You know it ;)

credits here here

deer-and-bread actually tagged me to do this so here i am, indulging in the questionnaire ya'll know so well already. im also supposed to tag 25 people but im pretty sure 99.9 % of my active friends have already done this (and its boring to do it times a million) so im tagging you, dear lovely reader, if you have yet to do this uwu



1. How did you come up with your user name and what does it mean? How old are you?

my friend came up with my username when, after i ranted about how jinki (onew) and i were super soulmates according to astrology, she decided our ship name should be minew (minji x onew). (yes, i know some people thought it was another name for onho but ya'know, whatever, onho is good and wholesome too).

anyway, aff has some mysterious rule that your username must be 6 characters or more long and since minew is obviously only 5 letters i had to add something to it hence the miss. im very happy with that name and i don't think i'll change it ever again uwu


and my age? im in the good ol' late twenties, 19 days younger than the choi minho and 28 in korean age. 

2. Why did you pick your user photo/thumbnail?

because he's a beautiful man that really ought to stop playing rock-paper-scissors with s and because i could really use his prayers lmao


3. Who is your favourite Author on aff? (Write as many you want) 

i don't really read stories on aff unless i come across something absolutely pure genius but i think puffvisionary, oddlittleromeo and moshiznik. 

shout out to every author on aff that writes fem!exo and girlee. you're the best and i love you and send me your stories. <3 bless you all.


​​​​​​4. What's your obession?

ok, so tiny warning: weight is my obsession. and my appearance. in a strange way, not necessarily in a bad way. but also in a bad way? it's strange. uwuwu

also, kpop. which i guess is everybody's obsession but you know, it's what we're here for.

oh, right, and my work. because im weird like that and super ambitious and a little silly but i love my work, even if i complain about it all the time. it's the best. climbing the ladder is the best. <3


5. Do you eat while writing or reading? / Which position do you find comfortable for reading? / What do you do the most?

i ... don't know?? i think i drink more than i eat tbh. i don't really eat when i read but maybe i do when i write? it's been sooooo long since ive written anything but if i really get into something i just ... can't do anything but that, it's stupid uwuwu

i usually read while lying in bed on my phone because it's nice and cozy and nice and good. <3 

what do i do the most? live baby ~


6. Your first every story you read on here. And Why? How was it like? Share the link below, we wanna judge you~ jk jk.

yikes, i don't know? according to my "last subscription" the first story i subbed to was "Madame Hee Hee's House of Desires". that's some , ya'll. it's even featured, i had honestly no idea, haha. 

i don't recall why other than i was an elf. and i remember it being good despite it being on on top of more with as the creme de la creme. should you read it? idk, lmao


7. Which ship is your guilty pleasure?

kailu maybe? or chankai? idk really because im pretty open to most underrated ships and i don't touch the popular exo ones with a pole so who knows?? i certainly don't know if i'd call any ship my guilty pleasure?

they're all my pleasures without the guilt part <3


8.What genre attracts you more? Happy endings or Dark Angst.

happy stuff when im reading. good endings, happy meetings, lovely romances. everything nice and dandy and fairytale-ish with a hint of drama or action or smth. when it gets too dark (and dark is good at times) i become all picky and especially with mental disorder i get all mighty and it's really stupid but that's the danger of writing yourself lmao 

you end up knowing how you want things for it to make sense and when people don't do that it gets all weird.

as a writer tho, dark is definitely preferable although i really do enjoy just letting loose and writing a toothrotting fluffy piece. <3


9.How did you discover AFF?

a friend showed me and i joined and forgot about it for years lmao


10. Most difficult question ever. Who is your bias (name only one keke) do you like writing about him and with whom do you ship him/her the most ... don't include yourself lmao.

my bias is onew aka the sun. and yes, i really do like writing about him because he's a great versatile character and he fits my writing style. he's amazing as a character, really, because he can just do it all and it's so easy to let him be the sweetest man on earth. besides, eunsook is my second fave girlee so it should be pretty obvious i love writing about him uwu

with the amount of onkey stories on my profile it also shouldn't really be secret i ship onkey a whole damn lot lmao


