NAME Kim Jihyun
BIRTHDATE may 5, 1993
BIRTHPLACE Incheon, South Korea
HOMETOWN Incheon, South Korea
other than Korea, the only other language Jihyun knows is Fabulous. Honestly, that one might be her real mother tongue.
FACE CLAIM exid's Junghwa
BACKUP bestie's Dahye
HEIGHT & WEIGHT 165cm, 50kg.
APPEARANCE Volume. Everything is volume. And by everything, she mostly means her hair. Her beautiful, beautiful hair. She has tried it all, but voluminous hair seems to fit her head shape best, so now every damn morning she wakes up 30 minutes earlier just to style those dark brown locks into a magnificent voluminous mane. Rumor has it, her hair is so big because it's full of secrets. And then of course there's the matter of her body, and oh, what a gorgeous matter it is. So she might not be as tall as those 9muses giants, sporting 165 centimeters alone, but hey, she's got redeeming qualities for daaaays  - such as her abs. Dude, have you seen her stomach? And her legs. Oh her legs. Way better than Kyungri's. So thin and so long and basically every man's fantasy incarnate. Those small dots on her thighs? Birthmarks. Totally not carbon injections... oh, give her a break. Every princess needs help from magic, and even more so evil queens.
PERSONALITY attention , confident, dense, extroverted, self-centered, charismatic, decisive, unapologetic

Jihyun doesn't need no magic mirror to tell her she is fabulous. She has worked long and hard to be magnificent, and no one is going to deny that she is just the best. Her confidence is off the roof, and there aren't a lot of things that could make her feel insecure. Even if she doesn't do something well, or if there's someone who is better than her at something (and let's be real, in this group, and the industry in general, there are going to be a lot of those), she's not deterred. She is Kim Jihyun, after all. When all else fails, she's still the most fabulous of them all. She believes that being an idol is not about skill, but rather about charisma and entertainment, and those two she excels at. She's very charming - in a sort of y, a bit mean but hilarious, peculiarly charming way - and enjoys to socialize, and so even though she will never stand out skill-wise (or rather will stand out for the lack of it), she will always be right there, in the center of the frame, and you will notice her.

Attention-seeking is basically her full-time hobby. Jihyun absolutely adores it when all eyes are on her, and she'll do practically anything for it to happen. She deserves the attention of others - she's the goddess and everyone's her loyal follower - and so she never thinks that what she does to gain it is unfair in any way. It's not easy being so fabulous, and her effort must be appreciated. Others... others may get a piece of the spotlight too, as long as she's still in the very center of things. She's not that greedy, don't worry. After all, a diamond shines brighter when there are smaller, cheaper gems surrounding it, after all.

Her confidence and attention-seeking tendencies can get annoying real fast, but in truth, it's not something she knows how to not do. So sure she is in her own right that often times she will regard criticism as nothing more than an opinion that is not worth listening to. She is the one who's right, 100%. Your opinion essentially doesn't matter, and only if you're really, really, really nice to her (which means you've told her she's pretty at least 4 times today) she might not say anything about it. Jihyun has a hard time understanding that other people's emotions are actually a thing, and is very dense about how people feel in general. She's very self-centered, and it's hard for her to imagine a world where she's not the one everyone thinks about. The process of understanding the people around her is a slow and tedious one, and requires a lot of effort on her part. She tries, though, she really tries. She's very awkward around distressed or crying people, but god she tries. But of course she's way too dense to do it right. So instead of actually being comforting, it's always a mix of awkward patting and "Do you want to talk about how fabulous I am that would totally cheer you up works with me all the time!"

The quest of understanding the human emotions is a foreboding one, and it doesn't come easily. It takes time for Jihyun to warm up to someone - if you mention how fabulous she looks a couple of times that might speed things up though - but if she reaches a point where she feels like you and she have reached a point in your relationship where you two have a sort of friendship (she still tries to figure out what that one means to her), she will stand by your side. TV has taught her that much - friends stand up for their friends. So come at her bro. Let's see what you've got. Try to hurt those she sorta cares about. She'll cut you with that cute smile, and she'll fix her hair as you bleed from her words.

When it comes down to it, she's here to give you a good show. A coy expression, a cute tone, a sweet smile as she insults your outfit, your hair, and everything you stand for. Jihyun plays dirty, in the cleanest way possible - there's no way she's ruining her hair. But truly, she's just showing you herself. She won't care enough to try and be someone she's not for the sake of others. She's unapologetic for how confident she is, and how much she loves attention, and how amazingly, brilliantly fabulous she is. There's no time to apologize when you have to be fabulous 24/7.

Her confidence translates to her opinions as well, and Jihyun isn't afraid of telling what she thinks is the right thing to do. She's good at making decisions - both for herself and the group - and while she might lack a lot in terms of leadership, if she's somehow leader the group will not get stuck on decision-making. She knows what is right for them, and she is never afraid of saying it.

