the death, he went to live in Beijing for 3 year for his dad's work. And when they came back, Jiseok spent a lot of time over at Jaehwan's and kept using the language.

— Is probably the least active on social media sans any chatrooms the group of friends has. 

— Is a caffeine fiend. He needs coffee first thing, otherwise he is extrmely crank(ier) than usual.

— his instagram is WikiSeo. No, he didn't come up with that. His friends thought it was funny and he didn't have any better ideas.

— Is the resident technopile of the group. His room has the best computers, speakers, systems, anything you could think of. And yes, yes he will fix you're laptop if you ask him. He'll be cranky about it, but he'll do it. 

— Got into computers and tech while young at the encouragement of his mother as a means of connecting with his father. This eventually kept growing and he continued to show active interest in it until his father also fostered it. while in China. Jiseok prides himself on being up to date, and does a lot of independent study and work outside of his university coursework.

— Very neat and clean. He'll stay up late after a party cleaning up if needed.

— 13 year old Jiseok was awkward as hell. He was shorter, ungainly, and got teased and ignored a lot. Well, three years later and puberty had been kind to him. He noticed people back in Korea treated him a lot better once he returned at 16 years old. He is not amused.

— Can eat ALOT. Loves noodles the most.

— Can also drink a lot. Rarely has hangovers.


— Father and siblings : Park Sangsoon, Park Nayeon, Park Jinhong / 45, 14, 15 / computer Engineer, students / 8/10

Keeping this brief as they may call Jiseok or he'll call them, but I don't expect them to appear too often. They are a very close knit family, and very fond and loving to each other. For a long time, Jiseok's life has circled around ensuring his family is cared for. So much that he forgets that he is allowed to be young and have fun. His is terribly selfless with them, and while they all love each other, they do sometimes take him for granted. Secretly, they were exhausting for Jiseok but he loved them too much to tell them that.

And his relationship with his father is...complex. While they love and care for each other, unlike his siblings, Jiseok was old enough to remember the hell his mom went through. And the seeming indifference his father had for her pain and suffering. He now understands it was because he was having difficulty processing what was happening, but at the time he wasn't the one with his mother in the hospital: it was Jiseok. Since her passing, Sangsoon has cut back on his work and takes a much more active role in his children's lives. So while Jiseok still holds some resentment, he knows his dad is trying and also tries to reciprocate the actions.

— Mother : Shin Hana / deceased / former teacher - Mentioning his mom here since her name and impact comes up a lot for Jiseok. She was a good woman who loved her kids and took great care with them. But she also was quiet and reserved, and often didn't vocalize her thoughts and feelings. While she had a great deal of love for her husband, she suffered from never being his number one priority. He made everything else priority over her thinking it would ensure she was happy: all Hana wanted was an evening dinner with the family. With her passing, the family lost their central pillar since Sangsoon couldn't take it up, and it caused Jiseok to grow up a little too quickly so he could be that person. 


 — Childhood Friend : Jaehwan  / 20 / occupation / personality traits / 10/10

"Why are you so dumb?" Okay, at times it seems like Jiseok hates Jaehwan. The pair tend to get into the most ridiculous sorts of debates and fights. They once argued for almost an hour about cereal verus rice for breakfast. Heaven forbid if Jaehwan ever actually wins the debate: Jiseok will actually go off and sulk about it. Jaehwan is always trying to show physical affection towards to Jiseok, and he protests very much. It's like a moody cat and happy dog half the time with them.

But despite their tendency to have disagreements and for Jiseok to call Jaehwan 'dummy' or 'idiot' a lot, Jiseok has a lot of affection for Jaehwan.  They grew up together, practically lived next to each other, and their mothers were friends at one point. When his family went through their hard times, little Jaehwan was there (along with his other friends). They kept in touch while he was in China, Jaehwan once coming to visit him during a holiday. When he came back from China after 3 years, it felt like nothing had changed between them. He won't admit it unless under duress, but Jaehwan is someone he relies on to keep his spirits up, to drag him out at times, because the introvert needs to get out into the world more often. He will kill someone if they harm a hair on his head. The only person allowed to bodily tackle Jaehwan is Jiseok because Jaehwan is his idiot, and no one hurts his idiot.

