Epik Academy :: Moon Taein is joining Imrud

Moon Taein


BIRTHNAME : Moon Taein

— Corazon Veta 'Sunshine' Ngsino - Birth name

— Sunshine, Sunny - people have been calling her that for as long as she can remember

DATE OF BIRTH : November 31, 1999
BIRTHPLACE : Manila, Philippines
ETHNICITY : Fillipino Korean
COURSE : Ophthalmologist: specialist in medical and surgical eye disease

— Philipino, mother language

— English, mother language

— Korean, high conversational, she has lived in Seoul for four years


the student card

FACE CLAIM : Kriesha Chu
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 153 cm & 39 kg


— Taein is a small thing with long brown hair. Her skin tans very easliy so she spends a lot of time inside. Her father wants her to blend in with other girls her age as much as possible. She seems to have a smily plastered to her face constantly and she has perfect eye smiles


— Taein's step mother threw out everything she had when she came to Seoul and bought all new clothes for Taein, saying 'no one in this house will dress like second rate trash.'That hurt but she went with it. Most of the clothes Hera bought were awful and uncomfortable but Taein went with it. Her father secretly woulf get her clothes that she liked more. 
Taein likes dresses, but Hera got ones covered in lace and that clung to her body. She liked flowy dresses that would flare whenshe twirled. She didnt really care about colour but didnt like white because of how easily it got dirty. She also loved oversised sweatshirts paired with shorts. She constantly stole Jase's sweatshirts and she tried with Taemin but he never let her. Taeil would 'forget' his in her room or put one with her dirt clothes and not remember to grab it when it was clean. 
Taein has around 20 pairs of shoes and probably 17 are chuck taylors. She loves them and they match with any outfit


digging deeper

PERSONALITY : (+) Sweet, friendly, go with the flow
(-) Difficult to get to know, apears distant, bold
Taein is a soft ball of squish. She likes being around people and meeting new people. She would be willing to give the shirt off of her back to omeone who needed help. She hates seeing(haha) people in poor positions and wishes there was more she could do to help. She doesnt like causing rifts so she often goes with the flow. She has only faught with one person in her life, her mother, and doesnt want to do it again. 
People think Taein is rude all the time. If you just looked at her you wouldnt know she was blind. Her eyes look fine and she often will look in the direction of who is talking to her. However, if you wave she will ignore you and people automatically think that she is doing it on purpose. Sometimes her eyes will close automatically so people think she is bored with the conversation. People make assummptions about her all the time so she just lets them. 
Taein grew up protected. She didnt want people to get close to her, no, Jase didnt want people to get close to her. He wanted to protect her from everything so she grew up not letting people get close until she really trusted them. She does smile all the time, but it takes a lot for her to consider you a friend, feel special if she does. Once she has decided your a friend though, get ready. She haz no boundaries with people she trusts, that means fly tackle hugs, cuddling and she has a thing for holding hands. She has the beaten puppy look down pat so you cant even say no to her

Taein has gotten over her blindness. She can make jokes about it and laugh at others jokes. Sure she would want to be able to see but she isnt sitting at home, hoping for a miracle. Her blindness is a part of her.

BACKGROUND : Sunny was born blind. She was premature and her mother hadnt been the most careful, she had lost two babies before and the doctors expected Sunny to be the third. She was a tiny thing, her older brother could almost hold her in one hand. 
Her mother didnt want a baby, she had enough to deal with with one kid, so Jase was left to raise Sunny. He was seven when he was born but he took his responsibility very seriously and watched over her like a hawk. 
As she aged she secritly hoped that her father would come down and save her from her life, but that was a dream. She spent most of her time off doing things with her brother and away from home. Their mother was a red lighter, thats why neither of her shildren knew their father nor were they likely to find them. 
Besides being blind and having an absent mother, Sunny was 100% normal. She went to a regular school, was an average student, nothing special. At least thats what she always thought. One night when she was 13 she and her mother were arguing, about what Sunny doesnt even remember. They were screaming and her mother threw a few things. One second everything was black, like normal, the next Sunny could see her mothers face. She looked so angry but that anger rapidly turned to fear. 
Sunny didnt know, but her vision started turning yellow. To her mother, Sunny's eyes started turning golden seconds before lasers shot from both eyes. Her mother was able to dive to the side in time but the kitchen lit up like dry leaves. Jase ran in and saw Sunny and she was able to see him too. He speculates that her fear was able to calm down the lasers because the spluttered out and her vision went black again. 
Her mother called the police on her but she and her brother had packed a few things and left. They had done this in the past, hopefully their mother would calm down in a few days and things would go back to normal. Not this time. Jase went back and their apartment was surrounded with what looked like swat. 
Someone recignised Jase and followed him back to where he and Sunny were hiding out. She said she was like Sunny, just not with lasers. She could do lights and she wanted to help Sunny. She agreed to go with the woman as long as Jase could come with. The woman didnt like it but agreed. 
They went to a private plane and landed in Seoul a few hours later. It took a few days for the two of them to settle in to their new home but they did. Unfortunatly though their mother was not done with them. She declaired that Sunny was a wild and dangerous mutant that kidnapped Jase and she just wanted her baby boy back. As much as it pained him Jase had to go back to Manilia, just temporarily. He was only goin to be gone for a week, jsut to get their mtoher to calm down. 
While he was gone the woman worked with Sunny. She knew that she didnt know her father and wanted to help out. Sunny had nothing to do but wait. She was a 13 year old with no passport, money or family. She couldnt watch tv because it was all in Korean and she couldnt read because she didnt have any brail books with her. She started going stir crazy but the woman came back with news. 
Apparently she actually knew Sunnys father. He was a large fae in the anti mutant coilition in South Korea but he wanted to meet Sunny. She wanted to wait until Jase got back but he wasnt going to wait. When they met they did a bunch of tests to be sure that she was in fact his daughter. There was no doubt about it. He offered her a place in his home and would Jase too, but he didnt come back. 

