Attention Users of AFF: This needs to stop - The Account of Jk_Eunminnie


Please reblog this! I saw this as i was looking through the blogs. And I know that the account doesn't exist anymore but I still want to tell everyone about this because there still are people here who do the same things.

Plagiarism is a problem that I have seen on multiple instances within the fanfiction community, but it was never an immediate concern of mine. However, recently an account has caught my attention after they attempted to plagiarize my friend's stories, and he came to me to rant about it. This account was also on my friend list prior to me finding out that they were continuously plagiarizing stories and attempting to do the same with graphics, therefore I became afraid that they were plagiarizing my own stories, as they were following my stories and also friended me (which is part of how they begin). Thankfully, I have not found anything for my stories besides under my own accounts, but because of this scare and what my friend told me, I began to want to do something about it.

Thus, I created a group chat with several other people who wanted to put a stop to this behavior, and we began digging and investigating them. What we have found is, frankly, disturbingly insolent.

To start, the name of this account (currently) is "Jk_Eunminnie".

(click on the image to take you to their profile)

Previously, they were known as "JeonEunMin" (and this is the user you will see most often throughout our various screenshots, as they changed their name to "Jk_Eunminnie" only a couple of hours before this was written/posted), "Jk_Taehyunnie", and "MoYunnie". There may be other users I am unaware of, as well. You can scroll through their feed to find proof of them changing their username (and also read their blog:

This person can also be found on Wattpad under the user "Henrylau22". Previously, their Wattpad account was "Arisa_89".

(click on the image to take you to their Wattpad profile)

So far, these are the only accounts they own of which we've found.

If you didn't already notice, their gender of each profile does not match up. On their Wattpad page, they say they are female. On their AFF page, they claim they are male. I've been told on multiple instances that this person is female, and only pretending to be male (for what reasons are beyond me), but to respect the fact that I really don't know which pronouns they prefer, I'll be referring to them as "they" throughout this post.

As well as potentially lying about their gender (and not being genderqueer), they also lie about living in South Korea and being Korean. They led me to believe they were Korean by not correcting my assumption for the duration of time I had them friended, and because I speak Korean myself, I attempted to reach out to them, as they seemed to not speak English well. Now I know why they never responded to my messages.

They actually are from Yemen, and seem to currently live in Mississippi, USA.

(their age is covered to protect personal privacy)

While this is technically not an offense, it does annoy me, personally, and thus I wanted to draw attention to it. To stem from this, as well, they also have a story titled "Learn Korean With Me", in which they aim to teach its subscribers Korean—when they themselves do not speak the language. They take lessons and articles from other sites and do not credit them properly, and let people assume they've written them (so it seems). We have evidence of this, but for the sake of longevity, I'm going to skip over it (there will be a link at the end of this containing all of the evidence we've gathered against this person, you can find it there).

Moving on from their more personal information, this user has been exposed for plagiarism before, both of images and stories. A member of our team, Alex-su, posted a blog about the image that drew attention to them for this recently (before I began the project to investigate them), which you can read here:

This grabbed the attention of many people in the community, and the result was Jk_Eunminnie apologizing and claiming that they don't speak English well, and that therefore they didn't know what they were doing. In my opinion, this is a completely invalid excuse, as there is no need to speak English to know what plagiarism is, but regardless they apologized and said they would not to do it again after many people explained to them what was happening and expressed their displeasure with their actions.

This is only one example of someone (in this case, another crucial member of our team SugaMinVkook) attempting to reason with them. In fact, SugaMinVkook was actually the friend of mine who brought this user to my attention after they attempted to plagiarize his stories. And in fact, SugaMinVkook also attempted to be friends with Jk_Eunminnie for a while before he came to me with this. This is a conversation from a while before we began our investigating, I believe on the subject of "Learn Korean With Me". You can also look in the comments on Alex-su's blog and see similar conversations and Jk_Eunminnie promising not to do it again.

