Calligenia Flint Is Going To Hogwarts! (Side Character)

meet Calligenia flint:
NAME Calligenia Flint
Calli/Nia - She really hates her full name, so she forces everyone to call her one of these two. Calligenia is just so... ugh. Thanks mom and dad.

HOMETOWN Yorkshire, UK

English - native

FACECLAIM Miranda Cosgrove
Don't judge on what you see:
Friendly (when people don't go screaming "DEATHEATER SPAWN"), mischevious, somewhat arrogant, witty, daring, treats others the way others treat her, isn't afraid of being the black sheep in the family because she never felt like she belonged (Thanks mommy and daddy <3) but still values blood purity and is still very much brainwashed into the usual pure-blood beliefs.

-Parents were deatheaters, now in azkaban
-Wanted to have friends and be kinda cool, but everyone but slytherin is all like "ew deatheaters", so has no choice but to be just with the slytherins
-everyone else's antagonism towards her (and the other deatheaters' kids) creates her own antagonism towards everyone else.
Those who shape me:

Her relationship with her mother (Petronilla, 36) and father (Beren, 41) had always been quite tense. They had always wanted a son, and Petronilla had had difficulty getting pregnant. So when she finally did, and then Calligenia was born... the Flint couple was not pleased. Without a proper heir to the family (even though they were a side branch of the Flints), they turned their anger out on Calligenia, but in a very passive-aggressive way. So growing up has been quite the struggle - she was still raised and taught how to be the best pure-blooded lady, but at the same time everyone made it obvious that there's no real reason for her to learn, other than being eventually married off to some pure-blooded lad.


She's fairly friendly, so as long as they don't judge her for being the daughter of death eaters. Despite being somewhat of a black sheep, she still has some blood status beliefs, so she probably won't hang out with muggleborns.
A new adventure:
ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT GOING TO HOGWARTS? "Very! I can't wait to meet new people and learn how to turn Charlie Weasley's hair green!"

WHICH HOUSE DO YOU WANT TO GET INTO? "I think it's fairly obvious which house I'll slither into. I mean, it would be tragic to break the family tradition."

IS THERE A HOUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO BE IN? "Please, no Gryffindork. Anything but Gryffindork. I don't want to be crucified."

WHICH CLASS ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? "Charms! And transfiguration! oooh, and I want to ride a dragon too!"

WILL YOU BE TRYING OUT FOR QUIDDITCH? "Naturally, but I doubt I'll get in. It's not like the Slytherin team has ever had any girls, and something tells me it's not because all the ladies can't handle a broom."

ARE YOU BRINGING A PET? "Well I can't leave my owl Misa all by herself, so yes, I am."

ANY THOUGHTS ON HE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED OR HIS FOLLOWERS? "Ugh, are you asking this because of mother and father? Can't we talk about something more fun, like how horrified Fitzwilliam will look when I'll plant a dungbomb under his seat?"

IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU'D LIKE TO ADD? "So, are there any dragons in Hogwarts????"
Any last words:
COMMENTS: Well at least if I won't be able to finish Elspeth, there's still Calligenia <33
SUGGESTIONS: Just utter chaos (but seeing the inner politics of the purebloods could be very interesting. And exploring the school subjects more!)
PASSWORD: She's probably a hardcore Slytherin, but hey, she's already the black sheep of the family, what's one more misstep?
calligenia Flint
"my mother hates me, if you don't get it from the name."
Width = 150; Face Claim
It's a me    maria!


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Haha, the fact she hates her name amuses me xD Aaand I'm actually running out the door for the party but she's wonderful and know that I love her very much.
And again no pressure on Elspeth. I am offering extensions where needed but if you don't have time you don't have time. Real life should always come first <3
"Griffindork" -dies laughing- xD