If you'd like, she'd be your evil queen. Jihyun really doesn't mind. A wise woman by the name of Lee Hyori once said: "The heroine of a movie may be like an angel, but the bad girl next to her is more attractive." Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well. And Jihyun never really wanted to grow old.


A princess' story always begins with a happy couple, a promising future darkened with an ominous foreshadowing that we know wouldn't really stand in the way of happily-ever-after the princess deserves. An evil queen, actually, has practically the same story. All evil queens have been princesses at some point, after all.

Our evil queen's story begins in the small city of Incheon, to a couple that tried acting happy yet failed every single time it tried. Dreadful clouds of divorce darkened the bright skies of princess Jihyun's childhood. But Jihyun soon learned that grey goes amazingly well with pink, and when clouds darkened the skies it meant it was about to rain candy. The parents battled for Jihyun's attention, showering her with presents and praises. Each wanted her to choose themselves, but she was smarter. Why have one servant when you can have two? And so she never showed any bias, and her mother and father kept battling. Jihyun grew up getting so much attention, that she didn't know how to live without it. She knew that those surrounding her dedicated their lives to her, and everything they did was in order to bask in her greatness, and so she started thinking that everyone was supposed to be like that. And when eventually her father won over custody and the attention reduced dramatically, Jihyun was sad. And Jihyun knew that she had to get more.

Not many deeds that were fit for a princess guaranteed attention, but there was one thing the princess discovered that glued all eyes to her. Performing. Her parents (on two different occasions, of course), paid for drama classes for her to attend and Jihyun knew it was meant for her. Drama classes then turned to singing lessons and talent shows, and even though she was never the most skilled, she loved those moments when all eyes were on her, and nothing else. It reminded her of home.

It was really no wonder that as she grew older, Jihyun started looking for entertainment companies that would train and eventually debut her as a performer. SM and JYP rejected her when she auditioned, and so her father offered her to turn to smaller companies, those that would be able to focus solely on her and have less competition. JIhyun liked that idea a lot. A few tries later a small company by the name of Big Hit (that was destined for greatness but at the time was nothing but a fetus) accepted her as a trainee.



▪ herself. Obviously <3
▪ Her hair - aka her most prized possession. I dare you to touch it. Your hand would not survive it.
▪ Spotlights - there is just something about those pretty lights... the fact that they put her in the center of attention, perhaps?
▪ Lee Hyori - also known as her bad girl model. Ever since she released Bad Girls it has been Jihyun's anthem. Plus her hair is absolutely gorgeous as well, enough said.
▪ Acting - which is actually better than her vocal and dancing abilities. She's in no way an acclaimed actress, but she does have previous experience thanks to the drama classes she took when she was in school. She actually properly enjoys it, though she enjoys performing even more so a career strictly as an actress is out of the question. But when it comes to mv shootings, she'll give the performance of her life... no matter how small her part is


▪ darkness - how can you see her beautiful glow when there's only darkness around???? She's totally not afraid of the dark, by the way. Totally.
▪ flat hair - been there, done that. It ain't working. Don't try to make it work, stylists. She'll bite your fingers off.
▪ People who don't take care of their appearance - it doesn't matter if you're male or female, if you don't try to look more fabulous than you don't deserve living.
▪ Little children - please no. Have you ever seen an evil queen that gets along with children? Jihyun is not about to break the stereotype.
▪ Cockroaches - oh my god no. JUST NO. She will scream and cry like a little girl.


▪ She's way better at y concept than cute concept, probably thanks to her confidence and those legsss
▪ It took exactly 17 tries to get the perfect ratio of volume to hair length that currently lies on Jihyun's hair.
▪ She has no problem whatsoever with skinship and won't be afraid to show off her body. She's worked hard for it, after all.
▪ She still talks to her mother, but her father doesn't approve of it. Jihyun doesn't care - she loves them both, and she will not choose only one. Seriously, why have one when you can have both? It's bad business sense. Come on dad keep up.
STAGE NAME While at first Jihyun wanted to go by "Gongju", the company quickly overruled that one - something about bad associations and princess syndrome? Then, a few failed attempts at picking out a stage name both Jihyun and the staff liked, they settled for her name. It was indistinctive and rather forgettable, but if Jimin and Jin could work with boring names, so could she.

INTRODUCTION "I am Tessellate's y legs," - that is of course followed by a hand gliding on her legs - "Amazing hair," a flip of hair, "and beautiful charisma, Jihyun!" This is usually followed by a striking pose on her part, and various groans and facepalms from the other members.
POSITION vocalist, dancer, sub rapper
BACKUP lead dancer, vocalist
VOCAL TWIN Kwon Sohyun
DANCE TWIN Kwon Sohyun
RAP TWIN Kwon Sohyun
TRAINEE YEARS 4 years (2011-2015)