Similarly, though I'm unaware of when exactly, the userNubci4's story "The Perfect Bride" was plagiarized by Jk_Eunminnie under the account "MoYunnie" (who has since deactivated after again promising not to repeat their plagiarism, only to return with a different account). You can read more about this in the following links:

Since these instances, they have claimed to have "started a new life", and have changed their username multiple times since then. I remember, before I knew what they were doing and around the time of the ordeal with the image plagiarism they were exposed for, seeing that they were threatening to kill themselves in my feed. I was never close to them, so I didn't poke into business that wasn't my own, but the next day when I logged on I saw that they seemed to be feeling better and the talk of a "new life" began. It was also very soon before they changed their username from "Jk_Taehyunnie" to "JeonEunMin". I assumed, at the time, that things were simply settled and they were feeling better about whatever had been going on.

Now, however, that I know what they've been doing and what has happened before, I suspect that they never intended to kill themselves, and were simply using it as a threat to gather pity and sympathy from others. I've been told multiple time that they have friends who defend them when they are exposed for their plagiarism, and this is perhaps where these friends came from. I'm not sure about this, and I do not want to undermine them if they are indeed suicidal by any means, but as someone who has been suicidal and through my own logical reasoning, I highly doubt the truth in their statements regarding the issue.

You can scroll through their feed to find proof of this, though I do not know if they've deleted the posts.

To take a step back into their plagiarism, however, these are also stories they have plagiarized, two of which have since been taken down by Jk_Eunminnie due to people taking notice, as to avoid these people being proven correct. They continue to advertise "their" stories and posters on people's walls even now.

(advertisement with stories that have been taken down)

(a poster taken from another site)

This EXO story is the story that I really want to talk about.

The link provided directs you to their story "Hold me in the Rain", a Hunhan/Selu fanfiction.

(click on the image to take you to the story)

This is a part of chapter 2 of this story.

The writing in this story is impressive, despite the errors and awkward sentences scattered throughout it. Yet, this person constantly claims to not speak English well. Thus, I found it highly improbable that they actually wrote this with their history of plagiarism. My team felt the same, and thus we began investigating to see if we could find the original.

We did not, but we kept on searching despite that because we knew this person did not write this. Then, another member of our team joined, and provided us with some very crucial information.

As mentioned, Jk_Eunminnie hails from Yemen, which is in the Middle East, and they have explained multiple times that Arabic is their mother tongue when asked. In fact, they even approached a  member of our team because they were from the Middle East and spoke the language.

Loveyoukpop took the initiative and asked on their wall if they really did write the story due to having personal doubts about it's legitimacy as well.

Their response was to explain that they wrote their stories in Arabic before translating them to English, using Google Translate for the more impressive vocabulary words. I can tell you personally as someone who teaches multiple languages for a living, that translation is very difficult, and right off the bat I suspected that they used Google Translate to translate the entire story from English, as with their English skill level, they would not be able to translate the sentences without the grander vocabulary as correctly as they supposedly did, due to how difficult proper translation of literature is without a deep understanding of both languages.

When Loveyoukpop questioned them further, this was their response.

And, for good measure, to show you that they really are claiming to have written this story and that they are no longer stealing (though I don't really like that my friend messaged them here in the first place, as it seems like harassment):

They are truly claiming that this story is their's, and that they wrote it in Arabic and then translated it to English. They even have the audacity to ask for the original author's name.

Given this new evidence and after discovering that "Lohan" and "Sihon" are the romanized Arabic versions of the names "Luhan" and "Sehun", Alex-su decided to go searching for it in Google with the intent to find the original story in Arabic. I personally didn't think we'd find anything, and it took a long time, but eventually, she did find the original story written in Arabic, by searching "hunhan arabic fic" (or something along those lines) on Google and translating the page using the Google Translate function available.

The original fanfiction is titled "Still Poor" (that is, according to Google Translate's translation from Arabic to English), and is written by sheemlight on the WordPress fanfiction blog "Blue Fanfic".

(the original fanfiction translated to English by the Google Translate function)
(click on the images to take you to the fanfiction)

(original Arabic page)

(the author's page translated from GT)
(click on the images to take you to their page)

(the author's page in the original Arabic)

("Blue Fanfic's" home page translated from GT)
(click the images to take you to Blue Fanfic)

("Blue Fanfic's" home page in the original Arabic)

Here is the second chapter of "Still Poor", translated using the Google Translate function on the page. Compare it to chapter two of "Hold me in the Rain".