Fri, XX XXX, 12:19 PM
I'm only going to warn you one more time: stay away from my computer.
I was just making sure you locked it properly!
See, this guy in class was telling me about how hackers got into his computer last year. I was just worried and wanted to make sure you were protected! ❤
Really? REALLY? You're talking about computer security to ME?
I also may have found something super cute on your desktop. Who's the girl you have a folder of pictures dedicated to?
Kim Jaehwan I swear to god I will suffocate you in your sleep you lying piece of
Hua? She's so cute! When do I get to meet her?!! Did you get her that gift? What did you get her? Couple rings? Couple scarfs? Food???
Wait! Is this the library girl you're dating??? It is isn't it? OOOOOOH
No? That's a shame! Get on that Seokkie! If she says no then she doesn't know what she's missing out on! You're going to make some girl really happy one day, and if she doesn't want to be it then her loss!!  ❤
...thanks Hwannie.
Scroll over messages to read more


 — Girl that is totally not his girlfriend damnit : Wang Hua / 20 / Student / Energetic, Lofty, Optimistic, Absent minded, clumsy / 9/10

By now, Jiseok's friends are used to the girl from China who seems to take up their brooding friend's time on a regular basis. Hua is becoming an increasinly prevalent presense in Jiseok's life. At first, she would annoy him to no end. But eventually, they grew close as they studied and worked together, or she was happy to join him for coffee or...any other little "dates" away from the group.

Despite himself, Jiseok is endeared by her and how hard she works, and her ceaseless energy. He likes this girl a lot, might even love her. He won't admit it, even when his friends when she leaves little hearts on his coffee cup she brought him, or comments on how good looking he is on pictures he's tagged in. He claims they are friends; she claims he is her honey and is just waiting for him to put a label on it. They hold hands when alone walking for gosh sakes. Half the time Jiseok doesn't think he deserves her, and doesn't understand why she is so nice to him even when he is being a jerk. **see LI section for more on her!**

Sun, XX XXX, 8:14 AM
Are you awake? Did you stay up late studying again? Have you eaten?
It's too early to eat. I'm going back to sleep.
You like eggs right~?
Turning off the phone now.
That looks...really good.
Want me to come by with it boxed up?
But you already set the table like
Oh  Im sosorry Im geting up now 
I'm not mad. You've been stressing over that project. I figured you forgot. I can bring it to you if you want? Do you need coffee too?
I'll be there in ten. Latte right?
Scroll over messages to read more

are you excited for college? what are you majoring in?

— Kind of? I'm worried dad will let the kids run amuck. I swear when I come to visit I'm going to be spending my time cleaning that house...oh, right, my major. Computer Science.

All your friends are in the same school, how do you feel?

— Like I'm going to keep being the babysitter. (read bewtween the lines: It's going to be so much better having them all there.)

Do you think that you'll ever lose touch with your friends?

— Who knows? We've all got to part eventually right? (read between the lines: Never.)

would you ever live in the same house or apartment with your friends?

— They'd probably like that. I'd be their live in maid or resident IT person. They'd drive me insane though. (Read btween the lines:...actually, his original words are pretty accurate to how he feels ha...ha...haha...)

replace with love intreplace with love intreplace with love int

LI's birthname. Wang Hua
FC&BCKUP. Cheng Xiao (WJSN), Vivi (Loona)


— Very cute, exaggerated sort of girl. She is clumy and prone to panic, and overall is a bundle of energy. Jiseok's foil. She's the girl who is skipping ahead of everyone else, enjoying the world around her as she truly has a positive outlook on life. Coupled with intelligence and a kind heart, Wang Hua seems like a perfect girl...hahahahaha....no.

