`show me the love 一 Shin 'Rae' Raemi




Doubleb_ot11 | Ace

History | Discography | Audition | Youtube


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FULL NAME: Shin Raemi
▪Mimi - Cute and simple nickname given by her fans, originating from her name that she's commonly called by.
▪Kitten + Baby - Sungmin's nicknames for her that's cute but she can't help but think ithe two makes their relationship sound af.
▪Do Rae Mi - Corny nickname given by her labelmates that they know she hates so they call her it to annoy her

AGE: 22
BIRTHDAY: January 9,1994
BIRTHPLACE: Gwangju,South Korea
ETHNICITY: Full Korean
HOME TOWN: Gwangju,South Korea
▪Korean - Native
▪English - Conversational - Studied in school for some time

HOW THEY GOT INTO THE UNDERGROUND SCENE: Raemi is fairly new to the underground scene compared to the others. Growing up, she listened to alot of american hiphop and r&b, at first simply because it was what all of her friends seemed to listen to but she quickly fell in love with it. When she was 18, she was hanging out in Hongdae with some of her friends, watching street performances. Her friends dared her to perform, unaware of her talent, and after receiving positive feedback and some thought, she began releasing music and covers on youtube and soundcloud.


FACE CLAIM: Jung Minhee

HEIGHT: 161cm
WEIGHT: 50kg

APPEARANCE: Raemi's body might not fit Korean standards perfectly but she and sungmin don't really mind. She's not exactly thick but she has a somewhat curvy body that fits her well (similar to Hyuna). She has her bellybutton and two cartilage piercings. Her hair is currently dyed a lighter brown color and she has thin bangs covering her forehead.

STYLE: Rae tries her best to keep up to date on fashion, whether she decides to follow along or not. She's found herself caught up in the obsession with bomber jackets and /neutral colors. If the weather is decent she'll be found wearing a pencil skirt or a dress, comfortable with showing off her figure, but these days she's usually wearing skinny jeans and heels or boots. When she's simply relaxing and not putting much effort into her outfit she'll typically wear sweatpants or leggings with a crop top,flannel and sneakers. If she goes clubbing she dresses a bit reavealing as most girls her age would but if she's with Sungmin she covers up a bit more thanks to him.

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▪Hardworking, Witty, Affectionate, Confident, Playful
▪Impatient, Secretive, Stubborn, Mischeivous

PERSONALITY:°Rae is very hardworking. Once she figures out something she wants to do, she'll get it done before the set time no matter what. She doesn't slack off and even if her work might not end up perfect, she always makes sure it's to a point that she's satisfied with. She can also be very impatient though. It's a trait that she tries to hold in if she's working with another artist, depending on how close they are, but sometimes it breaks through and makes her seem y. Even with her friends or Sungmin, if they aren't doing something quick enough she gets frustrated. Her impatientness is a trait that especially annoys others because she tends to be a perfectionist herself.

°Rae is very confident, as most of the rising artists today are. It's a trait that took her a while to master but now you could say she's overflowing with it. She always thinks that she's right, even if she doesn't say it to your face to save you the embarrassment, she makes her own decisions and is stubborn if you tell her what to do. The only person she occasionally listens to is Sungmin but he doesn't always give the best advice anyway.

°She's very witty and catches on to things easily which is why you might not want to try lying to her face. She digs deep into things until she gets her answers, one way or another. Her smarts benefit her in many ways, from real life situations to simply writing lyrics. On the other hand she's surprisingly secretive with many people other than a few special people in her life. She'd much rather snoop around in your life than spill out about hers. At times she even keeps things from some of her closest friends, then tries to play it cool once things spill over.

°Truthfully, Rae is still a child at heart. She plays around alot, between cracking jokes at inapproriate times or waking up early to sit in the living room and watch cartoons. She can get herself in deep sometimes when she lets her 'playfulness' get the best of her and lead to a big mess that never really had to happen,but to her its all fun. She's very affectionate and lovey naturally to even her friends but will easily pull that out to try to get you to change your mind on something to benefit her.

IS YOUR CHARACTER OKAY WITH PARTYING?: She's the type to consider just staying in whenever her friends suggest partying to just relax for a change, but ends up going out whether its her choice or not because everyone knows how much she actually likes partying.

DRINKING OR SMOKING HABITS?: She can go a decent number of drinks with only getting tipsy but if its a special night she'll over do it and when she gets drunk she becomes even more oversensitive. When it comes to smoking, Sungmin smokes so she's around it alot but only does it every now and then if its just the two of them chilling all night or if she's stressed.

