Let's Talk For A Moment...

  As you all probably know by now, SHINee's Jonghyun has left this world. He went from being a shining angel on stage to a star that shines brightly in the sky. It's a horrible and tragic time, not only for Shawols, but for everyone. Depression...depression is one scary demon to fight. You can have so much happiness built up, but that demon can take it away in an instant. It's truly terrifying and it's heartbreaking. Jonghyun...Jonghyun always seemed to be there. He always seemed to be there for everyone be it as a brother or as a friend or as a role model, he was there. And now, he's not.

   It's a hard time, not just for SHINee and Jonghyun's friends and family and for SM Family, but for everyone. Suicide is NOT something the turn the other way at. It's important and it's something that affects so many people around the world. People who end it all don't want their lives to end, they just want their pain to stop.

    Jonghyun was....no, he will ALWAYS be a talented, kind, and amazing man whose heart is made of gold and who is a ray of sunshine and who has always been there for the people he loves and cares about. Remember him as he was, not how his life came to an end all too soon.

    Guys, I'm here and I'm willing to listen to whatever you guys want to say. Please, don't hold it all in, please don't let it bottle up....because that's when the demons can win.

    Please take care of yourselves, it's a hard time right now but you're not walking down this path alone.

    Thank you for 9 amazing years of music Jonghyun, you're an amazing person who will be missed by so many, I hope now you can smile with no pain being hidden behind it. We love you Jonghyun, you did so well. May you rest in peace. 



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Stay Strong. If you're struggling, please talk to somebody you trust and or seek professional help. if nothing seems to work then find another way to vent your feelings.
VIXXate_98 #2
We have to stay strong
Be strong!! 😔