However, as said before, smart as she might be she is prone to panic and making hasty decisions. She is reckless and has a bit of temper at times. She gives as good as she gets, and has had no qualms about walking up to a guy much bigger than her to tell them what's what. She is also prone to dramatics and can be a little embarassing to be around if she doesn't decide to turn down the volume. Hua wears her emotions on her sleeve. She's an open book. She can get annoyed if others try to continain her energy, and can be plainly petty with her acts of retailiation. She once glues a friend's laptop to her desk for losing her homework.

She has a youthful brightness about her that pairs up with her recklessness and she is exceedingly exciteable and happy. But when she cares, she is quiet. She watches and waits to determine what she needs to do for someone to make things better. Reckless and loud she maight be; but she cares a lot too, and is the type who wants to leave the world a better place.


Jiseok's POV -
He'd noticed the pretty girl sitting in the library everytime he went, sitting in the table across from him. He was too busy worrying about studying to actually give it more thought than that at the time.

That is, until she is walking past him and stumbles, then trips over his laptop cord, then slips on his bag, drops all her books, and then tries to save his falling laptop. This happened in a matter of seconds.

Jiseok caught her before she hit the ground, falling out of his chair, and they were in the middle of the library with her on top of him cradling his laptop. Embarassment aside, this was the first time he got a really good look at her. Then she started speaking in very rapid fire Mandarin, apologizing, and mixing her Korean in with her Chinese, and trying to get off him, and then almost dropping the laptop again and landing back on top of him-

And the boy fell hard for her.

"Do you speak Korean?" He asked her in Mandarin, and she was surprised by his usage of the languge. She responded back she could read and write it well, but had trouble with longer texts and speaking it. He immediately felt bad for her, remembering what it was like being a foreigner in a new place, and offered to help her with homework if she ever needed it. They exchanged numbers, and soon it was common for Jiseok to be spending many an evening in the library with Hua, helping her translate and work on texts. 

 And while he fell for the pretty face, he also fell for her optimism, her bright and happy outlook on things. What started as him supposedly helping her became her safeguarding his well being. Outside of his friends, she was the person who seemed to actually care what was going on in his head. She took avid interest in what he was studying, made the effort to engage him in topics he knew bored her but he loved, and Jiseok had no idea why she hangs around. He tends to be a little snappy at her when she gets too happy, gets dismissive when she seems too concerned for him. He just doesn't understand why she seems to like him.

But he definitely loves her. And his friends notice he is becoming more and more comfortable in emotional things the longer he is with her. She has been a positive influence on him for sure. There is something so genuine and honest about her he finally tells her. Without him realizing it, they are acting like a couple without ever having declared it. 

But he doesn't know what she's thinking. Maybe they are friends only. Just very close and intimate friends. Sure, she calls him honey and baobao, makes him food, and is just plain nice to him. But what if she is that way with everyone else? Who wouldn't fall for such a girl afterall?

Hua's POV
Hua is a student from Beijing studying in Korea at the same university at the others. She is actually studying korean literature and language and hopes to be a professor herself one day.

Outwardly, Jiseok is exactly her type, so when she keeps seeing him at the library, she is determined to go talk to the cute boy. But every time she works up the nerve something stops it from happening. Hua can't be stopped. She figures out his study schedule somehow **read:? yes, she knows that sounds kind of stalkerish and it wasn't intentional she swears!** So she is determined one day, and sees him studying. And this is the day!

And she messes it up so badly. How she ended up on top of him in her clumsy struggle is something clear out of a drama, and in her embarassment she starts just speaking in Mandarin to him. And more to her embarassment, she hears him speaking to her in it.

Well. Hell. 

