청춘시대! - Min Yujin


replace with fc
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc

birthname. min, yujin

— minnie; simple nickname most people use if not using her name, coming from her surname
— 천사 (cheonsa / angel); most people who know her would see this as an ironic nickname considering the reality of her life but her father calls her this because he sees her as one of the only good things in the world
— hurricane yujin; the housemates refer to her as this at times because she's most likely one of the messiest people in the house and always seems to find a way out of cleaning day

birthdate. 19|10|1996 
birthplce. gwangju, south korea
ethnicity. full korean

— korean // native language

faceclaim. park sooyoung / joy (red velvet)
backup fc. song dahye (BESTie)

— 168cm, 50 kg. she has perscription glasses but wears contact lenses in public and glasses when she gets home. she has the basic ear pierings along with a belly button piercing, industrial bar in her left ear, and a cat tattoo behind her neck which she covers with her hair. 


+ // independent, intelligent, creative, confident, observant
= // straightforward, flirtatious, mischievous, sarcastic
- // disorganized, impulsive, envious, pessimistic, competitive

yujin is naturally independent, even when she was younger not requesting much help from her older brother or parents with things although she is the baby of the family. she always wanted to figure things out on her own and learn things through experiencing it rather than others just telling her. even now though she does have a few people to lean on, personality wise she tries to fight her own battles as best as she can. she's also very intelligent despite her low grades at times coming from her procrastination issues. growing up she'd read books often and actually is a good person to come to for help with school work. she's also very creative when it comes to makeup, writing, as well as photography and film. she's very confident in herself and isn't afraid to make bold decisions or speak her mind. the softer side of her tends to observe her surroundings and the personalities of the people around her before becoming close as a method of protection but also through an interest of what their lives are like.

sometimes yujin can be a bit too comfortable with being bold. she's very straightforward which some people can find adimrable but can hurt the feelings of more sensitive people even when she doesn't mean to. she isn't usually afraid of confrontation and speaks her mind if she feels the need to do so. she can also be sarcastic at times, not noticing when she does it but it comes out almost naturally in some situations. another trait of hers that comes out naturally is her flirtatious nature. she can flirt with literally anyone even if she's not attracted to them. sometimes she'll use this to her advantage if the situation calls for it but it's usually out of fun for her. yujin is very mischeivous as well. ever since she was younger, she's gotten into trouble for being a little too playful or bold. she doesn't mean much harm but she doesn't see what's wrong with it either.

the more intense version of this is her impulsiveness in general. though she's a smart girl, yujin doesn't think about the consequences of her actions before she does them. often times she lets her thoughts or emotions in the moment get the best of her and its guarenteed to cause some controversy in her life. yujin can also be very envious of others, but she tries her best at hiding it. because her life hasn't been too great for others to be envious of her, she naturally compares her situation with others, becoming irritated by listening to them complain when she wishes hers was that way. while she's confident in herself, deep down she still wihes the family situation could be completely different. because of the situation she tends to have a pessimistic view on the world. she sticks by the live fast, die young motto and tells herself to prepare for the worst. this can stand out compared to her more positive roommates, but its all she's ever known. on the lighter side, yujin is overly competitive when it comes to games, how much she can drink, and little things that wouldn't matter much to others. she takes game nights with the house being intense on her end. another flaw of hers that will defintiely annoy the others is her messiness. she's making little attempts to be organized but it really doesn't bother her as much as it does everyone else. whether its dropping crumbs in the kitchen,  her clothes thrown around her room, or her belonging scattered around the bathroom, there's always a trace of her in the house.

bckground. yujin's childhood wasn't anything to brag about and she realized it from an early age. she grew up in a family of four consisting of her parents, older brother, and herself as the baby of the group. she was a daddy's girls since she stepped foot on earth, clinging to him whenever she got the chance and insisting to be with him at nearly all times. while others viewed him as intimidating or sketchy, something about him changed when it came to yujin. it was as if he was a different person with her tiny hands holding his. although he had another child and a wife, it was no secret that yujin was his favorite person and perhaps the only person he ever truly felt an attachment to. her mother on the other hand was a good mom when it came to general tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and providing for the kids, but something about her always felt distant. the relationship between yujin's parents never seemed like much when they were home after a long day of work, but when with family members or in public it appeared that they were absolutely in love. contrary to this, she was quiet and seemed on edge typically, even when attempting to bond with the children so yujin followed her instincts and stuck to the parent she knew adored her with all his heart.