11.Are you a musician? Sportsperson? What are you good at? Did anyone inspired you?

i played the violin since i was 5 to13, changed to piano from 13-16 and went back to the violin for a year at 17, got my own violin and haven't really played anymore even tho i love the instrument. i am able to read musical notes and stuff tho so if i really wanted to i could learn songs on both the violin and the piano. 

i also sing but not professionally. just in a "hoooooy i love singing ya'll"-style. when i take walks primarily lmao.

totally not a sports person tho, it's my nemesis, hahaha. <3 


idk what im good at tho? interior designing in the scandinavian style. yes, im good at that. and i have a knack for flower arranging according to my mom. but yeah, interior designing uwu


12. Do you enjoy graphics/reviewing/beta-ing/ trailers/ Layouts? Or are you a critique who loves to check plot holes in story…. What inspired you for that?Do you think you are improving in any field?

i mean, i enjoy looking at graphics and trailers and layouts because people are talented!! i can't do it myself although i dabbled a little in trailer-making and had so much fun with trailers for my own stories but you know? 

i used to do reviewing but quit. im more of a "plothole"-finder and i like to ask questions so the author has to think about whether or not they meant for it to be that way. im not one to tell you what is and what is not right but by asking questions i hopefully get the author to think "yes i want it that way" or "damn holy heck that's a plothole". 

idk what inspired me, i think it's just the way i read uwu 

(idk what i should improve in either lmao.)


13.Which platform do you think is best for reading - writing (vice versa)

writing on aff is fun but i prefer reading on lj or ao3 tbh uwu 


14. Which ualities do you prefer reading? MxF, FxF, MxM

honestly, i don't really care too much but i read primarily gay stories. it's mainly just because im super biased about female characters and generally only read fem!exo or girlee when it comes to females so for me to read straight or lesbian fics it'd have to feature either fem!exo or girlee. 

but if it does feature fem!exo or girlee i do read both straight and lesbian fics and i honestly really love my girls so it's not that im not willing to read it. just ... picky? maybe.

i also really enjoy reading bi-people, ace characters and trans-babes but that's even harder to find so sighs. 

either way, im not very picky with the uality im reading but i am picky with the groups/characters.


15. What's your role in your house?

since i live alone my role is technically just living lmao. being the cat-mama. when im with my family, though, i think i subconsciously take on the "elder sister" role that helps with things i want to (i hate cleaning so y'know, not the best at offering my help with cleaning but i will do it if needed) or takes care of being around my family.

honestly, since i don't see my family very often, im kinda spoiled.

"shush, minji's home now, she doesn't have to do it. :)))"



16. Were you homophobic at some point in your life? Yes? why? 

i don't think so? i've had lgbtq+ friends for majority of my life so for me it has always been "the normal". i never thought it weird when people told me they were lesbian or smth because i knew at least someone else who was lesbian as well. it was just .. who they were?

at one point i was a little "meh" about the whole labels thing, not because it was wrong or because i was being homophobic but more because "i dont want to be boxed into some category. im human, im me, it's good enough". but it was more towards myself ("don't give me a label i don't give myself") rather than directed towards other people ("you can't be this label because labels are bad").


17. What do you think about your handwriting? (Ha ..ha)

the other day my coworker looked at my handwriting and said "yikes" and i was like "i know, it's ugly, get over it" and i think that sums it up. altho sometimes it looks ok, but when im busy it's just a mess tbh. 

it's getting uglier these days because i don't write in hand a lot. >.<


18. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?

yes, i have a whole bunch uwu

fics ive read more than three times include:


so, as you can see, there's a lot and honestly, there's more. when i first find a good fic, i'll save it and i'll go back to it whenever i want to read it again because it's just quality uwu

19.Do you own pets? love animals, nature? Insects? Are you scared of them? Squashed any? If yes why :( they have feelings too! 

i own a soon-to-be 6 year norwegian forest cat mix whose name is himchan. (yes, legitimately). i love him a lot. honestly, i cannot love any other animal as much as i love himchan, he saved my life.

