Expression: an art or living?

Expression is an art. How well your words reach a person...

or how well you pour your heart to on the canvas with the colors you have...

or how well you express your feelings through your voice... through your music... it's an art.

But is expression just an art as I romanticised it to be? think not...

I think it's so much more... and so minute than that...

A scream at night when you had a nightmare...

A whisper of your mother or your lover that calmed you down...

A child's grasp around your finger that said he trusts you...

A kiss that tells you so many things from I need you, to I love you to I want you...

A tear shed in agony... A tear shed in joy... A tear shed in anger... A tear shed in love...

Every creature is avid on expression... wants to say something... you just need to listen... and maybe someone just needs to be heard...

Listen to the words that silence speaks and listen to silence in words... you'll see, expression and even lack of it is what makes us living.



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A nice inspiration to write more :)
To me it's an art :) well said
This is nice. You're so good in writing.
That's deep.