their family wasn't poor nor wealthy and had financial issues at times but they always seemed to find a way to make things work. growing up, yujin never believed in the easter bunny or santa claus, and never wanted to play princess but found a deep interest in creatures such as dragons, vampires, zombies and more. her father of course would entertain these beliefs by buying her books related to mythical creatures and allowing her to watch supernatural and scary movies from a young age. she never seemed to be afraid of much and never required much comfort as long as he was by her side. 

one afternoon when she and her brother were returning from school, something in the air felt different during their somewhat long walk from the bus stop home. she felt uncomfortable for once, jittery, irritated, and anxious. while her brother barely budged, yujin forced him to rush home. at their arrival yujin stopped in her tracks to see her father being put in handcuffs while a number of officers and a detective searched around and inside their home, an amulance leaving the area only seconds after the two stepped into sight of the house. collapsing on her knees, she begged the officers to let her father free as she exclaimed he was innocent though she wasn't anywhere in understanding of the severity of the situation. she didn't care what he did or what happened, she only wanted her father back.  

it was months before yujin even felt like talking again. she wasn't angry or sad anymore but everything began to feel like it wasn't even real. the story she was told was that her father was drunk and began arguing with her mother before murdering her, calling the police on himself afterwards and turning himself in. the two kids were sent to live with their grandmother on their mom's side of the family - a distant side that theyrarely even met with before this. she found out her parents had been in an abusive relationship for years before this, emotionally and physically draining towards her mother hence her distant personality though she'd never found the strength or opportunity to leave him due to the fact tht they had two kids together and he seemed to treat them alot better than he did her.

eventually yujin back to school though still recovering deep down as they are today, moving on with their lives as best as they could. yujin's brother seemed to handle everything alot better. not that he was ever very cheerful from that point on or that he'd ever been but he picked back up his role of the responsible older brother and the new role as the man of the house. he went on to go to law school and pursue his career as a prosecutor though not close on a personal level with yujin. he promised himself to never let her see him cry again like he had as they went through their journey of mourning, and doesn't visit his father in jail or even think about him often. 

yujin on the other hand began smoking and drinking around junior year of high school, taking a rebellious path as she began to live by the concept of doing what she feels like in life without caring what anyone thinks. this carefree lifestyle of hers of course not healthy but she tends to have difficulty at times keeping herself grounded without being reckless as the situation left her with feelings that she still hasn't truly identified. she keeps in contact with her grandmother regularly, informing her that she's on her best behavior although everyone knows its a lie and making sure her grandma is doing well. she visits her father around holidays and somehow still tries her best to make sure he knows she still cares about him. while she may seem like she's fully healed at times or even a bit too comfortable with the outcome of the situation, since the day eleven year old yujin lost both her mother and the image she had of her father, she's been struggling alot.

fun facts.

— likes // scary movies, spicy foods, mythical creatures, music, makeup, junk food, children, travelling, animals, tattoos, alcohol, face masks, skinship

— dislikes // nosy people, bossiness, clingy friends, coconut, athletic ativities,cooking, early mornings, catching the bus, cheesy romance movies / dramas, snoring

— hobbies // partying / drinking, hanging out with her friends, sleeping, shooting videos / taking photographs, journaling

— habits // smoking / vaping, chewing gum everyday, refering to herself in third person, telling white lies, crying when she's angry but not when she's sad, oversleeping + running late, grinding her teeth while sleeping

— trivia
- she has a pet cat named 'gochu' which she considers her soulmate (in a non romantic way because it would be weird if she were in love with her cat- )
- likes doing makeup on other people
- watches mukbangs late at night which leads to attempting to secretly order any delivery still open - usually pizza
- doodles on her hand in class often
- her phone screen is cracked but still works
- she's the happy drunk and gets super giggly and doesn't make much sense when she's drunk 
- takes candid pictures of her friends and has tons of pictures oof them that they don't know exist
- favorite color is red, favorite food is nakji-bokkeum (spicy stir fried octopus), and her ideal type is someone thoughtful + comforting,  but she sleeps around alot and has never been in a real relationship
seems like she's always hungover
- doesn't have a job because her brother sends her money often
- had her first kiss when she was 13, lost her ity when she was 19 
- takes her portable charger everywhere because her phone is always dying
- procrastinates often but works well under pressure
- speeds when she drives so korea is lucky she doesn't have a car
- never had alot of female friends, most of her friends are rebellious guys who  also tend to be bad influences on her
- at video games other than mario kart
- mutes the groupchat because it interrupts her sleep but checks regularly to stay updated
- desn't know how to ride a bike