but in general, i really do love animals. i want them the best, all of them uwu nature is my life, especially the ocean. the ocean is my place, i love the beach and the ocean so much. 

about bugs then ... no, im not scared of them unless they're monster sized but yes, i have squashed any, especially mosquitoes. blood ers. ; _ ;


20. What AU do you find yourself writing about most?

something crime related, i think. or mental disorder au's where i can put focus on one character instead of a romantic relationship. i love exploring just one character so many of my stories don't actually have a main ship but is just member!centric. oh well. uwu 

21. How many friends do you have?

according to my profile, 244 uwu 

22. Is there something you'd like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)

i don't know anymore.. honestly, i wish i could just write my ideas. im sure people would judge me for the lesbian mpreg idea i had but i really want to write it because im so tired of seeing things being the same old and being excused as homophobic when it's just a trope that can be made into whatever you want it with a little fantasy. 

at one point i also wanted to write a wolf!au that scrapped the whole abo and took basis in actual wolves but i scrapped that idea because i don't really want to.

i have always wanted to challenge old tropes tho, rewriting them into something new, something original with new dynamics. oh well. uwu

23. Is there anything you would like to be better at on AFF? Writing, graphic design (posters), replying to comments, updating regularly, etc..?

i wish i could finish my ongoing stories so i wouldn't have them hanging over my head but could just slap that "completed" mark on them. >.< also, i would love to get better at writing but since im not writing regularly these days, i don't think it'll happen soon uwu


24.Please babble about yourself~~ what's your personality type? Your hobbies? Likes and dislikes. Are you Shy or bold. Mention anything you want to share here. + What do you wanna be in next life?Your worst fear ever?

im a capricorn sun, libra moon, gemini ascendant. im a soft capricorn but also a 1st decan capricorn so a bit of leader haha. it's hard and i struggle a lot with heart vs mind but i'll learn soon enough. my chart is filled with intercepted and duplicated signs. 

i forget my mbti type every time im asked about it so i always have to take a new test and it's so long lmao. im forgetful at some things and really good at remembering other things. honestly, i remember numbers quite well but faces is like ... no way, lmao.

im not very fond of losing control and i get all weird and annoyed when i react in ways i can't control. it's super annoying tbh. also, im not shy but im picky with who i interact in real life which can make me seem a bit like a i suppose? i just have to get to know you before i open up and decide whether or not i want to spend time with you and i mean, im a nice person but yeah.. a little picky, i guess?

i have a really really sweet tooth hahaha. i love candy, especially licorice, and i was once a colaholic. uwuwu despite a sweet tooth i rarely eat chocolate and i can easily skip cake as well. but candy? well, there's no way ill let that chance slip away hahaha <3

in my next life i'd like to ... idk? live life to the fullest, haha. i have no wishes. uwu

my worst fear is submarines and it's not even funny. it's the absolute worst and i love the ocean so much but i hate boats and i can't even watch movies and/or read about submarines without almost getting a panic attack. good thing those things are super rare. still tho, stupid. t_t


25. Most fav food? Fave Animated Movie/Series? Anime? Manga Series?


i actually don't know what my fave food is right now :3 it used to be a pasta dish, idk the name but it was delicious :3 

i don't really watch movies and it's been forever since i watched animes or read mangas. so i don't know x3




i honestly can't do this, i have too many fave songs

Attach your fave song #1


ATTach a fav song #2


Attach a all time favourite song.(it's so hard)


#Few words for your friends ^^

talk to me uwu



1. Which is your most subbed story?

Maybe if I Skip Dinner uwuwu

2. How many subscribers do you have?

unique subs: 2914

total subs: 3690

thanks for following <3


3. How many stories are you subscribed to?

286 fics but there's a lot of shops mixed in as well as a few apply fics so it's not all written stories :3 

4. How many stories have you posted online to this day (finished and unfinished)?

i have 57 authored fics but only 51 is public and it's not all of them that are finished. i wish it was all of them that were finished but i guess it just takes me too long and i've been in such a dump and idk man ; _ ;

5. How many stories do you have saved in your writing program?

not many more than the 57. perhaps 60? i don't think i have a lot of non-published stories actually. 