°Cooking & Eating - Grew up around two cooks, can you blame her?
°Fashion - Knows all the top brands and what's in
°Cartoons - Actually obsessed and prefers them over variety shows or dramas
°Honey Barbeque Chips - Could eat 50 bags at once, never shares
°Skinship - Doesn't always innitiate it but likes when other people do it with her
°Being home alone - dances around in a tshirt and lives her life freely

°Bossiness - believes no one else has the right to boss her around
°Bugs - thinks they're gross and will scream her head off
°Seafood - never really liked it
°Flowers as gifts - they always end up dying and she can never take care of them
°Medicine - she hates taking any type of medicine and believes she's fine just healing naturally

°Cleaning - One of her tactics for coping with stress, something she just finds fun and relaxing
°Clubbing - Even though she tries to stay humble and deny it, she's the queen of partying
°Listening to music - Listens to alot of other artists, even some idols
°Yoga - Part of her morning routine
°Shopping - Loves trying on outfits with friends and mainly wastes her money on clothes and shoes

°constantly checks texts and social media
°uses hand gestures when speaking
°mumbling while sleeping

•Her favorite color is rose gold
•She wants to dye her hair but has only done black and shades of brown, afraid that she can't pull off a color like red or pink for example
•Wants to get a tattoo and her s pierced but is scared honestly
•Her friends hate her because she will "borrow" their clothes if they let her in their homes
•She loves animals and has a corgi named dumdum
•Her instagram is @raemimimi, she posts majority of pictures with friends of Sungmin
•Reads scary stories online if she gets really bored, then ends up not sleeping all night
•Has a girl crush on Cheetah and if she's asked her ideal type that's her answer
•Seems really chill when she first meets people but quickly opens up
•Buy her sheet masks and chips and she'll love you forever
•She's the friend who makes all the group chats and spams them all when she gets bored.
•Her favorite sport is basketball and she's actually decent at it.
°Rumor is that she got plastic surgery on her s but she swears she didn't


BACKGROUND: Rae was born and raised in Gwangju, South Korea. She grew up as the oldest child in her family, with two younger sisters and her parents. Her family.was nothing special. Her parents owned, and still own, a family restaraunt, which they all spent a large portion of time at during her childhood. Growing up as the first born, it was natural that her parents expected her to set a good example for her little sisters. How she's become...wasn't what they had in mind. Ever since she was young, Raemi always got good grades. Her parents always planned for her to become a doctor, or a lawyer of some sort. In high school it wasn't that she was hanging out with bad people, it was just a little distracting. This group of new friends she'd found were something she hadn't experienced before. They were all cool yet so carefree and somewhat strange. They were the basket cases who'd skip school to sit around smoking and laughing all day. Rae found them more fun to be around than her childhood friends and things went on from there. It was around this time that she started listening to hip hop and R&B, rather than whatever was mainstream in Korea. After trying out music one night, she soon realised that this was much more of what she wanted than working in a law firm. At first her parents were weary about the idea, but knowing that she was going to have things her way anyway, all they could do was support her. Rae began dropping mixtapes and covers online to bring attention to herself, as well as performing street performances and things of the sort to get ger name out, with the help of a friend or two. In 2014 she ended up signing with Amoeba Culture and the rest is history.

park yoeun | mother | 46 | living | caring, old-fashioned, invasive | always bugging into Rae's business
shin taeho | father | 50 | living | protective, hard working, thoughtful | current owner of family restaraunt, still isnt sure about Rae's career choice
shin hwayoung | sister | 13 | living | quiet, blunt, intelligent | gets along easily with Rae, enjoys meeting Rae's rapper friends
shin haeyeon | sister | 9 | living | energetic, unpredictable, witty | practically more in love with sungmin than Rae is

lee hana | friend | 23 | dorky,sassy,loud | the two aren't extremely close and haven't actually been friends for long but enjoy eachother's company
sun jukyung "Ugly Duck" | best Friend | 25 | funny, childish, rebellious | one of her friends growing up, artist under aomg, biggest influence on decision to start doing music, knows more of her secrets than most people
hong siyoung "Giriboy" | friend | 25 | sarcastic, chill, thoughtful | another one of her friends in the industry, met through jukyung, loves to annoy her like  he's her big brother but helps her when sungmin is being stupid


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LOVE INTEREST: Ryu Sungmin / Cjamm

AGE: 23

PERSONALITY:Cjamm is your typical rapper, putting on the 'bad boy' and 'player' persona to appeal. The tattoos, smoking, and carefree attitude are all real parts of him, but Rae gets to see the side that most people don't. Behind all of his wildness and "i don't give a " attitude, Sungmin is a sweetheart. He's surprisingly thoughtful and even tends to overthink things when he gets stressed. He's a good person to just spill out your thoughts to if you want someone to just listen.He's very stubborn but doesn't repeat his mistakes. He's respectful yet blunt and simply wants to enjoy life. Others' opinions don't matter to him but it's best to not even try to argue with him because his competitive spirit will get the best of him and could make things worse for you.