// social media
instagram; @minjin
kakaotalk; @1004minnie



— best friend : kang raemi (kim chungha fc) / biology major / caring, extroverted, witty, humorous, invasive, argumentative / 9 out of 10

raemi and yujin have been best friends since yujin moved in with her grandmother fter the incident. she was the first and last person yujin ever confided in and they've had an unbreakable bond ever since. considering that yujin had never had never had an older sister, their relationship has always been special compared to others. raemi is a year older than yujin and is currently a freshman biology major in grad school. she's the one that keeps yujin grounded when she's about to make decisions that are even worse than those she already has, and if she can't stop her in time she's always first to scold her afterwards. they hang out with different crowds but realistically they onl consider eachother true friends. she's alot more outgoing than yujin and does a better job at getting along with people but she's also the main nosy person that yujin gets tired of. raemi feels the need to know everyone's business even if it doesn't concern her and it drives yujin crazy but she understands the limits and would never tell anyone about any of the personal things that have happened in yujin's life. raemi usually drives yujin to classes with her and would be a regular visitor to the house.


— older brother : min taeho (fc woo dohwan)/ prosecutor / hard working, blunt, protective, thoughtful, stubborn / 5 out of 10

taeho is yujin's older brother who would probably be considered the golden child  if they had a normal family situation. he's twenty eight years old and is beginning his career asa prosecutor, providing for himself, their grandmother, and sending money to yujin often. the siblings don't speak often and rarely meet up but he still feels hat it's his responsibility to take care of her financially at least until she can provide  a stable income for herself. the family situation was difficult for him as well growing up but he'd always comforted himself even from a young age so he's held everything in and  moved on with his life, maintaining a stoic personality. he knows his sister gets into trouble often but sees a lot of their father in her when it comes to which parent she's more similar to so they've never been close enough for him to enforce anything on her. she doesn't know but he keeps in contact with raemi as a way of indirectly checking on yujin to make sure she's holding up okay. he would like to have a closer relationship with both yujin and his father but knows its better for him to stay away.


— housemate : cho siyun

#awkward #babysteps #midnightsnacks

the issue isn't that yujin doesn't like siyun, they're just different. at first meeting she just hoped that they wouldn't be sharing a room together because it would probably be awkward considering that yujin doesn't typically interact with people like siyun often. at some points yujin may come off as mean towards her or give the impression that she doesn't like her but she doesn't do it purposely. the two would bond over siyun cooking for yujin when she's up looking for something to eat in the middle of the night, though it would take time for yujin to actually feel comfortable with her or even consider her a friend but she'd always stick up for her or help her with anything if ever needed because despite their differences, yujin can't deny that she's a good person.


— housemate : park yoonjae 

#almosttwins #baddecisions #lovehate

yoonjae and yujin had no issues becoming close from the beginning. having someone with a similar personality to her's was a relief for yujin who was originally concerned she'd have nothing in common with her housemates. their natural flirting may be suspicious or uncomfortable to the more reserved houseguests, but neither of them see it as anything serious. she views their friendship as a love hate relationship because one minute they're best friends and the next they're screaming at the top of their lungs over something stupid. yujin also views him as a negative influence towards her because seeing him smoking has tempted her to join him every now and then, and he never rejects an offer to go partying together. despite all of their reckless decisions made together, they both care about the other's well being and will give unfiltered opinions whether the other likes it or not.


— housemate : ryu mijin

#thisbrat #sisterlylove #relatable

initally yujin didn't expect to actually like mijin as much as she does. she simply didn't seem like someone yujin would become close with, but their first real encounter being a clash between yujin's sarcastic attitude and mijin's short temper showed yujin that this girl was more interesting than she'd thought. as they'd begin to bond and get to know eachother's personalities better, yujin would see some of herself in the girl. growing interest. the first time they'd drink together yujin would see it as fun until mijin gets emotional, spilling to her about her deep thoughts, yujin then feeling burdened every time they drink. as they become closer yujin would feel shocked hearing about mijin's past, more so the similarities with their family issues and would feel the need to comfort and protect mijin naturally because she can relate. she wouldn't open up to the girl about her own real past and would at times feel guilty for not doing so but would see her as a sister the most compared to her relationships with the other girls. she feels the most emotionally attached with mijin though she covers it up with teasing or other mischievous acts. having similar majors she'd enjoy helping her with projects, hanging out late at night, and researching conspiracy theories.


