(Writers) Let's Do 'Dis #4 - Quit Being Stuck In Your Writing By Doing These 3 Things + Become Pregnant With Writing?

Writing Tip Under Video
    Sorry this is late, but today I first had too much manic energy (I walked a lot), and then I got a head ache that almost reached migraine level (Thankfully, it didn't - Iboprophen... is that how you spell that?  Probably not.  Oh well.  It's fresh in my system, so the head ache is sedated...ish.  ;)
    [For any one who cares - I have an appointment set to talk to a therapist and hopefully get back on medication - and just start talking to a therapist regularly.  Hopefully, she'll be able to help me stay stable and accomplish more.  Show me new ways to make my life better.  Wish me luck - keep me in prayers.]
Video For Today
Nicki Minaj's - Chun-Li
    (I'd heard a part of this in another song, but realized yesterday that she'd made a video of it.  I love it, and the song.  It's inspired a Yixing/Twin AU/FOC Damphir possible One Shot or Chapter Story (not sure) - that I'm going to write and post in one of these particular posts.  So, look forward to that.  It may tie in with one of the story world layouts for Exo CBX's MV - Ka-Ching.
    You'll see when it's done.  I'm excited.  There's something about doing something like this regularly that's helping me stay focused.  I feel on track, and accomplished and that keeps me inspired.
So even though you guys didn't ask for this:  I appreciate the opportunity any way.  ^_^ )


Writing Tip
    I recently talked to a friend on here and they've told me how they can't write any thing right now.  The full reason I don't know, but I get like this sometimes, so I thought I'd share a few ideas of how to kick start your inspiration.
Ways To Kick Start Inspiration
1Walk Like A Champ - and Become Pregnant... With Writing.  Aaah- what?
    I once read in a book that someone can become pregnant with writing.
    You're probably wondering - what the--- ?
    I understand.
    It's a strange image and besides being actually pregnant with words and stuff...
    ...Well, that's exactly what happens.  You're mind wants to procrastinate.  Don't let it.
Do this:
    Go for a walk, and refuse to stop walking until you become inspired.  Your mind or body will - for it's own sake - throw ideas out there, so you'll stop walking.  I know it sounds weird, but it works.  Of course, use reasonable procaution.  Don't go miles and miles away from home, have plenty of water and food.
    Go inside and rest for a while, but keep at it.  Eventually, something, even if it's little will come to you.  It may not become a full part story, but it may lead to an idea that leads to another idea, that sparks something completely different, that takes you in a different direction, but ends up as you writing again.  I'd call that an accomplishment.  Wouldn't you?
    Because writing is the point.  You can't edit what isn't written, which leads me to the next tip.
    (Also, continuing for this particular tip, just use common since when walking.  Take care of yourself, don't do any thing reckless, and listen to your body.  Don't over exert yourself.  Make this exercise work for you.
Also:  More on Becoming Pregnant With Writing in Closing Notes - Learn the Full Writing Method).
2) Get In To The Habit Of Writing Every Day
    Rather it's ten minutes or an hour plus.  Write something every day to keep that momentum going.  Even if you journal for a few minutes.  I write down my thoughts, which isn't creative writing, but expression.  You'll be amazed at how something so small will help your creativity.
    By doing this you'll be training your body to write.  It'll do it on instinct and it'll become easier to sit down and write something.  You may wake up and realize that you've filled out a notebook or more with just ideas for stories (characters, worlds, a line of dialogue that leads to a main scene or a scene that inspires a one shot or full story).  If you have a huge problem with keeping at something - work at it.  Plan to do it the next day, set aside a time - even if it's one minute, set an alarm, write and be done with it.
Do a reward system.
    Tell yourself:  If I do this writing time for one minute, I get a silver star (which would actually work for me.  I have depression and when I see accomplishments it raises my spirit.  I think:  Man, I'm not as bad as I thought.  I can actually do this.)
    And I think that if I can pull something as simple as this off, and have it feel so huge to me, any one can.
    And that's not me trying to guilt you in to doing this.  It's just me sharing a little about myself with you, and hopefully inspiring you to find what works for youDo it your way (use ice-cream as a reward if you want), but do it.  Plan ahead of time [put it in your phone calender with an alert or on your wall or desk calender] (this insures that you know it'll be happening and you won't forget.  You won't beat yourself up for forgetting and feel like a failure.
    Set yourself up for success ahead of time.)
Good luck.

Until Next Time,

    I hope the music inspired you to write, and the Tips helped you take the step you needed to start writing again.

    If you like this post/video/writing tip thing [Take the Yes or No Poll], which encourages me to continuing doing it.  Leaving a Comment letting me know how I'm helping you does more.  ;)

~ Demitria_Teague

PS:  You can also let me know any specific problems you have, and maybe I'll be able to give you advice on it.  If not, I'll figure out what direction to point you in.  Leave them in the Comment Section or PM me.


Ending Notes - More on Becoming Pregnant With Writing
    I still have moments when I realize I can't write any thing.
    (For me), watching movies, reading regularly (original stuff - not just fanfic (sometimes I have to take a break from fics and read things without familiar names and character profiles, etc., to get my creativity going).
    I told you I read a book talking about becoming pregnant with writing.
    The writing method comes from Natalie Goldberg, who writes about the life of a writer (hers) as apposed to how-to write.  I'm pretty sure some of her inspiration has come from drug use (I do not encourage this - irrelevant).
    It's the method I'm interested in and recommending to you.
    I think it's a beautiful method.  It's simple... well... unless you really want to write and have to do this to be able to.  It can be agonizing to want to do something and not be able to.
You basically - don't write a single word.
    I mean it.
    No- seriously.
    And you can do that walking thing again.  You don't have to.
    Basically, you spend purposeful time not writing on purpose.  (For as long as it takes)
    Use this time to watch movies and or read.  Or take time doing other things.  Go places you haven't been to in a while.  Find new scenery, get a new perspective by reading about other writers and their methods.  Study how-to's for writing-
    -But do not write a word yourself.
    Let all that you want to say bubble up inside of you until you're bursting with words - until you've become Pregnant With Writing - Ha.
    Then when you can't stand it any more-
    -Allow all of that wonderful creativity to burst forth - word vomit - all over your notebook or computer screen and BAM.
    You've birthed, most likely, not just one thing, but tons of things.
    You're a new parent to a new peice of writing, and you've learned the magic writing method of Becoming Pregnant With Writing.
    You're welcome. 
    Now go do the thang.

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I did a double take like three times when I saw the title of this blog. Then I spent a couple of minutes laughing my off.
I could use some help on this problem I have.

Basically, I have these really good ideas in my head, but for some reason, I can't put them on paper. And if I were to put it on paper it wouldn't be the same as I originally had it. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it doesn't feel right.

So I tried not writing at all (which wasn't hard cause I was swamped with finals) and I've tried outlines but it doesn't help me figure out the details.
Sorry, this is a lot >.>
This was great and I totally agree with taking a break from writing. I have so many fics and then other projects that aren’t ficus that I usually stay too stuck in my own head. Taking time to read again and to get inspired really helps.
2 birds with one stone, lose weight and never write a single thing lmao

This would work for me until I pass out because I still can't come up with ideas.