HOW YOU MET/WILL MEET:Back in 2014, Rae had just become more well knoen throughout the underground scene and caught Sungmin's eye. It started as just his celebrity crush in a way, like how Nochang likes CL or how Jay likes Tinashe. Thanks to the sharing of mutual friends, word travels fast in the khh community. Rae then jokingly posted a video rapping to Sungmin's song ayo. Not long after he messaged her "ㅋㅋㅋ cute video." And she replied back sarcastically "thanks, cute song ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ". The two then continued exchanging messages and numbers, sending eachother smart remarks. Not long after the two met up and it became a normal thing to see the two hanging out together.


With Friends -When they're with friends, they're always the playful couple. The'yre the ones who usually have some sort of inside bet going on between the two or some sort of game whether its simple, cute stuff or the battle of who can make the other more jealous. They do skinship such as holding hands, or he'll wrap his arm around her waist and touch her , but they don't have a full on makeout session with friends around. They moreso try to sneak for the thrill of it. Things like reaching their hand under the table and touching the other's thigh, or excusing themselves to the bathroom and trying to make it back in time so that things don't get too suspicious.

Alone - When it's just the two of them they're still playful, but more affectionate. They freely kiss and touch eachother however they like. It's not unusual for them to spend their dates just over eachother's apartments, sleeping or watching movies and playing video games. If they get alot of time they'll turn off their phones which their friends now know means that they don't want to be bothered. They have alooot of netflix and chill nights, some actually being just watching netflix and eating pizza thanks to Rae.

Arguements - When Sungmin and Rae argue it usually goes like this. They get mad at eachother and break out into some huge arguement because both of them are stubborn as hell. They'll go a day or two at the most, not talking to eachother and instead just ranting to their friends about how stupid the other is being. Soon enough, one of them ends up giving in, whether its because they actually feel bad or because they miss the physical affection. Either way, it ends with hugs, kisses and laughter with a plus of good food and to top it off. They haven't gotten into any intense arguements yet but we'll see what happens when we get there.

 "The more I look at you the more I feel like I should get little baby dreads just like you." "Babe you're ier when you're quiet."

♡ She loves piggyback rides so Sungmin is her chosen form of transportation
♡ She only willingly cooks for him when she wants something out of it
♡ When they're around her baby sister Sungmin then belongs to a 9 year old
♡ He strangely trusts her around her guy friends more than he does with the girls because he knows she'll get in trouble with her girlfriends
♡ Late night skype calls are everything for them
♡ They have keys to eachother's apartments but don't live together
♡ Lately their schedules have been busy so skype of course
♡ Because they don't see eachother alot, if you look through their photos or texts on their phones you're likely to see alot of rated content
♡ They have alot of deep late night talks when they're together, just smoking and eating snacks while they spill out thoughts
♡ Her parents aren't the biggest fan of him but they've grown to accept him
♡She has an obsession with his tattoos and he's obsessed with her body



TALENT TWIN: (Singing + Rapping) Anda

▪Mainly just released covers in 2012▪
Like Family (original - Anda) - 2013
Taxi (original - Anda) - 2014
Touch (original - Anda) - 2015
Back & Forth 30 Min (Giriboy ft. Rae - org.Shin Jisu) - 2015
Mannequin (Primary ft. Beenzino, Rae - org. Suran) - 2015
Apple ft. Jay Park (original - Gain) - 2016
Wonder Woman (original - Calllee) - 2016
Fxxk U ft. Bumkey (original - Gain) - 2016

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°They all take a group vacation somewhere
°Rae and one of the girls go to get tattoos or piercings
°A scandal breaks out with someone within the group or one of the gurls' boyfriends
°Rae is stuck babysitting her youngest sister while the others plan on going out

QUESTIONS/ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW:uhhh i linked a place to get pictures of her fc and all the youtube links to her songs but nothing much lol sorry if this i tried :3

PASSWORD: Tasha or Jessi


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