— housemate : yoon eunchae

#princesscomplex #ugh #toomanyclothes

to get straight to the point, yujin views eunchae as a princess and she hates it. yujin is lazy of course but she feels that eunchae depends on the others too much for simple things. she can't stand seeing her be babied along with her stubborn personality and short temper. it's not rare to see yujin rolling her eyes at something eunchae says or giving a sarcastic response when talking to her. it's not that she's purposely trying to be mean, though it most likely appears that way to both eunchae and the others, but she just doesn't understand what makes the girl so likeable to everyone else. they generally wouldn't talk much unless eunchae approaches yujin first, but even then she likes to keep the conversations short. they may argue at times if yujin ever made her mad enough but yujin would find the situation funny more so than intimidating. when they do find eachother hanging out on one of yujin's good days it would be with the other girls as well because yujin typically avoids being alone with her, and they'd most likely bond over yujin doing her makeup in exchange for the opportunity to "borrow" some of eunchae's many clothes and shoes.


— housemate : san sumi

#soft #goodgirl #cheesydramas

yujin and sumi aren't super close but she's a good contrast to the usual people yujin is around. sometimes yujin will watch dramas or movies with her although she knows she'll just get annoyed be the cheesiness of it all. she can tell that sumi is very emotional and insecure at times, so she tries to keep her company if she's alone or clearly spaced out. she's another one of the girls that yujin likes to experiment with makeup on and also loves viewing her art and would beg her for a drawing after seeing her art for the first time. she's also another one of the girls yujin would defend in any moment without question if someone were bothering them.


— housemate : serenity kang

#mysterious #aussie #holdsgrudges

the first mistake yujin made towards serenity was by calling her "the weird girl" when she couldn't remember her name once. from there she tried to make it better but only dug herself into a deeper grave. since that day she's been slowly both avoiding serenity and trying to mend their relationship, generally not caring what people think of her but this time she realized how much of a she's come off as during all of their encounters. sometimes she'll find herself making snarky or sarcastic comments towards her but quickly covering it up awkwardly. she'd try to include her in activities with others or keep her company when she's alone but yujin being yujin still finds a way to be annoying though she's really trying to get to know her.


— housemate : lee dayeon

#cleanfreak #roommates #terriblecook

when the girls finished decorating each of their sides of the room yujin immediately realized how different their personalities would be. her roommate is the timid, doll-like girl who happens to be a neat freak and yujin is...the opposite. the pastel colors  and cute objects make yujin cringe, and dayeon heats the messiness of yujin's side. yujin also thinks dayeon cares too much about her health and appearance, and she'd have the idea that dayeon got plastic surgery (simply because yujin has her judgemental moments) but would willingly do the girl's makeup and not bring up the possibility unless she was angry and it slipped impulsively. she'd also feel slightly annoyed by her well-behaved mindset but would always try her best to not seem too irritated or rude to the girl because they have to live in the same room and yujin being insensitive doesn't help anything.

— housemate : jun leslie

#tree #chillax  #cocky 

the inner child in yujin is amazed  by this dude's height. sometimes she just stands back and questions what type of sorcery got him so tall. the two of them aren't very close both because he closes himself off from people and because they don't have much to bond over, but he's someone she's comfortable spending a day at home with. she finds him fun to be around but his cockiness makes her want to rip her hair out. they'd also smoke together once every blue moon but he'd avoid being around her reckless actions such as drinking so often and going to parties. sometimes yujin would question why he acts so distant at times and why he limps around but figures she shouldn't even ask.

— housemate : choi hyunseok

#allergictonuts #personalchef #gamernotalawyer

hyunseok is one of yujin's favorite people to annoy in the house. she's always begging him to cook for her, threating him that she'll find a way to sneak nuts in his food one day when they're bickering. she usually hears him up late playing video games, either plugging her earphones in, texting him to shut up, or if she's in a bad mood she'll bang on his door without caring about anyone who may be sleeping. the thought of him being in law school makes her think about her brother who's a prosecutor and her father who's in jail. occasionally she'll ask him questions indirectly related to their family situation if it comes to mind but he  probably just sees it as her asking "what-ifs". she doesn't come to him for advice or anything personal but sees him as a friend.

