
It weaves, dancing around your heart gently, 

Enveloping it with despair and unbelieving sadness,

Slowly, the kiss of death spreads, 

It flows, into your heart

And suddenly it kills, stabbing through feelings.


It lurks in the depths of your mind, spreading

The thoughts of slow slow poison,

Feelings nought, medication sought,

It gets worse and worse by day.


The view of the city looms up, startling 

The logical and reason within me

Emotional reassurance I seek

Physical means I turn to

Death is the ultimate outcome.


The sweet slow poison, invading

The veins of feeling, the virus spreading 

"Where is your sickness? Why are you complaining?" They say

"It's in your head." 

They say. 


I crawl, through the tunnel of darkness.

I crawl, within the everlasting dark, the forever

Despairing anger and fustration.

Lunatic they saw, strange and queer they describe 

Yet I seek silence.


Alone, I sat, in the cave of hopelessness, letting

The dread wash over me, I sigh

As another repetitive day unfolds itself

The difficulty of breathing envelope my self

As I watch, the endless tunnel of everlasting dark

Become part

of my heart, my thoughts,

My life.


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I know that I won't be able to do anything for someone going through depression, or someone that is going through rough times but..I think the least I can do is..stay by your side..if you allow me to. I've experienced rough patches and pain as a young child that stays with me until now. So, I can understand..I know I'm really of no help. But, if there is anything I can do, please tell me.
*offers hugs*