Jihyun got accepted solely for her charisma and confidence, so a lot of work had to be done in order to improve her skill. The initial thought was to train and debut her with Glam, but everyone soon realized that Jihyun wasn't talented in neither dancing nor singing, and had never tried rapping before, and she was not going to be skilled enough to debut in just a year. So Jihyun trained some more, and more and more. She was excellent at being confident and charismatic (sometimes much more than the actually skilled trainees), but her skills were improving very slowly, and not because she wasn't working on them. The initial assessment has been correct - Jihyun is really just not very talented when it comes to rapping, singing, and dancing. But girl groups aren't made just of skilled members - for every main vocalist there is the sub vocal, and for every main dancer there's the one that's just trying SO HARD. Idols, just like Jihyun thinks, are not just performers. They are entertainers. Big Hit knew that well, and for that reason Jihyun was simply put through more training, and three years later she was at a place where she was skilled enough to debut. She is, by far, the least skilled member of the Tessellate when it comes to musical talent, but she is one of the most charismatic and confident. She was a good investment that would be able to entertain people, Big Hit knew, and with how the industry was making idols more and more approachable rather than just idols, that was exactly what Tessallete needed.
It's showtime. "Hello! I am Tessellate's y legs," She puts her right leg to the front and slides a hand up her thigh to accentuate it. "Amazing hair," a flip of hair is followed, and then settles right where it previous lay. In absolute perfection. "and beautiful charisma, Jihyun!" She can hear someone groan in the back. Someone is jealous.

"I've been waiting for 4 years for that to happen! To say that I'm excited would be an understatement!" They wanted to debut her with Glam at first, and thank god that didn't happen. Man, she sure hopes Tessellate will do better... huh, she better not actually voice her opinion out loud. The last time she did, the company did not approve.
She flips her hair again, and again it settles back the exact way it had been before as if she sold her soul to the devil in order for it to do so. Which she probably did. "Well, I'd do well with any concept, I mean I'm both cute and y, a total girl crush and a charisma machine, so it doesn't really matter to me... but I guess a girl crush song would be really good. We need to show girls how fabulous they are!" And come on, She is the definition of a girl crush, just ask anyone. They all have huge crushes on her, she totally would've if she would've been in their place.

"To get famous, isn't that what all groups want?" She asks, raising a brow. She knows some other members will bore you to death with those heart-wrenching stories about how they want to make experimental music or how they want to make songs with meaning blah blah blah boring. None of that will matter if they're not famous. She is just looking out for everyone, really. When they're rich and famous they can do a million songs about how Korea and not be afraid of not having money even for ramyun. Ah but the manager said something about being humble, right? And support the other members? What was it that they wanted? "And, uh of course, to show everyone our music and beautiful performances." That was what their composer wanted, right? Jihyun would have to tune in next time she was rambling about music. Boring, but she needs to contribute too.


"Some dramas would be cool, so you can see the brilliance of my acting." She flips her hair dramatically again. She'd get famous really fast, and that would help the group to get more popular, right? It's not like people wouldn't enjoy her brilliant acting. "But honestly I'd do great at everything. I'm Kim Jihyun." She winks as if it explains everything.
"Huh, that's a tough one, actually." She admits. "A princess, probably."
"Final words are for the dead, and I'm way too fabulous to die." she winks at the camera and flips her hair for the fourth time. "And speaking of which... just wait until you see my legs. They're absolutely to die for."


Jeon Roa probably best friend, not that Jihyun knows what that is, trainee under bighit (face claim: exid's Hyerin, born: 1993)
Jihyun tries to make Roa more fabulous. Roa tries to make Jihyun understand feelings. It's all a work in progress, but both of them are trying so damn much. Roa is probably the opposite of Jihyun, very empathic and polite, and one might even say that Jihyun is more of her project than an actual friend, but it doesn't matter. To Jihyun, Roa is all she has, and when Roa eventually decides to leave Big Hit in order to pursue a life outside of the entertainment industry, it breaks her heart (as much as Jihyun's heart can be broken, with her lack of social awareness and incompetence when it comes to feelings). They were never really friends, not in the traditional sense of the word (Jihyun still has a long way to go to get an actual friend), but if there's a person Jihyun would get her manicured hands dirty for, it's Roa.

Lee Hyori girl crush, wife goals, #goals in general
Oh god, that beautiful, y, charismatic, flawless lady. Her hair. God, Jihyun wishes she'd have her hair. Lee Hyori is her inspiration, her girl crush, that one woman that Jihyun can admit defeat to in terms of fabulousness. If she meets her in real life, oh boi. OH BOI.

BACKUP aka she loves herself so much and needs to get herself in check and start understanding what FEELINGS are before engaging in a relationship, but if you see that there's someone who you think will work for her (be it a guy or a girl), or that will help her development, feel free to give her a love interest and surprise me! I'm a er for a good romance.
PERSONALITY any format, you can keep it brief.
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USERNAME, ALIAS Formidame, Mari
COMMENTS Your discography is everything <3
You've got this, but if I have anything to add later on, I will!
PASSWORD oh boi. Your discography is like 60% of the reason why I applied to your story, so this one is kind of a toughie. I love almost all of the songs, but Anda's Touch is so very underrated and unapriciated (just like the singer in general), that I just need to note that one and say thank you for spreading the beauty that is Touch and Anda. Thank you.


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