— housemate : lee taejoon

#energypill #crybaby #positivity

yujin sees taejoon as the little brother she never had. though she can get annoyed at times, it's hard not to like him. sometimes she views him as too energetic and overly    positive in contrast to her lazy and pessimistic qualities. though on bad days it can be comforting to come home to someone who is inspirational and not too over-bearing about it which gives her a positive reminder that she has her housemates to count on. yujin loves to tease taejoon like an older sister, whether its finding out about his crush or saying "we're having adult conversations, go play taejoon". it all comes from good nature and is a source of yujin's entertainment along with their sliht bickering. she's the type of person to trick him into watching a horror movie, only to call him a crybaby when he ends up panicking in the end though it was her fault.

— housemate : kim chanwoo

#horrormoviebuddy #dork #relationshipadvice

chanwoo is a complete dork in yujin's eyes. the computer science major, obsession with video games...she can't even pretend to be interested in his major like she can with the others. the two bonded over horror ovies as most of the other tenants completely hate anything scary, generally when they hang out they're watching the newest horror film. she loves to give him unsolicited relationship advice anytime someone brings up his girlfriend although yujin's never been in a serious relationship herself so he probably shouldnt listen to her. they aren't super close or anythng but he's another fun one to annoy and she'd visit the drug store often.

— housemate : kang haneul

#richboi #beautysleep #model

from the beginning, their first true bonding moment was through yujin using haneul as her personal model for her photography and film projects in exchange for her usually buying food or coffee. she has her moments where she's annoyed by his excessive self-admiration, but she usually just passes it with sarcastic comments as he admires himself in the mirror. she enjoys teasing him about getting his beauty sleep, or waking him up from his naps if she's really bored and no one else is home. the only thing about haneul that genuinely irritates yujin is how much he emphasizes his wealth. though there are other wealthy housemates, he's the one who craves attention the most and wants eveyone to know. her frustration stems from both jealous because she's never had much money growing up, and just annoyance. at times she implusively says something that clearly expresses these thoughts without thinking of how rude it may come off as (like she always does), but she still views haneul as a good friend and tries to make up for those moments.

— housemate : kim jaewon

#tsundere #grumpypants #intensegamenights

it took a good amount of time for these two to become comfortable with eachother. jaewon being reserved, prideful, and insensitive doesn't match well with yujin's outspoken, pessimistic, and mischievous traits. they'd probably bicker often and just generally not interact often aside from group activities. over time they become comfortable around eachother and don't necessarily hate eachother though still not close friends. during game nights in the house though they'd be extremely competitive and take it more seriously than the others.

replace with face claimreplace with love intreplace with love int

year in school. senior, undergrad
major. film + media studies - production track

your secret?.

family situation; it's no secret that her father killed her mother as a story of such matters was on the news at the time and could be found if anyone looked for it, but she doesn't bring it up to people. the only person she talks to about it all is her best friend and when others question about her parents she tells them her mother passed when she when she was tooyoung to even know much about her and that her father lives in japan so she doesn't see him often. even if she wanted to, it's difficult to tell people your father has been in jail for the past eleven years.

— inner struggles; yujin doesn't express her emotions alot when it comes to feeling sad, instead just putting on this image that she's okay though its clear at times that she's emotionally damaged. she finds it difficult to put her trust into people for deep relationships and tends to dron herself in guilt regarding the situation. she feels that she should've been closer to her mother while she was here rather than clinging to her father. this being one of the strongest reasons she feels the need to maintain a sweet relationship with her grandmother, deep down believing that this is her way of repaying her mother. she also feels guilty at times for visiting her father still. while her brother barely claims him as a father anymore, she does her best to make him feel loved despite being a murderer. even when she wants to skip a visit to him, she is taken back to her childhood where he was her best friend. most of all she feels guilty for her mother eve staying in a relationship with her father in the first place. if they hadn't had the kids and if she hadn't had a strong relationship with her father, she believes it would've been easier for her mother to find a way to leave or seek help before things reached the level they did.

— the little things; yujin has a few things that aren't related t her family ituation that can be a bit eh to some people. one example is that she's currently trying to stop smoking, so she vapes when she gets the chance and chews gum when she's not vaping instead. none of it is the best coice but she's trying and her roommates don't know that she's quitting or that she vapes when she's with friends, they just think she has an unhealthy obsession with gum. another secret she's keeping from the roommates is her pet cat. this secret doesn't last long of course but when she first moves in she sneaks the cat in with one of her bags, a small opening on top for the cat to breathe is essential. she lets it out once she gets to her room closing the door behind her and makes a deal with whoever she's sharing the room with to keep the cat in the room and as a secret between the two. when she goes to class the next day though because she does everything last minute and is rushing she accidentaly leave the door cracked open and the cat gets out.

