Oh no.... It's been a...

A 1.2K blog ahead, you’ve been warned xD~

It's been a year now, since I started using this Acc. On May 9-10  I published my first story on here out of a blue.

Though I created this account on Jan 31 out of curiosity to subscribe a NamMin story confused wondering what ....was it supposed to be.


I legit forgot about this ID ...

Until May 9- I finished reading one of my Fav Manga on Naver Webtoon I was bit sad that it was over though, then binged on some FMVs .My brain was flooded with ideas as usual I was lazy to even write them down. While checking few gifs I decided to give Aff a try, seriously there was nothing to lose I had to write my ideas down I was feeling dizzy.

I lingered on Aff for hours in editing section, writing stuff (with lot of spell checks) and then like 3 hours later I published with a pic of Jimin that I searched on Imgur for (I wasn't aware Imgur's private links works too lol) hours xD.

Even though I couldn't write everything I was still content with that.

Then next evening, I was flooded with notifications, I saw a bunch of subscribers.....47…..... I was so happy lol.It was like I unlocked my first achievement heck yeah!... And obviously a lot of Authors get that without even publishing a chapter.
By the time I published 2nd chapter the sub counts were 69, few comments xD then next day above 100.
That gave me encouragement for sure, I started planning my chapters and proof reading them occasionally (I totally at it), I wanted to give my readers best shot since they already tolerated my Grammar . I still wonder why they even subbed in first place. Maybe Tags, or story Title or they must have thought it was cliche love triangle story.

I couldn't write all those ideas in one story so….. I published more stories to work on, while I was bingeing on Jikook fmvs videos etc.
Vmin Moans too hahaha it was fun.

I guess my the end of May, I had like three stories T_T.

But unfortunately, I was going through emotional break down in June it was … very hard, but that didn't stopped me from writing, these stories I read on here distracted me and comments encouraged me I didn't wanted to stop.

So~~~ time for more three stories out of a blue, I shamelessly promoted my stories in my previous story chapters, and they actually did subbed. Why did they subbed? I will never know.

I never actually Advertised any of my stories because it makes me more conscious over them ;-; but lovely ppl still sub my 'On Hold' stories nonetheless, I daily get lots of subs and I thank enough .Thank you everyone, really Thank you for the love and all the waiting.....I am planning to finally advertise my stories after revamping and editing them, probably getting new covers for it. (Though it still makes me conscious and nervous for no reason)

Lol, I used to get upset about Authors who used to take Hiatus on stories and NOW look at me I legit abandoned mine even though I promised to never do that *sobs*. …

I don't know why I still get subs (I am very very Thankful for it ^_^), I think....

 that's why ~ xD


But there are far more better stories than mine, The reason why I advertise stories for free I survey from Mic Drop™, because few authors out there write so well and deserves more appreciation than they usually get. It feels unfair and leaves unsettling feeling. And I guess this is the best I could do for Aff community however it's nothing big. Really.

So…. Back to topic.

I stopped mass writing in Mid-July I had like 380 subs for my main Story and Under 350 for rest of them. I started writing on evernote and never had strength enough to proof read them and publish it …. July was the gloomiest month for me in 2017. And the sub rate dropped because I stopped updating my stories, I NEVER touched my stories cept for tweaking stuff in Evernote or Docs.

I regret not writing....

Sudden loss of inspiration, and My fam was giving me a hard time too, it to be grown up! ;-;

My few friends on here I used recommend Mangas (and she used to recommend mangas ...omg lol.) were totally unaware of my situation because of course I don't open up easily.

But I am still glad that kept me distracted.

Well, I started socializing on here by August, I was totally confused over feeds, blogs, wall posts, pms … Heck I used to reply on feeds but thought those were pms or something. I never friend requested anyone until October though but I eventually started gaining friends maybe from my stories ...Idk.

August!!!!!!, I met TaeTae my Soulmate Twin Vmin <3 xD we were talking about the kid (Y’All know who) she was the first one to talk/chat more than rest of the Friends I had previously. And She was the first friend I could actually call 'Best Friend’ and I felt comfortable with her so I wanted her everywhere like groups I joined in Mid- October, I guess I asked Hyung to add her ... right? Maybe she joined herself wow I am a goldfish now T_T. But she is the best person I met on aff, she is like super duper infinity friendly, I blink and her friend list gets bigger everytime lmao.

And… Groups....

It was all new for me, I met several people on here they were all super friendly, I instantly took liking into all of them.

And Hyung, at first he was not so friendly especially in Pms lol. I used to wonder what's wrong with him, unaware that he is actually very soft. <33

On Groups I met alllll of my friends I dearly love them <3 Thank you all you guys are like my Family. Ai bae, Milky,Tiny, Mil, Bunny and many many more baes, Some of them don't really talk these days but I loved talking to them T_T I genuinely miss y’all. Jwjxjwj I should write a blog about all of them yayy~ they are special potatoes.

You have no idea, how much I appreciate and cherish y’all.

My friend list from 21 to 121 was real quick xD hcjsjsjaj and by that time all my gloominess vanished away, I loved making new friends and talking to them. It's a new feeling.

I legit have a fam now T_T love chu ~

To everyone I met all this time even till today, I am really glad and happy to be your friend. And I love you all, Thank you for being there. <333333 Stay strong, Healthy and Happy wherever you are.


So now, to my readers who have been really really patient with me and waited for me without complaining.I am really sorry guys, I promise (K did tons of times but I am serious now) I will be solely concentrating on my stories. Update them/Revamp them/Get y'all new covers.

And I hope I get more subs once again like I used to and I hope I don't disappoint you all and I have betas now so I guess the matter will be more read-able?

*Seal claps*

Time to be Me, Reader Me, Author Me, Cool Me and Happy Me once again time for mass Writing~ And now I won't be distracted cept for friends and shops^^

That's it for now, Thank you for reading.Love you.

Me = Out

P.S:- I know this blog is boring af.

P..S.S:- I should just start writing already.

P.s.s.s.:- Grammatical errors too.

P.S.S.S.S:- Have a wonderful day after reading this sh*t ,Love you!!!!






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Oh I'm so glad you can get back to writing ;o;! I'm sorry I didn't know you then and that you were going through things :c Good luck with everything; hope you stay strong love ^^♡
Aww Minnie, I'm so happy that you were able to get over your slump and get back to writing. I hope you don't have to go through that slump again and if you do to not be too down cause you got a lot of ppl here who love and support you <3
I knew you and TaeTae before the "group" I just didn't talk to you guys till after the group with Pineapple was made because you, her and I were too random and got yelled at to be quiet in group :P
Heyyy, happy that u r back to writing after all the hardships and busy life.. we also love u loads.. take ur time.. we will be there all the time.. fighting.. *heartu heartu...
Aww Minnie
I love you too so much *hugs*
I'll always be your lil' bunny :D
Hope everything goes well ^^
You know what's crazy?
I read this blog twice for no reason....
I love how genuine and sincere this blog is (also at how you manage to promote Mic Drop) I too left AFF for more than six months & forgetting the existence of this account until I stumbled onto a few fanfics from another website. The increase of people in my friend list isn’t only something I recall but also when my first story gained subscribers, the happiness was hard to describe.

However I think, what I most cherish and blessed along with a very small group of author on AFF is specifically your presence in my life. Thank you, Minnie. I love you.