It is exactly the same, and it is the same throughout the story. It is very clear that this is the original story which Jk_Eunminnie plagiarized.

However, this is not guaranteed, as we did not know who this author was and if they could be the same person, as it was possible, despite our skepticism. So SugaMinVkook did some digging and found a link to sheemlight's Twitter.

(click the image to take you to their Twitter)

We then reached out to MoonloverXD, who Jk_Eunminnie had messaged in the above due to her being from an Arabic-speaking country, in hopes that she would help us with contacting sheemlight in Arabic, as none of us speak it. Thankfully, she agreed to help us after comparing "Still Poor" to "Hold me in the Rain", and we were able to send sheemlight a message through SugaMinVkook's Twitter account. sheemlight later replied, though at the time MoonloverXD was unavailable, but SugaMinVkook took it upon himself to go ahead and struggle with Google Translate in order to communicate. This was the beginning of the conversation (the rest of the conversation will be available through the link containing all of our evidence).

As you can see, we asked sheemlight if they posted "Still Poor" on AFF and they told us they did not. From the way they spoke in the rest of the conversation, it was also apparent they did not give Jk_Eunminnie permission to upload it, either. "Still Poor" was also first posted long before "Hold me in the Rain" was (as you can see in our collection of evidence). Thus, it is irrefutable that "Hold me in the Rain" is plagiarized from "Still Poor" on "Blue Fanfic", and in fact sheemlight wanted to contact Jk_Eunminnie themselves, though we asked them to wait so I could write this post and we could compile our evidence in hopes to put a stop to this behavior (as we also have evidence that their other story "Cold Winter" is plagiarized in a similar manner, however due to being pressed for time by sheemlight we were unable to properly put it together).

A collection of all of our evidence can be viewed here:

This collection was compiled together by SugaMinVkook, and the content of it provided by our team:

throwingpineapples (the author of this post)

Simply banning the account or taking down the stories is not going to do it, as Jk_Eunminnie has already deactivated their old account ("MoYunnie") and come back with this one after their plagiarism was exposed. Personally, I think we need their IP address banned, but there may be other, even more effective options that I don't know about. My goal, and our team's goal, with this post is to spread around the proof of their plagiarism and expose what they are doing. Thus, if you would like to help stop this behavior, you can repost this blog in your own blogpost to help get the attention of mods on the site and expose Jk_Eunminnie to other users. Here is how:


Open your blogs, and click "Write New Blog"

It should take you to this page.

Type Attention Users of AFF: This Needs To Stop – The Account of Jk_Eunminnie into the title, or copy and paste it there.

Now click on the "Source" text in the corner of the editor.

The editor should now look like this.

Once it does, open this link in another tab: It should take you here.

Select all of the text, right click over it, and click "copy".

Now return to your tab with the new blog post, right click on the space in the editor, and click "paste".

This should appear (the text will appear different as I'm using a different version of it to finish creating this post).

Now click on "source" again.

You should see this.

As it says, fill in the spot at the top with a personal message or anything you'd like to say. If you don't want to say anything, just delete the text.

Once you're done, click "Save Post"!

Your blog should then be posted.

You can also report the story "Hold me in the Rain" with the links back to the original story (which you can get throughout this post), link this blog in the comments on the story, on the wall of any user who you know talks to Jk_Eunminnie, or anyone who you think will post the blog and help spread the word so this person can be taken care of.

If you have any questions or concerns, PM throwingpineapples.

Please help us stop this behavior and continued plagiarism, as it will likely not cease unless everyone helps to spread the word.

the original blog post can be found here:
throwingpineapples 2017 ©


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I know you know the user doesn't exist any more, but many of our blogs were already put on private (involuntarily) by the mods. Tbh, I think just putting a PSA about plagiarism will suffice instead of this, although I can't deny that there was a lot of hard work put in to find proof of plagiarism and to spread awareness through this post. But the deed has been done and I don't think we should further discuss Eunmin. Rather, the discussion of plagiarism should be solely said without mentioning them directly.