Tyler Dam is trapped in the nightmare.

   오늘은 뭘 해볼까? 
 name: Tyler Dam.

 birthdate: 12.31.1998
 birthplace: Charlottetown,Prince Edward Island, Canada.
 hometown: St. John's, Newfundland, Canada.
 ethnicity: Korean.

height & weight: 165 cm & 40 kg.
blood type: AB.
language(s): English, fluent, mother language
French, fluent, commonly spoken where she grew up
Korean, conversational, she is still learning and working on it
  발칙한 장난을 시작할 거야.. 
 faceclaim: Moonhee.
 back-up: Viian

 appearance: Tyler is 165 cm tall and weighs 40 kg. She has long blonde hair  and pale skin. She is very thin and dainty looking. She isnt strong by any means.
 style: Tyler does not like tight clothing. She prefers flowy clothing any day. She gets warm easily so she wears shorts a lot, even when the other members are cold.
 본능을 난 따를 뿐인데. 
 personality: Tyler tries to include everyone in whatever she does. She doesnt like to see people being ignored and left out or hurt. She wants people to be happy and able to do what ever they want.
She is a very friendly and talkative person. She tends to talk to anyone and laughs often. Her smile is contagious and she is good at getting people to laugh.
She is passionate about what she does and tries not to let things stop her from reaching her goals
Tyler is struggling with a lot. She has been fighting off depression and anxiety for years and she does have episodes where she doesnt have any motivation to do hardly anything. .
background: Growing up Tyler was one of the only Asias and her classmates thought it was just the funniest thing. She was bullied all the time for not being the smartest or the thinnest. There was nothing she could do to stop it. 
After years of the bullying Tyler's parents started seeing it and tried to do something about it but that only made it worse. By the time she was 15 it was getting to the point where she didnt even want to keep going to school. Her parents decided to pick up and move to help her. 
Her parents found new jobs St. John's and moved. They cut most of their ties to try to help Tyler. 
Tyler had to start going to see a psychologist to help deal with her problems and he used music to get through to her. Tyler started really getting into music mainly to help but she started really liking it and coonected to it. 
The first time Tyler sang in front of people was Canada Day and she loved it. People were cheering for her and rooting for her, she wanted to feel that all the time. 
Even though she begged her parents they couldnt afford to put her into dance classes. She got a after school job to pay for it and started in a hip hop class. 
After that things started getting better for her. She finaly found something she liked and that made her happy, she had friends and was on a path she was excited for. 
Before gradduation she was accepted into Randolph Academy for Preforming Arts. She started classes before she was actually done with high school. It was like she finaly found her place in the world. 
Christmas 2016 there was a conert to show what the students had learned. Tyler's performance was her singing an original song and dancing to it. It was the best moment of her life. 
Days after the show her main professor set up a meeting with a woman, a scout. She wanted to take Tyler over to South Korea to train with an official company. She was still riding her high from the concert so she said yes without any thought

 relationships: Mom, Anna Marie Dam, Social worker, Tyler and her mom are incredibly close. She does anything and everything for Tyler
Dad, Ryan Dam, Teacher, Tyler is a daddys girl. They did everything together and he was the one who taught her to play the guitar and piano
 trivia: she knows how to drive
She can play the piano and guitar
She loves plants
She is on anti anxiety and allergy meds
She loves mystery stories
Strayberries are her favorate food
She adores spicy foods
She cant do a push up
She wants to travel everywhere
She doesnt like riding trains.
 아무도 멈출 수 없어 
 stage name: Anne.
 plotline: insomnia.
 backup: paralysis.

 vocal twin: Nayeon.
 dance twin: Lisa.
 rap twin: Nayeon.

trainee years: 16 months.
trainee life: Tyler loved it at first yet it got over whelming quickly. She was over working herself trying to catch up on the language and still be one of the best singers.

Four months in Tyler had to take a break. She didnt go in for three weeks, took some personal time. She toured around the country and connected with herself. After that she restarted on it all; singing, dancing and the langauge.
That was when things reall clicked. She started leaning more faster and her vocals got better. The most important thing was she was able to handle everything.
When the announcement of twilight went out Tyler didnt think for a second she was going to be a member. The thought didnt cross her mind. However when she was accepted she couldnt even comprehend it at first. She had to take a few minutes to soak it in. 

predebut: Randolph Academy for Preforming Arts
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Anabear. Anna. 8/10.


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