In order to help hide her from her mother, her father decided t change her name, to better fit the family. She was now Moon Taein, had two older brothers and was most definatly not a mutant. Her one brother was almost exactly the same age, but they couldnt tell people that.
Taein started going to a special school for blind students and she hated it. She didnt want people treating her differantly because she couldnt see, Jase didnt. Her grades dropped and she started loosing intrest in her education. 
Taein had been living with her father for 18 months before Jase got a message to her. Their mother had him commited when he said that he was going back to find you. He was doing everything he could to get away and back to her but it might take some time and hopefully she was ok. The note was short and only made her feel worse. 
Taein's older brother had left for college but he talked with her all the time. He was really the only way she remained saine. He reminded her a lot of Jase, but now even he wasnt around anymore. 
Towards the end of her third year in Korea her other brother...well its hard to say. In the middle of class one day the geiger counters started going crazy. None of the teachers understood but they started evacuating the school, thinking somehow radiation was leaking from inside. Unfortuantly though it was coming from Taemin. Students started passing out from radiation poisioning as they fled the school. All the students that made it out were in the futball feild. Even more students were getting sick, Taemin included. Hazmat showed up and isolated the sick kids from the healthy ones. A lot of kids died, including Taemin. No one understood what happened but some had an idea. One of the students had to be a mutant, but they thought it was one of the surviving students. The same woman who contacted Sunny contacted her father again to see if they could look at Taemin's body. His mother was in no state to respond so their father gave her the go ahead. 
Turns out Taemin was a mutant too. His mutation was pure radiation, seeping from his pores like sweat. Unfortunaly he had no resistance and was affected like everyone else was. He was closest to the source so he died along with the other 79 students that were closest to him. 
Taeil came home, but not for his mother. He came from Taein. Their father didnt say anything, just let them go. The school Taeil was going to was for mutants, like them, and they usually didnt accept students until they were 18 but were going to let Taein in because Taeil said she was 17 and needed to get away from home. 
They gave her her own roo, specially designed for her because she was blind, but other than that they didnt really give her special treatment, just the way she liked it. 


— Likes 
People watching, sitting in a crowdd place, listening to people interactions
Listening to music
listening to the rain hitting glass windows
Spending time with her brother
— Dislikes 
Riding trains, the sounds are too much and she has missed her stop more than once
Winter, its too cold, she rew up in humidity, not snow
Tight clothing
— Fears
Jase is never comeing back, he saw his out and didnt look back
Falling, she would never be able to tell how much longer she had or if there was something she could have grabbed on to, even if she misses a step she panicks

— Habits 
She reads at night when she cant sleep
When she hears a dog around she wants to find it

— Hobbies 
Dancing to music when she is alone in her room

— Trivia 
unbenounced to her, Corazon Veta 'Sunshine' Ngsino is a missing person with a reward up for information on her
She is really good at dressing horribly. She relyed on Jase to make sure she wastnt wearing neyon green and bright red together
She has 7 plants, all differant breeds of cactus
She has suprisingly neat penmanship
She never learned to write hangul
She wants to cure blindness one day
She is terrified that one da she might hurt someone with her laser eyes (she hasnt had any shoot from her hands yet)
She is an excellent swimmer
She loves romance novels and has many steamy ones
While she has never been in love, she doesnt see how someone could deny love just because of body parts (i.e denying your uality)
She loves webtoons
She is a really great cook but she never follows the directions
She has a weakness for dogs
She is open minded


want to be friends?


