♡ https://produce99.kr/trainees/相原裕華。

aihara yuka
brave entertainment
the maknae
full name aihara yuka
date of birth2004.01.22
birthplaceosaka, japan
hometownosaka, japan
faceclaimangerme's funaki musubu
backupakb48's oguri yui
aihara yuka is a petite girl, standing at 158 cm and weighing only around 45 kg. she has pale, light coloured skin with a couple moles spread throughout the surface of her complexion. her hair is long, reaching down to her mid-chest, with eyebrow length bangs resting just above her eyes. yuka's hair is naturally black, as she's never dyed or felt the need to even want to. her eyes are a dark brown colour, almost appearing black at times depending on what lighting she's under. yuka has never had any weight problems, having always been thin almost her entire life. overall, her appearance would best be described as cute and youthful, mostly due to her young age.
positive:  LOyal, supportive, energetic, extroverted
negative:  protective, sensitive, altruistic, mawkish
"i'd never backstab my friends!" • yuka is a very loyal girl. she really sticks true to those she's close with. backstabbing, gossiping, or hurting her friends is just things she doesn't do! talking crap about her friends? well, be prepared, cute little yuka will be there to have her friends' backs. she may not be intimidating, but it's the thought that counts.

"that's right, you can do it!" • something that yuka tries her best to be is supportive. she's always encouraging those around her! trying to improve your dancing? don't worry, because yuka will be by your side through the whole thing while even helping you learn! she enjoys encouraging her friends and providing positivity to their lives.

"come on, let's go!!" • ever since her childhood, yuka has always been quite energetic. she's is very active and upbeat, almost always smiling. she's positively a shining beam of energy, always helping to flow happiness into those around her. having a bad day? yuka will whatever she can to help you smile again.

"hello, i'm yuka! it's nice to meet you!" • rather than being introverted, yuka has always chosen to be extroverted. she's very bubbly and enjoys holding conversations with those around her. whether they are a stranger or her best friend, yuka enjoys talking and meeting with new people!

"hey! you better back off or else!" • while yuka isn't the most threatening force to ever exist, it's best you don't get on her bad side. the best way to see yuka angry is by being hurtful or mean towards her friends and family. it's simply a can of worms you don't want to open because yuka is just super protective. she can't fight you physically but she will bite!

"hey... that's not nice at all..." • sometimes the positive princess gets upset or hurt too. yuka is a sensitive little bean who doesn't handle criticism or other harsh words that well, especially from those she's closest too. people who have sharp tongues or cold personalities tend to turn yuka away a lot.

"don't worry about it, i will get myself something later." • despite her young age, yuka is an altruistic person. she's very selfless, or unselfish in simpler terms. she doesn't like seeing people suffer or become hurt, so she tends to be the compassionate person she is and help out those in need.

"huh? no, no... you look nice...!" • yuka is quite the mawkish girl, constantly sugar-coating things for those around her. rather than hurt someone's feelings with the truth, yuka would rather lie and spare them their feelings to the best of her ability.
aihara yuka was born on january 22nd, 2004 in osaka, japan. she was the second of two children, her older brother yuu, having been born just five years prior to her own birth. growing up, yuka was very vibrant and outgoing. she had an easy time befriending others, being quite well-known in school for her positive and energetic persona. when it came to music or being an idol, yuka never really considered it. lots of girls in japan, especially around yuka's age, dream of becoming an idol or joining mega groups like akb48. yuka just didn't really care; all she wanted to do was have fun. during a family vacation to seoul, south korea, just around six months ago, the unexpected happened. yuka was street scouted by a brave entertainment talent agent. yuka, of course, wasn't really able to understand what the agent was saying to her. in the end, her older brother helped translate as much as he could, with yuka ending up with a business card and an offer for a private audition. at first, yuka's parents were skeptical, but were able to conclude that the offer was indeed legitmate. with nothing really to lose, yuka's parents and older brother encouraged yuka to audition. though, yuka wasn't really sure what she wanted to do, she went along with the audition anyway. in end, much to her surprise, yuka was offered a four year training contract with brave entertainment. with more encouragement from her family, yuka signed on with the company and moved to south korea to begin her long training period.
  • yuka suffers from asthma and carries an inhaler with her at almost all times
  • favorite arists include akb48, arashi, morning musume, twice, and brave girls
  • due to her age, yuka excels in cute and youthful concepts
  • absolutely loves spicy food with a passion
  • spends most of her time hanging out with soomi or practicing
  • yuka was able to become close to soomi because soomi was able to speak japanese, having learned
    the language through her seven years as a trainee
  • soomi often refers to yuka as my baby, yuyu, yuka-chan, and little bean
  • yuka really idolizes the japanese members of twice; she wishes to meet them one day
  • mnet staff nicknamed yuka the energizer of the brave entertainment trainees
  • yuka is one of two japanese trainees at brave entertainment, the other being a nineteen year old
    boy named murase hirota
  • when yuka eats, she tends to stuff with food, resulting in cheeks becoming full like a
  • despite yuka being behind soomi skill wise, the two are still going to perform together in the first
    judge evaluation
  • to prepare for produce 99, yuka learned twice's "tt" and "knock knock" as well as brave girls' "high
fellow trainees
full namelee soomi
faceclaimLoona's haseul
backupmomoland's hyebin
unlike yuka, soomi has been training at brave entertainment for nearly seven years. compared to yuka, soomi is extremely talented. she can dance, sing, and even rap! it's always been a wonder to yuka as to way soomi never has made her debut under brave entertainment. when it comes to yuka's overall relationship with the extremely talented lee soomi, their close bond and friendship would probably shock everybody. soomi is practically like a second mom to yuka. she looks after and cares for yuka as much as possible, always trying to make sure that yuka is okay and not too overwhelmed. while soomi thinks it's okay for young people to chase their dreams, soomi believes that yuka might be better suited going back to japan for a few years, mostly so she can decide if this is what she truly wants or not.
trainee profile
brave entertainment
primary TALENTdance
twinloona's yeojin 
trainee life
considering yuka's time as a trainee has been short, yuka can only describe it in a few words: scary, exciting, and difficult. she has experienced a lot of home sickness, which is usually calmed down by soomi who acts very much like a mother to her. just adjusting to south korea overall was difficult. yuka didn't know korean, so she couldn't communicate with a majority of trainees and staff (excluding soomi and certain staff members). on top of that, yuka wasn't really talented at all. the most she could do was freestyle dance, which was what earned her a spot as a trainee; that and her cute appearance and personality. she couldn't sing nor rap, so it was hard for yuka to have to learn how to do both of those. as of present day, yuka is slightly better at singing but she still can't rap to save her life. her dancing and singing are about equal in terms of skill, but yuka still has a lot too learn and needs loads of improvement to help her as well.
comments:  i hope you like my little japanese bean from brave entertainment! uwu also, i'm v sad rn because yamada noe was eliminated on produce 48... she was so cute tho!!! :(
scene requests:  
  • yuka has an asthma attack (whether if it's because she gets too overwhelmed or excited, or maybe she even
    just gets really stressed and starts to hyperventilate)
  • soomi being #mommaterial and looking after yuka
  • the other trainees fawning over yuka because of how cute and energetic she is
  • yuka working really hard to improve herself (much like kim sohye in pd101)
password:  #98; to not appear cocky or full of themselves, soomi and yuka sat in the #98 and #99 seats.


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