After my weird depressing stage I've made something of myself and I'm now on my way to University!

I've gotten back into the spirit of Creative Writing again and I have realised that some of the stories that I've posted are actually in the same catagory (e.g my set of UKISS stories called Watching The Flames) these stories are actually part of my basis for The Compound which a lot of you know are part of my franchise series that I am re-booting with my new fancy writing style!

I am going to be re-writing lots of them and starting to send them out in franchise order that I have them written down in which I will tell you about after this happy rant :D.

So, at the moment I am doing an Access Course for older students so that I can get myself into University and study Modern Languages :D I've moved out of my old toxic household and now live with my Dad who is accepting and kind, I've gotten a lot of new writing equiptment and encouraging friends who have helped me so much! I hope everyone can forgive me for my sudden depressive moments but I'm fully commited to writing again, obviously I will be a little slow with the avalanche of coursework piling in for this 8 month course (Where I'm pretty much doing three 2 year A-Level courses in a stupidly short period of time) but I'm definitely writing. I'll be more thoroughly proof-reading my stories now too and writing them all in one big chunk then releasing Chapters so that I don't F*** up the story at all and not release for like a year **I'm looking at you "I'm Not A Bad Person" **


So I hope that you can all enjoy my work again when it's re-released in better quality and quantity! And now, the moment that you have been waiting for, the first few releases (And re-releases) for The Compound franchise!!!!

  2. Infinite
  3. DBSK (old group of 5)
  4. UKISS
  5. Super Junior
  6. EXO
  7. B.A.P
  8. NU'EST


HanChulTeuk121 <3 <3

Image result for Excited hyungwon gif

Image result for Excited hyungwon gif


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Hey, glad that you're okay now and have move to a more positive environment. ^^ I'm also happy for you that you have found your spark of writing again. I'm looking forward to reading your stories!