What are controversial story ideas?

I just finished doing the '35 quesitons for aff authors" tag and there was a question :  Is there something you'd like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? 


And personally, no. But I understand some people do feel that way about certain subjects/plots. I know suicide///self-harm/religion are themes people can be skiddish trying to write bc people can have strong reactions to them. But what are other story themes/plots that you all might think others would judge you for writing?


Cause I think it would be good for me to tackle writing more difficult things since they can be really interesting. And idc if ppl judge me lol. 


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I personally wouldn't voluntarily write something that I'm sure I wouldn't read, mainly because it goes against my moral views. Other than that, I also stay away from gender bender, mpreg and religion, gb and mpreg mainly because it just doesn't make sense to me (I know it's a fanfic and it's supposedly totally acceptable, but hey, I know that some people write really good gb and mpreg), religion simply because I don't want to offend anyone with my shallow knowledge lel
The most controversial things to me in writing are usually problems in society which there are existing until today. Like my one of my stories in which tackles religious pluralism, intolerance and tolerance, and also radicalism.
Although I personally am not afraid of writing anything, I am aware that my writing will be judged by others and may offend them, so I avoid writing them.

For example, I am in the middle of writing a novel (one I hope to publish into a book) that has a lot of religion mixed into it because it is about Gods from different countries, like Greek Gods and others. I am very careful when writing and I try to get all the facts correct when I write because I don't want to write something incorrectly and offend people.

As an author I believe that there is no limits to writing and you shouldn't be afraid to write something just because people will judge you for it. You should take precautions when writing, but you shouldn't avoid writing. "If you don't write about an issue in society, how will you change society?" This is what my screenwriting teacher said and I believe it. If we don't bring awareness to issues how will it be solved. If I'm afraid of writing about then how will I bring awareness to the problem of ? Think about it.
I'm critical about fics. I don't support it. And if people do write about it, I would like it if the author handled it more carefully instead of romanticizing it which I find a few writers do
A story of identity confusion. Where the character was born hermaphrodite, with two gender, male and female (I mean this really exist in the real world you know). As a kid, the character was raised as a boy but as he grow up he feels like acting more girlish and feminine wearing girl's clothes all of that. I always wanting to write that kind of story because identity crisis exists and this is something interesting for me but I am afraid it will be offensive...
agggrrreeee with you dear
A story with the lead character having multiple personalities or split personalities, a mental illness (this things are very intriguing for me) this stories are very challenging not only for the authors but also the reader, because us readers should be very into the material what we read because if some would just skim into the story, they wouldn't understand it and they'll end up unsubscribing it that's the worst case but the good thing is that, they'll keep on going back from one chapter to another to fully understand the meaning between the lines of the story.
For me, the most controversial story is the torture genre where there is a lot of gratuitous violence or in a horror story and I get that people think Horror is about blood, gore and but it's completely different. Movies like Human Centipede, SAW movies that I don't classify as "horror" movies but rather torture which I can't stand at all.
about stockholm syndrome.
Lets say i read these shota fanfics outside of aff so umm i am kind of inspired to.... yes im horrible lol
I don't know if it's related to the topic but I get judged for writing gender bender. I don't really care because they don't know my reasons and they don't give me a chance, writing is an open world you are free to write whatever you want. But people like to judge and idgaf anymore.
I don't really mind what others think about it, i write and publish it anyway, but some things i do which i know some ppl might not appreciate are torture (like extreme s&m), cannibalism, really really extreme angst in general, more..
People will judge one another until they're blue in the face, but in the end the only person's whose judgement about you matters is your own.
I actually had this fanfic idea, but till now I haven’t started or even published it yet, just left it there on draft. I don’t mind sensitive topics, I like a challenge. What I’m scared of is not expressing it right and being condemned over it, people can be quite brutal you see.