Blog #3

Hey again all!

I'm so late with this blog, I'm sorry! I kept saying I was gonna do one last month but I've been working like crazy and been so damn tired I haven't felt up to it. Since I just finished writing and I'm relaxing, I have decided to finally post. It's ok though, this is still in beta mode and I don't think anyone's really looking for these blogs so I'm sure no real harm was done lol!

Again thank you to those who read these, I still find it surprising that anyone even cares to read it, thank you!!

Anyway, on with this blog!


- First, as you can see never posted a blog with the excerpt for Ken's story as there wasn't enough votes and I didn't want to waste anyone's time or notifications with something that a lot of people weren't interested in. Thanks to all that voted! Which leads me to my next point...

- Ken's story is finally finished!! YAY!! This took me forever it feels like, though they all take more time than I planned when I first imagined this series. It seems to be going well so I guess I'm doing something right. Anyway, a few new things in this story, things you won't see again and things you hopefully will. Anyone figure out the easter egg yet? You'll have to search, hardcore Starlights I imangine will know it right away...hopefully. His story ended up being way more serious and emotional and at some parts had me feeling a bit choked up. I struggled with writing him, but in the end he kinda flowed, he kept wanting to be silly and I had to curb that a bit and tell him it wasn't the time, but he was always generous and sweet in true Ken fashion. The song was a happy surprise, couldn't believe how well the lyrics fit with the female lead's situation. I found the full song by the original singer and by the end, I was in tears, it truly was perfect for it.

I hope that readers will feel that I captured the essence of Ken in some ways. I struggled with him because Ken has something that I'm not good at...comedy. One of my achilles's heels is humor. It's so hard to write something that's funny not only to you, but to others as well, he definately took me out of my comfort zone and I'm thankful. Maybe if the opportunity arises again, I can write him with a bit more confidence.

We as writers only have what we see to work with when writing an actual person, so we're limited in what we can portray, the rest has to be on feeling and obervation...that and there's something else I use when writing characters that helps me to flesh them out a bit, to try to decipher how they are when the cameras are off ;) . To that, I take it very seriously when writing any member of any group because I'd like to stay true to what I'm presented...some liberties must be taken of course at times, but I try not to go too far out there to the point it is unbelievable. If you've read it or are planning to, I hope you'll feel the same!

On a related note and as a little spoiler to those who read this, the next story in the series will be for Ravi!

- As I always mention, I have NOT forgotten Kayla and Kyu Jong (I always get asked about them from two people and I always feel bad when I have nothing to share lol!) and I will be continuing with the story before I strart my next part for the "Indulge Me" Series, so readers of that story be on the look out!

- Recently I've decided to take on another bias group. I hesitated because I'd promised myself I would only have three groups because that was all I could handle. When I get into a group, I completely immerse myself. I am unfortunately, not as good as a lot of fans who love lots of groups, I just can't do it lol! Not only that, it's hard to keep track of everything, promotions, albums, comebacks, merch. That being said, out of nowhere came BTS...wth? Never saw them coming but they hit and they hit hard, I never stood a chance. I fought it, kept telling myself it will pass and that I can't do another group cause I don't know if I could give them the attention they deserve...the next thing I know I'm buying posters, jewlery, hand cream, stickers, pc's, subscriptions to VLive+, watching videos was all over. So I am offically a ARMY and I'm trying to learn about these 7 guys in the way I've learned about all my other guys, it's fun. The reason I'm mentioning this is as is typical, the thought crossed my mind as to if I plan to write for any of them in the future. The answer to that is: I don't know. I honestly don't. I had no intention of writing for VIXX and look at how that turned out. 

At this point if I did there would be two members I would for sure, the rest... I couldn't say. I don't want to say what memebers and potentionally get hopes up for any one who subscribes to me that happens to read this that would want me to write for them (if any).

 I've been watching a TON of imangines and ff's on YT, become rather addicted to them, makes me wish I did ff's like that, don't have the skill (or software for that matter) for it tho. So at this point it's a maybe, can't confirm anything, we'll have to see how it goes! I'd love your thoughts on it, would you want to see some BTS fic from me? Comment please!

- As I said above, I've gotten into online FF videos on YT. I'd seen a few for SHINee, but not a lot, but there's HEAPS for BTS, I've made playlists and everything, it's very immersive. I wish I could branch off and do that, add another dimension to this page and also to my YT page. Anyone else read video fic from any of my groups? Any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!


So I guess that's it for now! I appreicate your paitence with my blogs and with my stories, they take so long cause I'm always working or tired and falling asleep early...bleh! I will continue to do my best to bring you great stories as long as you're interested in reading.

As always, leaving the floor open to you, if you have any questions, comments, thoughts on writing or whatnot, leave em below.

Be kind to each other!

'Till next time!!



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always happy to read ur blog girl! Even in beta mode. I am typing this from my sick bed - had been sick for a month (nasty flu & lingering bad cough), and health turned even worse yesterday & today, and i am so happy u post a story & blog. I will write more after reading ken, and will wait patiently for kayla & KJ . Do u have a bts bias yet? I have some many army frens stanning V & Jin!
Thank you for your thoughts on being a writer. I am trying my hand at it and oh my goodness! It is difficult to sit yourself down and just focus on the task at hand when life gets in your way. Btw, yes BTS hits hard! ;-)
wait video fics? whats that?