Making Digital Art/Drawing Process

I haven't drawn digitally in a while, and I wanted to give it a go especially b/c the last time I published some digital art for the whole world to see, it was preeeeettty bad. So... I drew one of my female characters whose backstory I've been working on for a while now. I'm thinking of making a webtoon to put her in? 


(click to zoom in and see full ver.)


And if you're curious about my process, here's what I did:


1) Sketching
I basically just took a pen tool and sketched out what I had in mind.

2) Line Art
This has to be my least favorite part of digital art (and traditional), because I cannot line art for the life of me. I can't draw straight lines. So usually, my line art turns out really sketchy and I'm not very happy w/ it. This one was okay though b/c I used a smaller pen to line. Also, my line art turns out super ugly/much different from the sketch, so I despise doing it to the extreme. 

3) Base Coloring
I don't usually base color all of it at once, but rather piece by piece-- so, I would start off w/ coloring the skin, shading it, then coloring the hair, shading it, and so on and so forth. Thus, from here on out, the steps will be pretty out of order b/c I simplified it for the sake of showing the process. I also hate base coloring b/c it looks weird too. **Also, neon green, like the color of green screens, is really good for base-coloring b/c you barely have anyone wih colors that are that green, so when you're coloring, you can see the colors easily. (but the green is a bit ugly, so that's why I usually use a more muted turquoise for my bg) 

4) Shading
This has to be my favorite part in the process, since shading makes everything look so much better and pretty. <3 It's pretty self explanatory what I did here, and basically I just took darker colors and used the 'soothing watercolor' tool to blend the applied color. 

5) Touch Up
I kinda realized how big of a leap it was between the previous step and this one, but trutfully speaking, this was simply touch-upping (is that a word?). All I did was layering a bunch of correction layers on it and a few textures to get a nicer ancient look. I also made it more blue, because... well, blue is a pretty color. 


And yep, that's basically just how I do my digital art, for those who are curious. Should I make something like this for graphics? idk lol this was just for fun. 

All art/characters by me, besides the textures. 
Time spent-- around 2-3 hours? 

Also, on a side note, GOLDFISH has been opened temporarily, so if you want to make a request.... click meee
and, I'm co-owner of a new multishop, and we just opened, so please do check it out! click meee tooo


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Holy e, this looks so awesome! (*O*) Your drawing is so simple and cute, and even though the colouring was also simple, after you add your touch-upping, the whole drawing suddenly looks so pretty and aesthetic! \(>u<)/ This is so cool! Asdfjkl Do you have a portfolio for drawings? Or a deviantArt? I would really like to see more of them! (0v0)
It looks wonderful!! I'd love to see you make a webtoon - do you have anything published?
And I would really love to see the way you work, I want to make a webtoon myself, but I still have a long way to go when it comes to drawing TT-TT
What are you talking about? It looks so cute and pretty!! ^-^
She is sooo cute! I love your style btw and it would be nice to see you incorporate digital art in your graphics.
YuzuruH #6
WOW. It’s so cute and pretty ; w ;
It's pretty.
Wash it's so pretty *^*