Father : Moon Shinman / businessman / unsure of everything, really cares for / 7/10
Taein and her fatherare starting to get more and more famiiar with each other. They are finding they are more similar than differant


Birth mother : Hunter Bengzon 'Eve' Ngsino / red lighter / selfish, immature / 0/10
Taein doesnt like her mother and would ignore her if they passed on the street. She was never a parent for Taein


Half brothe : Moon Taeil / student / Protective over Taein, hot head,  / 9/10
Taeil really took Taeni under his wing. He and Jase are very similar, but Taeil has a darker, rougher side to him. Taeil can get angry and blow up at other people but he never has with Taein. he always wanted a sister and he is determined to protect her from anything. He couldnt protect Taemin so he will be damned if anything ahppens to Taein
*Taeil's parents think he is just a a collage, they dont know that he a mutant. He is a siren so he can control people with his voice. Its cool to watch but he swore he wouldnt use it on any of NCT or Taein. He did use it on Taemin and feels guilty about it

Half brother : Moon Taemin / n/a / Snarky, understanding / 6/10 The two of them were getting used to eachother
Taemin was bothered at first that she was there but he was actually the one who took her around the house ot make sure that she knew where everything was and he 'blind'  proofed the house after she got there. 

Half brother : Stone Skylar 'Jase' Ngsino / n/a / Super protective, patient / 11/10
Jase raised Taein. He was everything to her until he left. She doesnt think that he intentionally left to not come back but she wants him back

Step mother : Moon Hera / model / closed minded, doubful / 5/10
Hera does not like mutants at all. She wasnt going to let Taein in but her father conviced Hera. When it was just the two of them Hera did everything she could do to make Taein feel unwelcomed but had to pretend to like her when her father was around


the mutation

POWER : Laser Projection

CLUB : Imrud


— She can shoot lasers from her eyes
— When she is shooting lasers she can see


— It is really sporatic and she has no control over it
— She is blind


— She has a high tolerance for the heat




— (+) Bright, friendly, talkative
— (-) Pushy, blunt, unforgiving
— Quian is always talking and laughing. They seem to know everyone and greets almost everyone in the morning. Most people are happy when they are around. They seem to almsot have more that one personality because they get along with everyone. People just flock to them. 
— Quian pushes their ideas on others. They are super smart so they feel others should just listen to them. Its not like they are trying to lead people astray, they just dont want to wait for people to get what they are saying. There is very little sugar with them. Also, if you cross them they wont forget it, ever. When they turn their back on you, so does everyone else. 


— Taein's first day of classes Quian was the one to greet her. They saw that she was blind so they decided they were going to be the one to make sure she got everywhere. 
They waited until after classes were in session then walked Taein around the building, explaining what was around as they went. 
Taein couldnt tell, so she asked if Quian was a guy or a girl and they laughed. They spent a while explaining that they didnt identify, why should they? They are both and neither. Taein was cool with it. 
Quian spent the first few days attached to Taein. The two spent all their extra time talking. Turns out that Quian was originally from China and that they were born as a boy, but often confused their mother cause they kept changing their face. 
The two of them got close fast. Taein didnt say anything to her father for fear that he would lash out and they were just getting to know eachother. 


— Taein and Quian get into a huge and I do mean huge, fight. Like, Taein almost lasered at Quian, thats how big it was. After that they avoided eachother. Quian donned a new look and didnt look back. 


— Quian is a shape shifter, but this is their currant favorate shape so it is what they are sticking with
— Quian refuses to identify with a gender. When people push they will push back, often morphing from gender to gender until the other backs off


welcome to epik academy

hello, welcome to the school how do you feel about transferring here?: 

— Hi there. I felt fine. I'm glad people are treating me normal now, I was over the special treatment. 

do you mind explaining some more about your mutation and power? : 

— Um, well its only happened once but...(mumbled) lasers shot out of my eyes at my mom and started lighting things on fire. *What was that?* Oh, um, nothing. No, I dont want to explain it

imagine, a big army of bad mutants attack the school, what would you do? : 

— If the lasers would come back I would try to fight them, but if I was stuck ith nothing I would hide. I cant exactly fight them off if I have nothing

What is your opinion about the existence of clubs in this school? : 

— Honestly, its weird. There were clubs at my old schools but they werent manditory. 

and lastly, Which club is your favourite, and which one do you not really like?  : 

— Well, I have to say NCT, but thats cause my brother is in it. I dontlike Vasilias. They annoy me and they like to mess with me. I'm used to it but they just dont let up. like come on, grow up


FlowerChild94 : Cas  :  turn in

COMMENTS : Taein is afraid of some of the members of NCT, doesnt matter which ones, but she wants to spend time with Taeil so she tries to deal with the fear


— Jase comes back and has some sort of wild story about how he got back to her
— Someoen comes up with glasses that she can wear, like Cyclops, so that she can see again




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Since she is a third year, what class would you prefer her to be in? 3A, 3B or 3C?