Somehow in her frantic mind, she figured that pretending she couldn't speak good Korean was the best thing in this scenario. So she makes him think she is struggling with the language. And now he is offering to help her and oh dear god what has she done????!!!! **fact: her korean is perfectly fine**

At first, Hua kept up the pretense to save face. And honestly, at first, she is thinking this guy is kind of a pain. He seems kind of rude and not very nice at all. So she is planning on just doing this a little longer...ans honetly, having to pretend she spoke poor Korean was beginning to get tricky. She's found herself slipping multiple times, looking around to make sure he wasn't in ear shot when she had to use Korean, it was something out of a dumb comedy at this point.

And then she got into a fight with some friends while on the town, got lost when they ditched her, and she was terrified, and called him because she had no one else. Jiseok found her, looking like he rolled right out of bed, and escorted her home. It was during this walk that they actually began to talk about things outside of schoolwork. She found out how he came to speak the language including how his mom passed away. She shared with him her hope to become a professor and her own desires to be successful, but how it was scary since she was genuinely alone in Korea: the rest of her family were back in China.

He told her she didn't have to be and he'd be there for her until she decides to return to China or move on to other placces.

And she fell hard.

Hua began to see the small things behind how he acts, and without hesitation was open to calling it out, even if he was embarassed by it. She realized they brought balance to each other without having to be about each other all the time. She didn't ask him to change: he didn't ask her. They fought, they made up, and he became one of her best friends. And then she slipped her hand in his one night while they were walking, and he didn't pull away. 

Things would have been near perfect if only he would actually say what he was thinking. She was becoming frustrated. She understood it didn't need a label, but she wanted to know what was going on through his head as much as she wanted the label. Not to mention, the lie she's had to foster now to a point of ridiculousness since now she liked him and didn't know how to confess she was lying the whole time.


the POSSIBLE ending. 

Combined POV - 

It's one rainy day that Hua finally breaks. He calls her his "friend" a little too loudly and she stalks off. He goes after her, chasing her with an umbrella and telling her she is being dumb for running off like that...

"What are we?"

"Excuse me?"

"I hold you hand, I text you about everything, I even tried to kiss your cheek! What kind of 'friend' does things like that? You get jealous, you put an arm around my shoulders when we watch movies, you do everything a boyfriend does! How are we not dating?!"

"Your Korean is really good right now."

"Of course it is! I speak it fluently-oh no."

The secret came out that evening. From there Jiseok walked away, realizing she'd been lying to him. In his mind, she'd been stringing him along, playing on his sympathies. Hua tried to stop him, to make him understand just how silly the situation was, and that it had no meaning besides being a funny story for them to tell later.

But Jiseok wasn't having it. His mind made the situation much worse than it actually could have been, and he left. 

Hua, by now friends with the group, tried to contact him, but he wasn't taking her calls and left her messages on read. His friends told her to leave him be a little, let him work out what to do in his head. She confesses to another what happened exactly, and after some time of Jiseok being more brooding and dark than normal, one of them finally pulls him aside. He has to realize and figure pout if the lie was actually the basis of everything. If they removed that, would anything have actually changed for them? They like seeing Jiseok happy for once, but also don't want him to pursue something if he truly believes it's not worth it.

It is though.

So one day, he finds her at the library in their usual spots. And they reconcile. And instead of waiting for him to declare anything, Hua gives him a kiss and asks him to be her boyfriend. 

Jiseok is teased mercilessly for a week after that by his friends because of the dumb smile on his face.


comments. I hope he is cohesive? I tried. ; ; And I spologize for the love section. I went a little overboard. The next thing I knew...I had too many words. This was me cutting it DOWN. Ahhhhhhh.

password. Let's go together!!
scene reqs.

— A big party and Jiseok having to take care of everyone afterwards who has a hangover.

— Hua becoming really good friends with one of the other group, making Jiseok a little nervous about what the heck they're going to do.

— Someone breaks one of his computers, and the group tried to cover it up/replace it before Jiseok figures it out.

— Jaehwan and Jiseok reminiscing over childhood.

More as I can think of them!!



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