Get To Know Me Thing

Hello, if you guys don't wanna call me "Xiao Lu" or "Xiao" or any other variation of "Xiao_Lulu", then you guys can call me Lu (and yes, I know it'll give all of us flashbacks to Luhan's Lu XD)

rule 1—tag 9 people you want to get to know better!

If you're reading this, then you done been tagged :p

rule 2—bold the statements that are true

tagged by mrlasagna


I'm a smol person, 5'1" (or 154 cm for those who use metric)

I desperately need my glasses to get through the day

My ears are pierced

My hair is kinda short? Asjdsjkfgj it goes like a little bit past the prominent bone in your spine (where your neck ends and your back begins? Idk :[ )

I have black hair

I have brown eyes


Incredibly awkward and quiet when I first meet people, but I warm up except you'll all probs find me becoming weirder and weirder as time goes on and I tend to ramble and gesticulate alot

I'm told that I don't seem intimidating whatsoever.

I'm the person people usually go to advice for and I'll always lend a listening ear (and if I can't give any advice that I think is good, I'll be there as a form of support)

I enjoy exercising

My sense of humor is INCREDIBLY sarcastic

I want my stories to be able to give people a brief moment of escape from reality, to be something for people to enjoy and hopefully for some of my stories make people feel better and be able to smile

I can come off as being a little cold from time to time and I don't mean for it to happen (T_T)

I love mental games like riddles and puzzles

There is at least one thing I'd like to change about my personality





Playing musical instruments (well, I did play saxaphone for like 5 yrs but I'm severely out of practice by now)

Social interactions

I can get better at anything I set my mind to

Writing? (I'd like to hope so as a fic writer at least xd)


Surprisingly, a pretty decent memory


Any form of art (drawing and painting mainly)

Listening to music

Writing (these fics aren't gonna write themselves!)

 Martial arts


Trying to stay healthy through exercising



I've driven a car on a major highway and nearly had several heart attacks cuz that's STRESSFUL AF

I've been to a concert for one of my favorite bands

I've been outside the country I live in

I've stayed up for nearly two nights trying to get work done

(and my brain can't seem to come up with anything else sorry)

My life:

I have a small circle of friends and we're all very close

I have at least 2 albums

It's snowing right now

I have three older siblings

I have a pet cockatiel

I haven't hung out with anyone in the past three weeks

I have a bunch of stuffed animals

My Relationships:

(Don't feel like sharing :p)

Random Crapperidoodle:

I have several ribbons and a medal for swimming

I've never dyed my hair (my hair's black, I don't feel like frying my scalp and destroying my hair anytime soon)

I can speak two languages

I've had pancakes in the past week

I've broken over three pairs of glasses

I've done sailing and I've done blacksmithing before

I've lost my sketchbook in the past month and freaked out before finding it

I have a bunch of fic ideas that I so desperately want to write but at the same time I gotta finish the ones I'm working on


Phew! That took a while, I'm not the most interesting person known to mankind XD Sorry if it was boring, but thanks for reading until the end! The next chapters are being worked on, I promise. Just gotta give me some time though. But, thanks for making it to the end! I hope you're all doing well! Take care of yourselves~ (^ㅅ^)V




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mrlasagna #1
Aw you sound so cute haha