your mug, house slippers, etc?.                                             

what does your side of the room look like?. 

yujin’s side of the room is well..a mess. she attempts to keep it clean out of respect for her roommate but her definition of clean is alot different than the actual definition. she has black and white striped sheets with red pillows where her cat usually lays though her bed is never made because she considers it a waste of time to make it in the morning if she’s going to sleep in it when she gets home. she throws her clothes on her bed after she changes in the morning and doesn’t put them in her laundry bin until she’s getting ready to go to sleep. her desk is cluttered with books and papers that she probably just tossed there without actually putting much thought into it. she tends to eat snacks often so it isn't rare to find a candy wrapper or two on her desk or bed but that's a problem that she's actually trying to stop herself from. 

daily schedule. 

 morning; for some reason she scheduled all of her classes for the early morning although she hates waking up early considering her unstable sleep schedule.yujin has classes monday, wednesday, and thursday and her morning routine seems to never change. she usually wakes up around seven thirty, ignoring her multiple alarms and calls from raemi before that. in a rush she throws on clothes quickly, swarming into the bathroom to brush her teeth, wash her face and such. she doesn't care if anyones in the bathroom already so hopefully its none of the boys but she's more focused on making it out before raemi kills her.she tosses some cat food in the bowl for her baby and gathers her things quickly. her responsible best friend brings her iced coffee every morning so she drinks that in the car while she fixes her hair and applies makeup. her classes begin around eight and end by two. she also always has snacks in her backpack to make it through the day.

—  afternoon; after classes she usually meets with raemi again for lunch and goes back to the house afterwards. she throws on an oversized tshirt and shorts and roams around doing whatever she finds first. she typically attempts to do homework but half asses most of it unless she finds the assignment interesting enough to put hard work into. it's not rare that she'll fall asleep while doing homework but this girl is surviving off of naps. if she's feeling good she'll go out with her camera to see what she can find to take photos of. during this time of the day is also when she calls her grandmother as well as writes in her journal when she's alone (something she began doing as a form of releasing her emotions).

— good night; 4 out of 7 days of the week she'll probably have dinner with friends rather than at the house because her friends always want to go out or gather to smoke or drink. if she has  classes in the morning she won't stay out too late and comes home at around 1:30  to 2 am. when she gets home she showers, takes out her contacts and puts on glasses and eats once again, sometimes finishing any left over homework (unless she's completely wasted, then after she eats to bed she goes). she'll actually fall asleep around three or four and everything repeats tomorrow.

— weekends; on saturdays and sundays she definitely sleeps in, most likely hungover from the previous night. saturdays she'll probably hang out with the others for most of the day or by hanging out she'll mean stay in and watch netflix. despite this she'll still end up at some club or party with friends on saturdays. it's not surprising if she stays out with some guy and doesn't come home until around the afternoon the next day but she always texts the group chat to let someone know when she's not coming home. sundays are the real homebody days or as she likes to call it her recovery day. this consists of loud music, face masks, and sleep...unless the others are having a deep cleaning day, then she's over raemi's apartment.

comments. here's my daughter, i know her life is a bit of a mess but maybe i watch too many crime kdramas and i hope it can lead to alot of growth for her character. i hope she's not too big of a mess lmao and i actually had a really hrd time developing her character for some reason (she even stresses me out) but here ya go! chosen or not i'm looking forward to the story! c:
password. jung ye-eun
scene requests.

 the cat situation and the mystery of who's cat is roaming the house; they choose to handle this how ever but yujin would be very determined to keep the cat

taeho comes to visit for yujin's birthday which results in an extremely awkward birthday party with the mysterious brother who's a bit intimidating to the housemates and an already hungover from the night before so extremely irritated yujin.

—  visits her father one day but things get emotional and she returns home and can't hold things in anymore and breaks down in front of the others.

— she finds out about raemi and taeho keping in contact about her and is originally upset but can't hold it against them

— she falls for one of the boys hard but because she's never had a serious relationship before she doesn't know how to express it so it comes off like shes suddenly pissed at them for some reason

—  the others confronting her about her messiness and making sure she can't escape from cleaning this time

— yujin trying to play video gams with all the gamers one day but she remembers she's but due to her competitive nature she blames it on them cheating or the controller being messed up

—  road trip + game nights + a night where its just the girls at home or they just have a night out together and yujin is being nice and does their makeup + scenes of siyun and yujin bonding late at night over food + raemi's visits and yujin thinks the roommates like raemi more than they like her annnnd i think that's all 



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