6. Do you write down story ideas, or let it rest in your brain?

nowadays i write them down. i don't know why i write them down, tbh because it feels like im just developing all my ideas but they never end up as stories and im really sad about that. at one point i wanted to give them away but i don't want to see the characters changed and since i know that not a lot of people write genderbended exo and shinee, it feels like there's no point. 

i don't want my ideas to go to another group and/or become a different uality or my characters to be another gender. it a lot because they'll just stay as fully developed ideas nobody is ever going to read and i'll forever regret not writing them. even if nobody would be reading them. ; ; 


7.Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author on AFF?

of course not. i know a few of my friends say i am but if im known at all it's because i have 500+ comment rep points and as such has been everywhere in the social section. it's not because of my stories. 

so no, im not a popular nor a famous author on aff. uwu


8. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?

absolutely not ;

9. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?

write what you feel like. write your ships, write your plots, write your heart out. if you feel like writing dark, write dark. if you want to write cliché stories, write them. write with your heart and learn your technique as you begin to write more. it'll all come in due time. 

don't give up :3 


10. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?

i try not to plot too heavily. i usually don't have a fully detailed plot, instead i plan characters and settings. i understand the universe and meet my characters but i don't really set a heavy plot. 

not that it matters these days, haha. ; _ ;

11. Have you ever gotten a bad review or comment on a story? If so, what did you do?

i have gotten a bad review, sure. uwu but i haven't gotten a bad comment. 

when it comes to reviews, you just gotta take it in, thank the reviewer and debate with yourself if it's something you want to change or if you just want to move on. 

12. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, , etc..)

i cannot write . i can allude to just fine, i have no problems reading it and it's super natural and all but i just cannot write it out and make it any good. so i don't write , haha. x3

i have never actually written out a fist fight but i don't think i'd be very skilled at that either. it's so fast paced and im not very fast-paced. im a slow-burn writer, lmao.

13. What story(s) are you working on now?

i wish i could say any story but the truth is, im not really working on anything. i should be working on finishing psycho and starchildren but im not. i started writing beneath the bitter snow but that died out too and for the longest time under a mask of good has been my major project but im not writing that either. so the truth is; im not working on anything. 


14. Do you think you've improved as a writer since you first started?

yeah, i do. im not at all great yet but i have developed my writing style and that's also some kind of improvement lmao 

15. What is your favorite story that you've written? And what's your worst?

i honestly sincerely really love majority of my own stories ;; it sounds so conceited but it's just the truth. i don't think i necessarily can find a fave story but stories like i'm laughing but it's not laughter and show must go on are definitely some of my faves. ;;

my worst story is psycho. i don't like the writing style. i love the story behind but i hate the way it's written. 

16. What is the easiest thing about writing? And what's the hardest? And why do you write?

the easiest thing about writing is planning a setting, imagining a story and meeting the characters. the hardest thing about writing is actually writing a story im satisfied with, something that i like, something that i feel bring justice to the initial idea i had ;3 

i don't know why i write either? it could be some sort of self-fulfilling whatever and i could talk about how it's part of who i am and be all romantic about it but the truth is; i don't know? sometimes it helps me deal with my emotions. other times it's a source of frustration. it has always been a part of me and i like expressing myself on paper with words but it's not something that i can't live without. uwu



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Woah djeidi. THANKS for doing this good to know youuu

I WANNA SEE HIMCHAN's infant/kitten pic once again before death xkskdks not even kidding

Andddd Suju Miracle djkekdd
I was wondering why you picked your profile picture lol
I didn't know you had a sweet tooth but I do too /sweats
and I can relate to your fear of submarines ;; not really the submarine part but more of the ocean and the fact that it's water for eternity if you're stranded in the middle, and also sort of the fact that I've read an unhealthy amount of books concerning people stranded in the ocean that it now frightens me to even step on a boat rip
So happy to see that there's someone else who likes fpreg (or as you put it "lesbian mpreg"). ^_^