What I want more of.

I know I usually make positive blogs about my favourite things but I've been in a funk lately. Nothing is wrong with writing or not writing this, it's purely my preference. 

What do you wish there was more of in fics?



I know this is a sad thing but sometimes I just wish authors took account of this. If people have a story where the main couple is broken up, sometimes adding homophobia is just the perfect excuse. 

It's not difficult to add as such and it is such a valid reason that it shouldn't be questioned. Of course people and couples can conquer homophobia but sometimes, they just can't. If you plan on writing an angsty romance - why don't add some homophobia if your main couple is homoual?

If you're writing a story that deals with internal conflicts, why not add homophobia? It's a perfectly fine thing to stress about internally, especially in a homophobic setting. 

I totally agree that it's nice to read homoual romance fics where there is no homophobia present. I really enjoy those stories. But sometimes I just wish people would look at the very real conflict homophobia is when adding angst to their homoual characters. It would make the angst so much better. 



Not the grammar, but menstruation. I know this is a really strange thing to want because I don't necessarily want a lot of other bodily fluids but I just think there is so much potential when dealing with female characters. 

I know it's added when people write FTM trans-characters at times but what about those cis-females? 

Why don't we ever reference women on their periods? 

It can be used in so many different ways. If not only just to prove that your female character is human and struggles with her period once in a while too. It can be so subtle too and honestly, it would be such a sweet oneshot/drabble. Instead of "person taking care of sick partner", a simple change to "person taking care of partner on their period" would be so good. 

It can also be used to show male characters as caring in new ways. His older sister (or younger sister) calls him in the evening and practically begs for him to fetch her some tampons/pads and he does so. Maybe he's called out for it, maybe he's bullied by others who find it gross - but it would truly show a brother/partner who respects and loves their sister/partner. 

So yes, while I enjoy stories that doesn't have any bodily fluids in them (!) I would also really wish that I once in a while found a female character hinted or outwardly shown to be on her period.


Diverse friendships

This is especially true for stories with a homoual main couple. I really wish for even more diversity. A gay man can have multiple straight friends. In fact, he's probably more likely to have more straight friends unless he values their uality in their friendship. A straight woman can have a biual best friend and be friends and nothing more. 

With this goes the hope that neither uality is lowkey bashed in fics too. It's been a while (thankfully) since I've read stories where everybody is either gay or straight but I want more. I don't like it when I read a fic and feel like straight people are made out to be less because they're not gay. It goes without say that unless your story universe is homophobic, reading a story where homoual people are made to be less is equally sad to me. 

I also really wish to see more female/male best friends. Not for them to become lovers, but just because they're best friends. I know many best friends like that is often questioned about their relationship and that's a potential I think could become a great fic. A platonic friendship fic in which everybody is pushing for them to be together romantically without there ever being a romantic feeling between them. 

I guess I just ... really wish some fics were more diverse. I know it can be difficult if you're writing a story that focuses solely around a boygroup or girl group but even just referencing some members as being with their girlfriends or teasing them with crushing on women is enough for me to create that diversity. Have all kinds of ualities in your fics, both as romantic interests and platonic friendships. It just ... it really heightens the reading experience for me.


Fun jobs

We all know a story in which a character is either 1) a doctor, 2) a lawyer, 3) a CEO of a corporate imperium, 4) a teacher, 5) an artist of some kind or 6) a barista.

All of those are fun on their own but sometimes I wish I saw characters with other jobs. A high school AU in which the characters work in retail, not in cafés. A medical AU where the characters are nurses, not doctor's. 

A story with a character who is a pilot. A story with a character who is just a secretary in a big firm, working 9-5. A story with a character that works as a delivery guy and the tales of all the people they meet. A story with a character working as a biologist or a chemist. A story with a character with a fancy major they have never used because they ended up working in a restaurant as a waiter and loved it. 

Sometimes when I get story ideas that involve working characters I end up on lists of all possible jobs and I just scroll down until I find something that sounds fun. There are so many things a character could be, so many things a human could work with and sometimes, just sometimes, I really love to find characters that aren't either of the 6 mentioned above.



As a side-thing.

This shouldn't really be surprising because I've expressed my love for pregnancies before, but I also wish I could find stories where it's just a side thing. The main character's best friend is pregnant and it's just mentioned once in a while because it's not the main thing of the story. It's just a way to give the side characters more of a feel in my opinion.

And I just really like pregnancies but sometimes I want to read a gay story without mpreg and still want pregnancies, haha. I don't like reading surrogacy stories so adding pregnancies as a side-thing is just really up my alley. But yes, I also just really love pregnancies.


This is not in any way to say that stories without are bad. They're great! These are just things I sometimes long for a little. ;; 

(I guess that's an excuse to incorporate it in my own writing).


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Oh everything u said is yeah it would be interesting if there is like that in fanfics...especially the homophobia and fun jobs because i rarely read fanfics about homophibia thingy and in the fun jobs, i usually saw about a doctor, detective, barista, teacher, sports leader, CEO yeah... Pilot is interesting
LOL everything you mentioned... I featured in my teen fiction. Except the fun jobs because they're rich kids that deals with other cliches stuff. But mostly teen are emotional and I focus more on their friendship and first love in the story that bring out their awkward emotions. LOL regarding period, my main male character don't even know what it is and had to get his info from his chauffer/butler because he saw his girl bleeding and she became embarrassed and didn't want to see him.

Also, just to add, I think racism that could be mentioned at least a little? I know that most stories on AFF either take place in Korea or some made up land, but that doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. I remember reading this story where the character had darker skin, and the author had this description of how her medicine cabinet was lined with skin whitening creams and I just-- That is honestly sO real in some places like Korea. It's not racism per se, but it is a form of whitewashing whICH ALSO EXISTS. And in stories taking place in America or Europe, there's like two other characters that aren't Asian. Not saying that this is unacceptable, but it's almost unrealistic... Like if you're going to write a story in a foreign place, you should educate yourself on that foreign place and its demographics (like some people don't even read up on life in Korea so when they do write a story taking place there, it feels so wrong) so it doesn't feel like you picked a city name out of a hat and chose that to be the setting.

I could go on, but now I want to write a fic that incorporates these things :')
Demitria_Teague #4
I'm right there with you. Especially the period one and the not making straight people less because of their uality. Also, my pet peeve: I despise the hate that's thrown toward female OC's falling in love or hanging out with favorite characters. I'm female, so to feel less and unworthy because I'm a woman - because I exist.... Yeah, not cool.
I'm actually going to explore homophobia in my YoonMin fanfic but not in the current setting. It will be once there is a relationship and the challenge of finding family acceptance. *A*
I do wish fanfics would explore that more in their stories~