The Secret to Getting the Perfect Body

1) go to your wardrobe and pull out your favourite thing to wear / get if you're more into that idk you do you 

2) go to the mirror

3) appreciate all the beautiful things about you - whether it be your soft hair, your large eyes, your curves, your long legs, your short legs, your abs, your soft tummy, your thighs, your lips, your nose, your smile, your skin... the list goes on. Appreciate them.

4) smile

5) and there you have it - the perfect body


Seriously guys, I am so tired of the media-perception of "the perfect body" - this impossible, technically non-existant concept that is dangerous both mentally and physically. There is no universal "perfection", and everyone will have their own idea of what is beautiful. Nobody on this planet, not one person, is truly ugly. Your weight does not and never will define you. 

I love you all. Please stay safe and healthy <3



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Yes, yes, yes, yes! Self love and appreciation for how your body looks!
We need more of this in our lives!
yuansaga #2
Its always the inside that matters and not the outside.... If someone loves your inside self, they will naturally accept and love your outer self.... Thats the bond between 2 people
Love it, thanks for the blog, it made my day! (it made me night XD)
who need perfect body when people can't even perfected their rude attitudes xD
This is so sweet and true. If you want to change (lose weight, etc.), go for it but don't compare or compete with others. Just appreciate yourself for who you are. :)